Do not even think about volunteering for an Allotment Association Secretaries job!
I did and it's driving me round the twist!
You become the agony Aunt of the plotholders all day and every day!
Been putting off sending out eviction notices for ages but had to send three out last week.
Waiting for the come back from this!
In the mean time one of the allotment holders is building a hacky greet big shed right next to the sunward side of his neighbours fence and I've been asked to intervene!
I can't find anything in the tenency agreement about 'right to light' but out of curtesy he should have asked his neighbours permission I suppose.
I just hope I can keep my head down and that it will be settled amicably (pistols at dawn!?)
Started to gather some paperwork together for our AGM and realised I have a pile as thick as a telephone directory.
Have to sort out skip removal,new skip,soil conditioner & woodchippings this week. Just sorted fencing, road restoration and tap replacement. It's worse than having a proper job!
Whatever happened to just going to the lottie to UNWIND!
Rant over.................If you can't stand the heat you should get out of the kitchen I suppose.

I did and it's driving me round the twist!

Been putting off sending out eviction notices for ages but had to send three out last week.

In the mean time one of the allotment holders is building a hacky greet big shed right next to the sunward side of his neighbours fence and I've been asked to intervene!
I can't find anything in the tenency agreement about 'right to light' but out of curtesy he should have asked his neighbours permission I suppose.
I just hope I can keep my head down and that it will be settled amicably (pistols at dawn!?)
Started to gather some paperwork together for our AGM and realised I have a pile as thick as a telephone directory.
Have to sort out skip removal,new skip,soil conditioner & woodchippings this week. Just sorted fencing, road restoration and tap replacement. It's worse than having a proper job!
Whatever happened to just going to the lottie to UNWIND!

Rant over.................If you can't stand the heat you should get out of the kitchen I suppose.