I�m sure one very happy girl, I just had conformation on two plots, I�m now the new owner of plot 40 & 41
My very own plots not having to share, But I do feel really bad at letting someone down on the offer of helping out on his plot due to him been too ill to do any heavy work, But with my shift work and own Garden and now 2 allotment plots what can I do.
I had to ring Mr J, who was happy for me but also sad cos I was letting him down, on his offer of sharing his allotment and helping him out. Hooooo I do feel really bad.
These are some photos I took today when I finished work of my 2 new plots, look so bad state and run down, my friends think I�ve lost the plot for taking these plots on.
I can see loads of hard heavy graft and a vision of what it will be like you just have to look beyond.

My very own plots not having to share, But I do feel really bad at letting someone down on the offer of helping out on his plot due to him been too ill to do any heavy work, But with my shift work and own Garden and now 2 allotment plots what can I do.
I had to ring Mr J, who was happy for me but also sad cos I was letting him down, on his offer of sharing his allotment and helping him out. Hooooo I do feel really bad.

These are some photos I took today when I finished work of my 2 new plots, look so bad state and run down, my friends think I�ve lost the plot for taking these plots on.
I can see loads of hard heavy graft and a vision of what it will be like you just have to look beyond.
