Hello and thanks for the advice relating to my previous post.
This is a bit of a rant I'm afraid.
I spoke to a lady at the council today and she said that the 100+ waiting list means that I'll probably be waiting for 2yrs or more - it's just madness. Isn't there some law type thingy whereby councils have to 'meet the demand'?? Perhaps I dreamt it!
I was told of a private site here in Bury. So out I went in the rain and the cold, baby in pushchair and full of a head-cold (believe me, I am like a crazed lady pounding the streets!) in search for said site. I found it - yey - looked rather full - boo! And of course no one was there. Okay so it was raining but I thought there might of been a determined plotter or two there to whom I could talk. So waste of time, no sorry, a wet waste of time. I've absolutely no idea as to who owns the site. The council said they were not allowed to disclose that information - so could this site be the allotment world's equivalent of the freemasons? Instead of a 'special' ring you get a secret trowel!? Okay of course not, but no matter how much searching (really resisting the urge to use 'digging') I do I cannot find any contact details for the owners of the site.
Also this morning I found out that some neighbouring villages have free plots, but that I cannot apply to most because I am not a resident. Now I completely understand that residents should take priority, but some sites were less that 40% full - argh. However on a better note one Village (and the only one) has added me to their list. The Town clerk said that at the moment the list isn't too bad - which sounds good. She also added that quite often people have a change of heart and don't want a plot once they become available - good again! So fingers crossed I'll hear something from them sooner rather than later. Right, I'm off to take a breath and have a cup of tea!!!
This is a bit of a rant I'm afraid.
I spoke to a lady at the council today and she said that the 100+ waiting list means that I'll probably be waiting for 2yrs or more - it's just madness. Isn't there some law type thingy whereby councils have to 'meet the demand'?? Perhaps I dreamt it!
I was told of a private site here in Bury. So out I went in the rain and the cold, baby in pushchair and full of a head-cold (believe me, I am like a crazed lady pounding the streets!) in search for said site. I found it - yey - looked rather full - boo! And of course no one was there. Okay so it was raining but I thought there might of been a determined plotter or two there to whom I could talk. So waste of time, no sorry, a wet waste of time. I've absolutely no idea as to who owns the site. The council said they were not allowed to disclose that information - so could this site be the allotment world's equivalent of the freemasons? Instead of a 'special' ring you get a secret trowel!? Okay of course not, but no matter how much searching (really resisting the urge to use 'digging') I do I cannot find any contact details for the owners of the site.
Also this morning I found out that some neighbouring villages have free plots, but that I cannot apply to most because I am not a resident. Now I completely understand that residents should take priority, but some sites were less that 40% full - argh. However on a better note one Village (and the only one) has added me to their list. The Town clerk said that at the moment the list isn't too bad - which sounds good. She also added that quite often people have a change of heart and don't want a plot once they become available - good again! So fingers crossed I'll hear something from them sooner rather than later. Right, I'm off to take a breath and have a cup of tea!!!
