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5 Allotment plots available in Linford, Essex


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  • 5 Allotment plots available in Linford, Essex

    There are 5 plots available in Lower Crescent in Linford, they are private ones that are not interfered with by the council, they are 30ft by 100ft. There is only one draw back there isn't any water available on site but they only cost �5 per year! There is always someone prepared to give you water until you have a couple of butts filled up. The plots that are left are overgrown but there is plenty of help on hand if asked and planned. The added bit is the community dump is up the road less than five minutes drive for any items that are past use. Most of the plots have old sheds on them with probably could be repaired.

    We are always on the look out for new people to join our community and will be having get togethers throughout the year for BBQ's and things like that on the plots.

    Please send me a private message and I will give you the details of how to contact the management team for them.


  • #2
    Dear Louise,

    We have been notified that you are advertising allotments at Linford. I can see that you are forwarding our contact details but must make clear that you are not authorised to act as an agent. We have had concerns raised that there has been talk of a padlock being put on the gate and keys for this cut for the allotment holders. Under no circumstances should you do this. An allotment holder has raised concern about thefts of vegetables from the allotment since your postings on this site.

    If you would like to contact us please telephone (number removed for privacy reasons)

    Lee Baron Group
    Last edited by veggiechicken; 02-03-2019, 04:38 PM. Reason: Phone number removed


    • #3
      Hi Annette.
      I have just seen that you are advertising allotments in Lower Crescent. I live in Meadow Close and overlook these allotments and was wondering if there are any available for me to rent. PLease could you let me know by private message
      Thank you for reading this,
      Gilly Morris

      Edited by moderator to remove e-mail address
      Last edited by scarey55; 22-06-2011, 02:47 PM.


      • #4
        that for real? told off for trying to help others find a site... AND for trying to generate revenue for the company??


        • #5
          Allotments Linford

          Originally posted by Lee Baron View Post
          Dear Louise,

          We have been notified that you are advertising allotments at Linford. I can see that you are forwarding our contact details but must make clear that you are not authorised to act as an agent. We have had concerns raised that there has been talk of a padlock being put on the gate and keys for this cut for the allotment holders. Under no circumstances should you do this. An allotment holder has raised concern about thefts of vegetables from the allotment since your postings on this site.

          If you would like to contact us please telephone (number removed for privacy)

          Lee Baron Group
          Dear Annette
          I understand that these messages are a bit out of date but I am looking for an allotment and would very much like to be considered for a plot in Linford. My Father, who has been deceased for over 35 years, had an allotment in lower crescent and I can remember many happy years as a boy assisting him on his plot, growing wholesome veg and salad items. Having recently gone into semi retirement myself I would like to spend some of my new found spare time down the allotments doing something constructive instead of sitting at home wasting time, watching tv etc. I remember vividly my time working down the allotments with my father and would like to reattain some of that satisfaction of growing my own veg in the years to come.

          Robert Flux.
          Last edited by veggiechicken; 02-03-2019, 04:42 PM.


          • #6
            Hi Robert and welcome.
            Your best bet would be to contact the allotments direct as none of the posters on this thread haven't been back to the Forum for many years.

            This might help

            Hope you find a plot - its a great hobby.
            Last edited by veggiechicken; 04-03-2019, 05:40 PM.


            • #7
              Wow, I thought I was cold and unforgiving but some people like this Annette of the Lee Baron Group with their one post on the Grapevine really are a piece of work. The person just advertised the private allotments which seems aren't advertised to the general public only to be shut down with unsubstantiated claims and hearsay suggesting they are causing thefts and padlocking gates. It appears this allotment group, Lower Crescent in Linford just wants to pick and choose who gets to come on their site.

              Not authorised to act as an agent my $%%! Is information a commodity now?

              I don't know the situation but can people think before they speak to other people in public like this? Hope 10 years later Louise has found a place deserving of her by now or is at least spreading the word and annoying them to no end! Hmph


              • #8
                And Louise never made another post on this forum after that!


                • #9
                  Apparently its a Privately owned site, managed by Lee Baron Group.

                  There's another post by Louise at

                  My plot is on a privately owned site and they have employed a management company caled Lee Baron to take care of taking in the rent and sending out agreements other than that we are left to our own devices. I not sure if that helps in anyway.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Squingy View Post
                    And Louise never made another post on this forum after that!
                    Yes she did..........through 2008 and into 2009.


                    • #11
                      I don't buy it VC. If it is privately owned and managed by a group does that mean she can't try to get people herself, in a non discriminatory way? As long as she wasn't taking their money, demanding introduction fees and promising people plots, which they've not said she's done.

                      The group has taken issue with her advertising on this forum, not any of the above. All that aside I think they should mind the way they are speaking to an adult on a public forum like that.

                      Well look it's 10 years ago, hopefully everything is fine down there and I'll find something else to get riled up about soon enough.
                      Last edited by Squingy; 03-03-2019, 10:29 PM.


                      • #12
                        PS I'm not Scarlet.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                          Yes she did..........through 2008 and into 2009.
                          Right you are VC! I was looking at her posts in the reverse order. Sorry.


                          • #14
                            Sorry was looking at one of Scarlet's posts!


                            • #15


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