Has anyone else noticed just how mad the press are going for gardening recently? Last weeks Saturday Times had a whole issue featuring celebrity gardeners and just yesterday Jonathan Ross was talking about how much he loves growing veggies!
Bit worried all this "trendy" interest is going to scupper my quest for a spare allotment here in Henley. I've left three messages now for information on joining the "Eco-gym" and no one has got back to me.
Anyone out there got a plot in Henley-on-Thames and can help suggest what I should do next?
Bit worried all this "trendy" interest is going to scupper my quest for a spare allotment here in Henley. I've left three messages now for information on joining the "Eco-gym" and no one has got back to me.
Anyone out there got a plot in Henley-on-Thames and can help suggest what I should do next?
