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Allotment in Greenwich? - longshot?


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  • Allotment in Greenwich? - longshot?

    Hi guys,

    I've been trying to get an allotment but the waiting lists near me have closed as they are so full. I don't drive so would want one in/near to east Greenwich so I could walk there. I don't hold out much hope as I know that they are oversubscribed locally but would be very grateful for any help in getting a plot or even half a plot if you know anyone with space to spare.

    I've got the grow your own bug but need more space to grow my own in!



  • #2

    I have exactly the same issue as you. I just moved here a year ago, and went looking for an allotment soon after.. only to be told the waiting list was so long they were no longer taking names. I check with them occasionally, and it's still the same answer. I did alright with a small container garden outside my flat, but suffer from lack of space and sunlight.

    Best of luck to you in your search.


    • #3
      Allotment in Deptford/Greenwich/Lewisham Area


      I've been looking for a plot now for 4 years, my nearest has a 10 year waiting list!

      If anyone knows of any sites in/around this area please could they let me know?

      I'd be happy to start with 1/2 a plot.


      • #4

        Did any of you get an allotment yet? I�d like to know what people on waiting lists think about the rent being tripled � does it put you off?

        Could it be another way of LBG discouraging people from having allotments? Because if the allotments fall out of use, then the council can get away with selling off the land for development.

        If any of you or anyone else has now got a plot in Greenwich and want more information then please PM me.

        Consultation begins on Greenwich allotment rent increases (From News Shopper)

        MERCURY TODAY | NEWS | Allotment rents may rise by 200 per cent | 2011


        • #5
          I haven't got a plot yet unfortunately. I didn't know about the rents increasing but to be honest it wouldn't put me off. I don't have money to burn by any means but I do enjoy growing my own fruit and veg and knowing that the food I feed my family is healthy and organic.

          Hopefully the rents going up will put other people off and then I will have more chance of getting a plot. It's disgusting that there aren't more available really.


          • #6
            I'm in lewisham and finally got a plot after about 5 years on the waiting list having just moved with in the borough, and found that moving my name to another list nearer to the new house actually meant I got one sooner as was a shorter list in that area and as I'd applied so long ago it moved me to the top of that list. So its worth looking at ones in other areas of the borough, but I know they all have long lists. I am so gald to have finally got mine!

            I found out that some of Mountsfield park in catford actually usedf to be allotments, and wonder whether anyone would stand a chance in convincing the council to allow part of it to be used in that way again?


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