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New private allotment site Newport/ Cardiff - interested???


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  • New private allotment site Newport/ Cardiff - interested???

    How many of you, or do you know of someone else who, might be interested in a new private allotment site in the West Newport / East Cardiff area?

    What facilities would you expect or prefer to have?

  • #2
    47 views and no replies.

    Am I assuming correctly then that there isn't any interest?


    • #3
      I'd not jump to any conclusions, muck heap - this forum has users not only UK wide, but also from europe (and a couple from over the pond too!).

      Have you advertised elsewhere too? I'd suggest flyers and adverts in your local shops.. You need to target your local population.


      • #4
        I agree Chris about targetting my local population, which I am in the process of organising BUT was hoping that experienced peeps would give me a little help with regard to facilities they would prefer to have

        eg whether everybody wants a large plot or if they are happy to have plots of 90 square metres
        if they prefer to use water troughs or buts
        if they are used to having a self governing "allotment club"
        If it is customary to pay for water, or if it is expected to be included
        If they usually pay for manure to be delivered or if they would look more favourably on a site which offers free well rotted farm yard manure.......

        and so the list goes on.

        Just wanting, asking politely for some friendly advice so I can provide the best possible service.
        Thank you.


        • #5
          Hi, thats not the way you worded your 1st post, you specifically asked about interest from folks in your area. Anyhow in answer to your last post I personally like troughs cause I think it quicker to dip your watering can, but I do have and IBC container for bulk harvesting of rainwater. I'm on a self managed site and although ive never been on a council run site from speaking to people I think we have better facilities and organisation on our site. A charge for water is added to the base rent on out site based on the last years usage (bit difficult to gauge if youre just setting up). We have access to free chippings & stable straw when horses are not in field. We have had bulk delivery of farmyard manure in the past but have had problems with contaimination (you need to be really sure of your source). We only let half plots for the first six months to see how folkd get on - allotmenting does take some committment of time which people dont always appreciate.
          You need to think about insurance and maybe membership of NSALG which can be a good source for advice. Hope that helps a little.
          The love of gardening is a seed once sown never dies ...


          • #6
            This thread may help:


            • #7
              Thank you both for your advice and links
              Point taken Hans Mum - the plea for advice was an add on at the bottom of the post
              I will be the provider of the manure - horse, sheep, pig and cattle manures - possibly some chicken manure as well.

              What do you think to the idea of offering space in a polytunnel to those who take up a plot??

              Does anybody have a way of working out the water usage?


              • #8
                like the idea of a bit of polytunnel space......
                that might encourage people who may not have good space for propagating at home.
                would like water included in the rent charge so all pay at same time.....
                been bitten by that problem before.
                smaller plots are better 90sqm is a reasonable size if used wisely
                free sh@t sounds good. you only have to pay to dispose of it if you don't spread it :-)
                this will be a battle from the heart
                cymru am byth


                • #9
                  Thanks for your contribution Phil the shed. Think i will need to look into the planning permission status of Polytunnels.
                  I do usually spread a large proportion of the manure produced on the farm


                  • #10
                    polytunnel is our next project we are hoping to get a large one on site for those folks who dont have the facilities on their own plot or at home,also to overwinter stuff. Water is really difficult to guestimate, it depends what rainfall you get for a start!!! From memory I think we paid an additional �8 for a full plot for water this year.
                    The love of gardening is a seed once sown never dies ...


                    • #11
                      Do you know anything about planning regs for polytunnels Hans Mum? I'm considering putting up the one we had for our sheep which is a strong construction. Only thinking of this as it can be quite windy where we are in the winter. Also thinking to plant some hedging as a wind break.

                      Thanks for the price of the water - was that for the whole year? Seems quite cheap, but then if you can harvest a fair amount of rainwater then I suppose that helps a lot. We do have quite a high rainfall.


                      • #12
                        Well have placed an advert in a local magazine so we shall see how much interest there is soon I hope.


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