Have had a massively productive few days! Finally managed to clear the couch grass and weeds from a 3*2m corner of the allotment and I'm not gonna lie... It was a lot of work with a spade and fork! But we did it. It's all lovely loose soil ready for a bit of manure and then some planting!

Now onto the real meat and potatoes! Getting through the thick turf the couch has created was a lot of graft but my friend swears by his mattock and can't stop raving about it so I thought I'd give it a whirl.
Picked one up from B&Q and on Friday and Oh. My. God (channeling some Janice from Friends) this thing tears through it! I've read a lot that the rhizomes of cough remain fairly close to the surface so it's quite easy getting under the couch crown and lifting the whole thing out like a turf!
Definitely going to have to sift through the carnage for missed roots and the like but we've made so much progress with it, it feels like anythings doable now!

Managed to clear the grass from the second half of the bed in one afternoon! Getting back to tomorrow to dig it over and get planting!
Basically long story short, if you've got some ground to clear, get yourself a mattock and get smashing!
Now onto the real meat and potatoes! Getting through the thick turf the couch has created was a lot of graft but my friend swears by his mattock and can't stop raving about it so I thought I'd give it a whirl.
Picked one up from B&Q and on Friday and Oh. My. God (channeling some Janice from Friends) this thing tears through it! I've read a lot that the rhizomes of cough remain fairly close to the surface so it's quite easy getting under the couch crown and lifting the whole thing out like a turf!
Definitely going to have to sift through the carnage for missed roots and the like but we've made so much progress with it, it feels like anythings doable now!
Managed to clear the grass from the second half of the bed in one afternoon! Getting back to tomorrow to dig it over and get planting!
Basically long story short, if you've got some ground to clear, get yourself a mattock and get smashing!