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Monthly Full Moon names - amusing


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  • Monthly Full Moon names - amusing

    If gardeners named the full moon, I think they would be something like this:

    January: �Seed Catalog Moon�
    February: �Internet Plant Shopping Moon�
    March: �First Trips to Garden Center Moon�
    April: �Plant Lust Moon�
    May: �Dirty Fingernails Moon�
    June: �Still Have Plants Waiting to go in Garden Moon
    July: �Crabgrass Explosion Moon�
    August: �Ripe Homegrown Tomatoes! Moon�
    September: �Houseplants Back Indoors Moon�
    October: �Frost Kill Sadness/Relief Moon�
    November: �Pleased Not to be Weeding Moon�
    December: �Long Nights Moon�

    Myth 64 � Frost is more likely when there is a full moon.

    Still think she is wrong though, I think hard damaging frosts are linked to either Full or NEW moons.

    This year the night that did the most damage on my plot was April 26th oh and guess what it was a New Moon. Trouble is you cant see a new moon thats why they are missed.

  • #2
    ^^^ nutter (potentially)
    1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


    • #3
      What's "crabgrass" and why does it explode?


      • #4
        Time to join the club, no-akira. VC will be along with an invitation at some point soon, doubtless.


        • #5
          Q: If it wasn't for the "Crazy people" how would you know your were sane ?

          Hey, Hey, nudge, nudge....

          Put that in your pipe...

          PS: VC - I've just copied and pasted the "gardeners moon names" from an American Ladies blog website "crabgrass" must be an american weed ?


          • #6
            I know, its in that link you posted!! Too many American words in it to be UK devised

            We really need one of our own.............come on , what you waiting for, Grapes.


            • #7
              I'll play
              January - **it it's cool moon
              February - really, still ? Moon
              March - seed sowing moon
              April - raining moon
              May - things are actually growing !! moon
              June - Oooooh it's time to go fishing....but the weeding... Oooooh it's time to go fishing moon
              July - start planning for next year moon
              August - harvesting constantly moon
              September - what the hell am I going to do with all these chillies!!! moon
              October - pumpkin moon
              November - start the big tidy up moon
              December - very merry (if not slightly tipsy) moon


              • #8
                January - Planning Moon
                February - Change Mind Moon
                March - Chitting Moon
                April - Still Too Cold Moon
                May - Catching-up Moon
                June - Still Catching-up Moon
                July - Caterpillar Moon
                August - Blight Moon / Glut Moon depending on your circumstances
                September - Mealy Aphids Moon
                October - Cooling Moon
                November - Frost Moon
                December - Feet-up Moon


                • #9
                  January - Itchy Fingers Moon
                  February - Start scratching Moon
                  March - Sowing Moon
                  April- Resowing Moon
                  May - Hoping for Strawberries Moon
                  June - First Tomato Moon
                  July - Courgette Moon
                  August - Soft Fruit Moon
                  September - With luck, Glut Moon
                  October - Apple Moon
                  November - sowing in Hope Moon
                  December - I'm sure its spring next week Moon.


                  • #10
                    Aren't there 13 lunar months in a year? You've all got one missing!


                    • #11
                      What month would that be?

                      Missing Month Moon
                      Last edited by veggiechicken; 14-12-2017, 07:11 PM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Mitzi View Post
                        Aren't there 13 lunar months in a year? You've all got one missing!
                        Leap Moon

                        As no idea when it would fall.


                        • #13
                          1-Jan 2
                          2-Jan 31 (blue moon)
                          No full moon in Feb
                          3-Mar 2
                          4-Mar 31 (blue moon)
                          5-Apr 30
                          6-May 29
                          7-Jun 28
                          8-Jul 27
                          9-Aug 26
                          10-Sep 25
                          11-Oct 24
                          12-Nov 23
                          13-Dec 22



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