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Anyone know how long for an allotment in East Sussex


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  • Anyone know how long for an allotment in East Sussex


    Although a complete beginner I am just wondering if anybody knows how long the waiting list is for plots in East Sussex (I am in Peacehaven so any around Newhaven, Lewes, Rottingdean etc)
    Just thinking if it's a few years it may pay for me to get on a list now so when I am more knowledgeable and feel ready to get a plot I won't have to wait too long

  • #2
    Looks like your first port of call should be at the council website allotment page which I found here. Good luck.


    • #3
      definately get on the list straight away, apply, then ring to check they got your application and to ask them how long the waiting list actually is, and put yourself down for more than one, then you can tell them when you ring which one is your preference.
      Last edited by BrideXIII; 10-11-2008, 06:51 PM.
      Vive Le Revolution!!!
      'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
      Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


      • #4
        This is the chap for Peacehaven: [email protected] (Peacehaven Town Council)
        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


        • #5
          I know in Eastbourne, it's about 2 years.


          • #6
            2 years isn't too bad (for me anyway) I had visions of it being something like 5-10 years. Need to get email on this computer then I will email and find out.


            • #7
              Nicola - why do you need email on your computer? Just use an external one like Hotmail or Fastmail (fast, no spam)
              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


              • #8
                I have an email account but it is set-up with outlook on my laptop, I just need to switch it over to outlook on my main computer, I just got a new computer so in process of transferring everything over.


                • #9
                  Quick update in case anyone else local was interested:
                  Peacehaven has 48 plots but a list of 70. (who knows where they are hiding them, Peacehaven is only small and I have no idea where they are and I have lived here for 3 years?? They are trying to aquire new land)
                  Newhaven has 8 plots and a list of 44
                  Kingston has 2 plots and the longest on the list has been there 3yrs.

                  Luckily I am only 24 so will probably have a plot by the time I retire!
                  Am waiting for replys from Brighton council regarding plots in rottingdean and falmer.
                  Last edited by Nicola.P; 18-11-2008, 09:30 AM.


                  • #10

                    i waited a year before getting an alloment hope this helps


                    • #11
                      Time for an update.
                      It has been 6yrs (6yrs with not much veg growing) and I have just got a call to say there is a half plot with my name on it ready to take over in Feb.
                      I don't know what to do now? I have waited (well given up) for 6yrs and now it is here I don't want to pass it up but at the same time it is a very daunting prospect.
                      How much work does half a plot need?


                      • #12
                        How long's a piece of string? Why isn't the plot available til February, is there someone still working it? In which case hopefully it won't be in too bad a state. Ask for a site visit before deciding. You don't have to get it all planted up straight away and there are some vegetables which will cover the ground , such as the pumpkin family, and not need too much work. or just cover any ground you are not working at the time. Check your tenancy agreement, though incase they expect a minimum cultivation.
                        Up until October I had 2.5 rods - probably a quarter plot to you. I reckoned it need 5-6 hours in the Spring/Summer. Now I have taken on a second plot I don't think it will take me twice as long, fingers crossed.
                        As you've waited this long I would think it is worth going for it unless you've really gone off the idea.
                        Have you worked out when you'll be able to tend your plot. How far away from you is it and how easy will it be to get there. I think regular visits are more worthwhile that one long visit a fortnight for example as you can keep on top of things more.


                        • #13
                          I manage a veg area in my garden, so I have no travelling time to and for the plot, I haven't got people talking to me when I'm there etc..and I haven't got allotment experience like Wendy has but I do at least an hour a day most days, more in the spring
                          This may help


                          • #14
                            I just called them back after getting over the shock.
                            They have said it is 2.5 rods. It is within a 10 min drive from my house so I would be able to pop down to water plants in the evenings and I would be able to visit to do any actual work on Thurs and weekends and in the spring/ summer in the evenings as well. I did ask if I could view before deciding and she is going to get back to me to let me know which plot. apparently there are 2, one is in ok state as the previous occupier is giving it up and the other is a bit over-grown, not sure which one I will get or if I will get to choose? I might just drive down and have a nose through the fence, I am sure one of the other allotment holders might know some more if I start asking around.

                            I still like the idea, I haven't done any growing for a few years as we have rabbits and although I tried my best to rabbit proof my little garden veg area they still managed to get in and eat most of it which is why I stopped trying to grow at home.

                            I was thinking of a couple of fruit trees (I imagine these would need to be in pots) and a section for a herb garden and then potatoes and carrots to start?


                            • #15
                              Congratulations on finally getting a plot! I lived in London for 4 years and just didn't bother as the waiting lists were ridiculous, in the countryside it's a little bit quicker generally tho I guess allotments are popular where you are too!

                              I say go for it, what have you got to lose?! It's a small enough size to try it for a year, it sounds like you have enough time to do 'little and often' and lots of allotment folk are friendly, helpful and will help you get started.

                              Also you're getting it at the right time of year to go at a plot that hasn't been neglected (if you go for the other one negotiate free rent the first year!) and I am sure plenty of folk will send you seed in the post once you decide what you want to grow!

                              Happy growing


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