Long preamble, sorry, if you want to skip it then my question is, am I an idiot to pile couch on couch, or since I'm covering it all anyway, doeso it not matter?
My new allotment is made up of sunken beds & 3 big mounds of earth (about 2 square metres wide by 1 m high each), which I assume is where the previous tenant piled the earth up from the beds they dug out.
The sunken beds, the paths, the mounds & the rest of the plot is covered in couch grass.
I'm ok with that - I don't expect to get rid of it but I hope to dominate it enough to grow anyway by using mulches & regular hoeing. I have lots of weed fabric & cardboard & plan to cover the majority of the plot this year to weaken the couch, growing through it with big leafy crops like squashes. The soil's excellent underneath the couch & there's lots of worms & insect life so I want to dig it as little as possible.
Before I cover it though I want to level the plot so I'm not covering holes or mounds.
My original idea was to scalp the lumps of their top layer of couch, hopefully find lovely soil underneath, & use that lovely soil to fill the sunken beds back up. It's dawned on me me now though that there's probably couch throughout it all by this point, and my lovely weed free soil is entirely fantasy.
I could diligently sift through the mounds & remove all the couch before back filling the beds,
OR, since I'm going to cover everything anyway, I had the idea of shoveling everything from the mounds, couch & all, into the recesses, accepting that I'm piling couch on couch, & then cover it.
This way I still have loads of couch, but I've covered it all a lot faster (these days are getting longer & lighter even as I type...) and I suppose I get to keep some nutrients from the green couch as that breaks down, too. Next year I'll either remove the weakened couch roots, or have sourced enough compost to start no-dig beds over the top
Long preamble, sorry: my question is, am I an idiot to pile couch on couch, or since I'm covering it all anyway, doeso it not matter?
Thanks for reading!
Long preamble, sorry, if you want to skip it then my question is, am I an idiot to pile couch on couch, or since I'm covering it all anyway, doeso it not matter?
My new allotment is made up of sunken beds & 3 big mounds of earth (about 2 square metres wide by 1 m high each), which I assume is where the previous tenant piled the earth up from the beds they dug out.
The sunken beds, the paths, the mounds & the rest of the plot is covered in couch grass.
I'm ok with that - I don't expect to get rid of it but I hope to dominate it enough to grow anyway by using mulches & regular hoeing. I have lots of weed fabric & cardboard & plan to cover the majority of the plot this year to weaken the couch, growing through it with big leafy crops like squashes. The soil's excellent underneath the couch & there's lots of worms & insect life so I want to dig it as little as possible.
Before I cover it though I want to level the plot so I'm not covering holes or mounds.
My original idea was to scalp the lumps of their top layer of couch, hopefully find lovely soil underneath, & use that lovely soil to fill the sunken beds back up. It's dawned on me me now though that there's probably couch throughout it all by this point, and my lovely weed free soil is entirely fantasy.
I could diligently sift through the mounds & remove all the couch before back filling the beds,
OR, since I'm going to cover everything anyway, I had the idea of shoveling everything from the mounds, couch & all, into the recesses, accepting that I'm piling couch on couch, & then cover it.
This way I still have loads of couch, but I've covered it all a lot faster (these days are getting longer & lighter even as I type...) and I suppose I get to keep some nutrients from the green couch as that breaks down, too. Next year I'll either remove the weakened couch roots, or have sourced enough compost to start no-dig beds over the top
Long preamble, sorry: my question is, am I an idiot to pile couch on couch, or since I'm covering it all anyway, doeso it not matter?
Thanks for reading!