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Allotments in Darwen, Lancashire???


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  • #16
    That's an interesting read Fedfed. Who is the lady asking the questions? It's about time BwD got it's act together; it ought to know how many allotments it has. It may not know how many people are on the waiting list because I believe that you have to register your interest with the allotment secretary of each individual site. But even is that is the case, they should at least have a rough estimate. In the case of Dawen's 'garden areas' they know exactly how many are on the list because they do keep that list. Perhaps if they had given the figures for that list then perhaps our questioner might have been satisfied.

    Why doesn't Blackburn with Darwen council have the answers to these questions?


    • #17
      It sounds to me as though the council are completely abrogating their responsibilities here! Statutory requirements demand more from the Council than to say "here, we've hired someone to look after it and now we don't care what happens!"

      Not sure if you this would help, but have you thought of trying Law Works? That is the name for the Solicitors Pro Bono Group - they give free legal advice to individuals and communities in need. Solicitors give a certain amount of 'time' for free to the organisation. No guarantee that they would take on this sort of case, but it might be interesting and unique enough for someone to want to have a go. This is their website - LawWorks Home Page

      If you can find some others in the area that are also upset by this, then form a group - you might get more assistance that way. Can't hurt!!!

      (hope the link works!!!)


      • #18
        the info is held by capita not the b&d council


        • #19
          Some allotments are being 'set up' near Rose Hill Terrace in Darwen, Just off Redearth Road. I posted a thread about this earlier on Darwenonline, it would be nice to see a few of you Darweners there.

          I have no idea when they are due for completion and would guess that there is a waiting list but it is worth looking into.


          • #20
            I'm already on the list for one of these 'garden plots'. You need to get in touch with the council as they will be ready shortly. I may come off this particular list as I have just moved from Darwen to Blackburn.


            • #21
              They don't look anything like ready yet.
              Has anyone got a confirmation that they will get one or a date when they might be ready?


              • #22
                Originally posted by RickinDarwen View Post
                They don't look anything like ready yet.
                Has anyone got a confirmation that they will get one or a date when they might be ready?

                I suggest phoning the council

                I final got in at Ewood allotments the wait was about 15 months.


                • #23
                  hi,i not sue how true it is but i read somewhere that if 6 people are after allotments in a area that as none,the council have to provide,some old law i think.worth knowing if its true then people power works,or am i a dreamer.


                  • #24
                    If 6 or more rate payers want an allotment then the council is obliged to provide them.
                    This usually takes the form of a 6-person petition taken to the council.

                    Of course - they quite often take the other way out and give a "good reason" why they can't right now and say they are making an effort to find more land for allotments. That's the standard line around here even though one of the bigger local sites used to be twice the size it is now, the land is still available, people are keen to bring it back into use but they are dragging their feet. Useless really.

                    My approach would be to gather the biggest petition you can, get the local press involved - maybe get some local politicians to get behind it (candidates for the upcoming general election will probably be keen to get their mug in front of a camera and lend support to a campaign) - and submit the petition to the council.

                    I'd get on google earth, look within your council's boudaries for areas of wasteland that could be turned into allotments and actually approach them with a proposal rather than "we want allotments" - if most of the work is already done - and the clearing will be done by the first plotholders - there's far less reason for them to refuse you.


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