Dear All
As you probably know there are huge waiting lists for allotment space all over the country and there is an awful lot of garden space not being used by the occupiers of property. I was recently taken seriously ill and am unable to work full time but I am able to devote my time at home to organising. I would like to bring as many committed local gardeners together with as many garden owners as possible. Thousands of properties have gardens but many are too large for the home occupiers to maintain themselves through ill health, disability or they are simply not motivated. I know this is not a new idea but I don't think anyone is trying seriously to make a difference nationally. I am aware of the channel 4 landshare project but they seem to be doing little more than gathering names and addresses of people who have spare land. And even if they do launch they will not be providing any practical support as far as I�m aware.
As payment for use of the garden the gardener will provide a range of produce free of charge to the occupiers throughout the year as well as pay a small rent. In the community favour many unsightly and overgrown gardens will be given a new lease of life and much needed garden space will be made available for people awaiting allotments who are not fortunate enough to have gardens of their own.
We have had a lot of support promoting the initiative in the press and I�m looking for people on waiting lists looking for gardens to work on. If your allotment has a waiting list please pass on our details to those people on it.
My web site is Home - homegrownuk
As you probably know there are huge waiting lists for allotment space all over the country and there is an awful lot of garden space not being used by the occupiers of property. I was recently taken seriously ill and am unable to work full time but I am able to devote my time at home to organising. I would like to bring as many committed local gardeners together with as many garden owners as possible. Thousands of properties have gardens but many are too large for the home occupiers to maintain themselves through ill health, disability or they are simply not motivated. I know this is not a new idea but I don't think anyone is trying seriously to make a difference nationally. I am aware of the channel 4 landshare project but they seem to be doing little more than gathering names and addresses of people who have spare land. And even if they do launch they will not be providing any practical support as far as I�m aware.
As payment for use of the garden the gardener will provide a range of produce free of charge to the occupiers throughout the year as well as pay a small rent. In the community favour many unsightly and overgrown gardens will be given a new lease of life and much needed garden space will be made available for people awaiting allotments who are not fortunate enough to have gardens of their own.
We have had a lot of support promoting the initiative in the press and I�m looking for people on waiting lists looking for gardens to work on. If your allotment has a waiting list please pass on our details to those people on it.
My web site is Home - homegrownuk