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Is there an "average" waiting time?


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  • #16
    I am 7th on the list for my second plot, I put my name down a few weeks ago.

    Some of the vacant plots have still not been touched so I am going to the council office today to find out how far I am on the list and why the plots aren't being worked if they are not vacant.

    You do find a lot of people putting there name down and not wanting a plot when offered. My council charges �15 to be put on the list and if you take one, It comes off your rent, if you don't you loose your money.
    You have to loose sight of the shore sometimes to cross new oceans

    I would be a perfectionist, but I dont have the time


    • #17
      There is currently 450 people on the list for warrington its taken 4 years for me to be offered one, but I don't know how long the list was four years ago can't imagine it was longer than that as back then they told me it would be a couple of years.
      Wife, mother, reader, writer, digger so much to do so little time to do it! Follow me on Twitter @digdigdigging


      • #18
        Originally posted by northepaul View Post
        You do make me laugh!!
        I would be over the moon if there were only 3 people ahead of me!
        Been on waiting list for 3 years - now (or last time i checked) I am 126th in line....average wait down here is 6-8 years!!
        Well, when I checked my position I was magically 19th. Thanks? "Sorry there must have been an error". hmph. I'm down for 5 allotment sites now, but thinking of speading a bit further, just a bit "hmph" as it'll mean driving where before I could have walked down to them. Still, less food miles, etc!

        Originally posted by Elmo View Post
        There is currently 450 people on the list for warrington its taken 4 years for me to be offered one, but I don't know how long the list was four years ago can't imagine it was longer than that as back then they told me it would be a couple of years.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Elmo View Post
          There is currently 450 people on the list for warrington its taken 4 years for me to be offered one, but I don't know how long the list was four years ago can't imagine it was longer than that as back then they told me it would be a couple of years.
          It took me about 18 months to be offered two plots in Warrington, the one I now have which is a Parish Council run one and then a few weeks later one on the Kingsway site. Turned the Kingsway one down but hadn't thought to take myself off their waiting list. Was also on the list for Victoria Park so e-mailed the council about that at the same time. Have now had my plot about 18 months and it's going great but in that time one of the plots on my site (only 10 plots in total) hasn't even been visited apart from to dump an old sofa and it's getting on everybody's nerves.

          Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

          Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


          • #20
            Originally posted by Liza View Post
            You do find a lot of people putting there name down and not wanting a plot when offered. My council charges �15 to be put on the list and if you take one, It comes off your rent, if you don't you loose your money.
            Thats a really good idea, atleast it would weed out the serious from the not so serious.


            • #21
              Well I am now 3rd after a few weeks, not bad !
              You have to loose sight of the shore sometimes to cross new oceans

              I would be a perfectionist, but I dont have the time


              • #22
                I put my name down at my local allotment and was told I was 14th on a list, a a couple of years later when I phoned I was told I was 18th on the same list! wasn't happy! so I went and put my name down on every allotment in our borough....

                2 month later I was offered my plot

                My Allotment Journal @
                Google+ and Youtube



                Updated Regularly-Last Update was 30-05-16


                • #23

                  *sends off another email asking for an update*


                  • #24
                    When we lived at our old house in barnsley i rang asking about a plot near my house and a man from the town council came to my house a hour later and offered me one ! but every area is different, what annoys me is that you pass areas of waste land that are doing nothing other than look a mess because of the fly tippers, but there is to much red tape and jobsworths in the councils for anyone to make a decision and turn them into allotment plots ! there is a huge demand for plots and i think they are good for communities


                    • #25
                      We waited 2 years for our new allotment, and was 42 on the "list".

                      We already had an allotment, which we were very grateful for, but it was a 22 mile round trip!, The cost of diesel alone was crippling. Very glad to be in walking/riding distance of the new plot.


                      • #26
                        I'm down on every allotment in my area now.

                        Just got wind from a few of the associations that my council are opening up to large sites due to the demand. I've emailed them asking for more info, and to be put down on their list.. so we'll see!

                        One of them that I'm 4th on is right next to the MIL's currently - hoping they'll hurry up and move so I don't get collared into doing something


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by chrismarks View Post
                          I'm down on every allotment in my area now.

                          Just got wind from a few of the associations that my council are opening up to large sites due to the demand. I've emailed them asking for more info, and to be put down on their list.. so we'll see!

                          One of them that I'm 4th on is right next to the MIL's currently - hoping they'll hurry up and move so I don't get collared into doing something
                          Good luck Chris, fingers crossed for you.
                          You have to loose sight of the shore sometimes to cross new oceans

                          I would be a perfectionist, but I dont have the time


                          • #28
                            we were 100+ when we registered last year. And now about 70ish.

                            woman at council said "oh, you've only been on there a year". :rotfl: Average waiting time for an allotment in our area is 4 years

                            But the council is opening a new site so hopefully we'll move up. We would have got one earlier but the one we're waiting for is behind our back gate so it will be easier to be committed (esp when working full time).


                            • #29
                              I was quite lucky in that a large site near me had an almost zero waiting time if you are prepared to clear the overgrown plots yourself. I did have to keep chasing down the allocations officer to get a viewing set up but from first contact to taking over the plot was about 6 weeks.

                              Other council sites near me have waiting times if around 3/4 years.


                              • #30
                                As Secretary of our allotment site I notice that the average waiting time is 3.5 years.


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