Hello everyone, I�ve recently managed to get an allotment in my local village one that was apparently looked well after for yrs until the next owner decided to let weeds grow all over again t for two yrs!
It�s a half plot so not too big and perfectly manageable for myself (I hope) I�ve seen plenty of Charles dowding via YouTube and have chosen to go the no dig approach currently the plot has been half covered wit cardboard from a local bike shop and the next step for me is to buy raosed planters and fill them with compost.
Not sure how I can post any pictures off my iPhone yet but will have a look and post some shots as I progress.
If anyone has any advice for no dig I�d be really grateful and look forward to meeting some allotment legends!
It�s a half plot so not too big and perfectly manageable for myself (I hope) I�ve seen plenty of Charles dowding via YouTube and have chosen to go the no dig approach currently the plot has been half covered wit cardboard from a local bike shop and the next step for me is to buy raosed planters and fill them with compost.
Not sure how I can post any pictures off my iPhone yet but will have a look and post some shots as I progress.
If anyone has any advice for no dig I�d be really grateful and look forward to meeting some allotment legends!