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Crazy things happening on allotments


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  • Crazy things happening on allotments

    At my old allotment site we had this out of control volunteer group.
    They had loud parties at all hours of the AM, charging people �5 to 'get in' then thrashed the place, neighbours complaining. Stole committee beer and got wasted on said beer. Trashed the kitchen again and again, stored all their crap I there, started growing on other people's plots. Left food encrusted pots lying around for weeks, appropriated people's compost, sell said compost, wanted committee to compensate �300 for compost, smoking weed in full view. They took the tent who knows where and we all got soaked trying to have out committee meeting. Brought a dog on plot who trashed plotholders onions and I think crapped on my plot. One day I opened the garden storage bunker to find a bed, wardrobe, mattress and dining suite stuffed in there. And that's just scratching the surface.
    Thing was/is they're still there.

    I think the guy in charge's brain was damaged by drug use or he's permanently high as he cannot be reasoned with. For example, confronting him with they stole the 5 cases of beer, he harps on how many cases were there as it wasn't 5. The plotholders destroyed onions, well the dog was lost and you'd try to help a poor lost dog right?! The furniture in there belongs to a poor (illegal) immigrant facing deportation and is fighting her case in court. When they win the case they'll move it.

    Are things like the happening all over the country, or is it just me? Any weird/crazy allotment stories?

  • #2
    No that's definitely wilder than any crazy ongoings on my allotment LOL


    • #3
      I can see the problem you're from "North Dorset", have you just moved there

      Only joking, there are non as queer as folk, I worked with a guy who dug a large hole and buried his VW car in his back garden and then hid the lump by making it into a rockery.
      Last edited by Cadalot; 17-11-2018, 10:43 AM.
      . .......Man Vs Slug
      Click Here for my Diary and Blog
      Nutters Club Member


      • #4
        Originally posted by Cadalot View Post
        I can see the problem you're from "North Dorset", have you just moved there
        No not from there, just moved there. Was talking about goings on in my old allotment site.

        North Dorset is so far so good. Weirdest thing is townsfolk walk right through the site and some people are really nosy.
        I was told there is an 86 year old man who digs up everyone's plots. Was horrified thinking I'd come one day to find our plants dig up but apparently he asks first.
        Last edited by Nicos; 18-11-2018, 04:13 AM. Reason: Fixed quote


        • #5
          Darn, seems like stuff like that is a rare occurrence.


          • #6
            Don't know how to reply to this. I thought my old site was bad ( it was ok until Jay-el moved in) but in retrospect it was Shangri-La compared to Squidgy site.
            My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
            to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

            Diversify & prosper


            • #7
              I used to know a guy who openly admitted to having poured bleach and weedkiller on people's allotments and veg plants, if they had got on the wrong side of him and p*ssed him off.

              One time we were talking to him about another person, who had a nearby plot, who had supposedly been annoying him by letting his plot overgrow and by not being friendly. Well the guy said he would spray bleach on his plot to send a message, as that has worked when dealing with plot owners in the past!

              I never knew if he was bluffing or not, but he had a plot right next to my dad's, so we were always very cautious and on edge about him. Like actually doing that is one thing, but openly admitting to it is another thing entirely! He seemed quite off-colour in general, like he always carried a chip on his shoulder and had a bad attitude. I mean he used to sit down his allotment drinking cans of Tennants 12% beer while chain smoking and just staring at people while they worked. Plus he would have a Staffordshire bull terrier with him most of the time, which he would chain to a pole. Not a nice sight at all.

              We had to be extra careful not to get on his wrong side, just in case. A few times I had to bite my tongue when dealing with him, because I didn't want bleach or weed killer put on my dad's veg plants. Like he used to refer to me as "boy" and was quite rude, but I would just have to let it go out of fear of any chemical repercussions. The guy was just a prat in general. Several times he mentioned about using bleach on people's allotments, or uprooting plants to send a message. He was pretty open about it, as if he didn't care, and I know he uprooted veg plants on that other guy's allotment to annoy him.

              Thankfully his alcoholism got the better of him. He gave up the allotment a year later because the pub was clearly more important. The only reason he left was because they told him he wasn't allowed to consume alcohol down the allotment anymore. Well, we didn't miss him one bit...


              • #8
                Originally posted by Squingy View Post
                No not from there, just moved there. Was talking about goings on in my old allotment site.

                North Dorset is so far so good. Weirdest thing is townsfolk walk right through the site and some people are really nosy.
                I was told there is an 86 year old man who digs up everyone's plots. Was horrified thinking I'd come one day to find our plants dig up but apparently he asks first.
                The 86 year old man is welcome to come up to Chorley and dig up my horsetails, I'll even feed him!


                • #9
                  Another potentially interesting "crazy things happening" on my allotment, is that I'm convinced something/someone is burying eggs on my plot.
                  There are no chickens currently on our site (6 plot site) and I'm finding them in freshly raked ground, in pots and under compost, practically everywhere. I haven't yet asked the other plot holders as i suspect it's one of them, but why?
                  My initial thoughts would be that someone might find it funny if i put my fork through a really rotten egg to release it's pungent smell or even better, my fingers
                  Do eggs explode if rotten? that would be even funnier I guess


                  • #10
                    That'll be foxes....


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by bario1 View Post
                      That'll be foxes....
                      I had thought of that, although I am finding them under stuff and in areas the doesn't look disturbed. I'm aware foxes hoard stuff over vast areas to collect sometime later


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