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Plots in Falkirk??


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  • Plots in Falkirk??


    Just had a responce from the council, they are trying to get enough intrest for plots around Falkirk, Yipee

    Well it is a start, anyone intrested PM me and I will pass on details.

    Trying not to get too excited Mandy

  • #2
    Good luck with that Mandy. Sometimes you just have to keep plugging away. I don't think there are too many grapes in your area, but have you tried a letter , or an add, in the local press, asking if anyone else is interested. You might get some support that way and get a bit of pressure on the council.

    From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


    • #3
      Operation Allotment!

      Also a quick letter/visit to the closest schools - parents concerned about their families diets are a real boom area for taking up allotments - also a quick note/visit to your local gyms..perhaps a little poster on their notice boards?

      The local press is a brill idea, Alice - they are always looking for 'human interest' stories - get them to interview you (BTW local press can be lazy - don't be shy about writing the piece for them and REMEMBER A PIC - you stand a better chance of getting your peice in and conclude with an appeal to contact with the relevant contact details...and children always go down well in local press SO if you can, tie the piece in with a pic of glum looking photogenic children from local primary school holding forks and spades on a concrete area......


      • #4
        Good luck Mandy.

        Good advice Hazel.

        I would also add that it would be worth setting up a blog on the matter and also networking voluntary orgs in the area such as Friends of the Earth etc... also it would be worth visiting

        The law will hang the man or woman
        Who steals the goose from off the common
        But lets the greater thief go loose
        Who steals the common from the goose


        • #5
          Sorry I have not been on-line this weekend, Thanks for all of the ideas.

          I had started a competition with the kids in the village to see who could grow the most courgettes, (thought they would be a safe bet as some of the kids are very young) maybe I could get the press intrested in that? Kids learning about where food comes from,,growing it, learning how to cook it etc.

          It is just a bit of fun but if it helps with another cause

          Fingers crossed, Mandy


          • #6
            Hi Mandy,

            There's a farm in Slamannan where i get a veg box from, and they're offering allotments, and to buy the produce. I suppose the catch might be that you need to grow something/everything that they want to sell. They got a mention in the Falkirk Herald recently.

            Quote from their newsletter
            'We have currently been advertising for someone to help with the vegetable growing, from which we have had a good response. However if any of you are keen gardeners and would like to undertake a challenge, we are offering an allotment scheme. We would prepare the ground and would guarantee to buy the produce at a set price. '

            I thought about it but I'm still trying to sort out my own garden after moving in a year and a half ago! Although the fact that they'll prepare the ground nearly tempted me. If only they'd come and prepare the ground in my garden, that would save me a lot of work!



            • #7
              Hi Alan,

              Your just up the road from me, we should compare notes! I have only moved here about 1 1/2 years ago to so still sorting out the garden and trying to kill the lawn so I have more space for veg.

              What are you growing? Thanks for the link to the farm, I will check it out now. If we do get plots in Falkirk would you be intrsted? Maybe we could half one to start.

              Oh yes and welcome to the vine! Pop in when you are passing, Mandy


              • #8
                I'd consider going halfers on a plot I think, I'm just worried that I wouldn't have enough time to take care of that and my garden, especially as the garden still needs a lot of work. It was a new build so I started with a large patch of low quality mud. The priority last year was a greenhouse and somewhere to enjoy the sun and the BBQ, so it's time now to make it look like a garden! That and I'm getting better at greenhouse building having had the first one destroyed twice by wind, and a lot lighter in the pocket buying the second more solid one!

                I'm growing chillis, tomatoes and cucumber for the greenhouse (Mainly chilli/peppers, getting a bit obsessed by them!) and hopefully courgettes, peas, jerusalem artichokes, french beans, potatoes, broccolli. I started lettuce in the greenhouse in Feb and was very pleased to have my first leaf on a sandwich today from my Little Gem, I might try to start even earlier next year!

                Anyway, let me know what you think if you speak to the farm.



                • #9
                  Is this too expensive??


                  Thanks to another grape, ta Alan! I have been in contact with a farm offering allotment space but it seems really expensive going by the other thread.

                  This is what I have been offered, I am sure I could negotiate and would hope to half the plot, Alan?

                  has now been ploughed and rotavated it was dunged last year and has been fallow last summer. the individual areas is about 25-27 yards long and probably 6-7 yards wide and I am charging �200 for this which would include water. if you are interested

                  Can any of you wise grapes comment...

                  Thanks, Mandy


                  • #10
                    Hi LJ,

                    No I didn't!!!! I remember another thread and I think �30 was about top price. What I am not sure about is the size, is 7x25 yards smaller than an average plot?

                    Thanks, M


                    • #11
                      Thanks LJ,

                      Never been on a plot but thought 7x25 yards sounded small. I have emailed the guy back about the price, maybe it is a typo



                      • #12
                        [QUOTE=Patonnet74;91012]I'd consider going halfers on a plot I think, I'm just worried that I wouldn't have enough time to take care of that and my garden, especially as the garden still needs a lot of work. It was a new build so I started with a large patch of low quality mud. The priority last year was a greenhouse and somewhere to enjoy the sun and the BBQ, so it's time now to make it look like a garden! That and I'm getting better at greenhouse building having had the first one destroyed twice by wind, and a lot lighter in the pocket buying the second more solid one!

                        I'm growing chillis, tomatoes and cucumber for the greenhouse (Mainly chilli/peppers, getting a bit obsessed by them!) and hopefully courgettes, peas, jerusalem artichokes, french beans, potatoes, broccolli. I started lettuce in the greenhouse in Feb and was very pleased to have my first leaf on a sandwich today from my Little Gem, I might try to start even earlier next year!

                        Hi Alan,

                        My chiilies have been really slow to germinate ony got two plants so far, cuc's beans, aubergenes etc just in. Potaotoes, peas and sweetcorn going great.

                        If you need any seeds beans etc just let me know, I will never use a full packet until I get more space.

                        Just got my greenhouse up last weekend so trying hard to fill it as it looks so bare!

                        Speak soon, Mandy


                        • #13
                          I hope it's a typo! No chance of me paying that! If he takes a zero off I may be interested... I only just pay them more than that for a years veg box supply!

                          Thanks for the seed offer, but I went mad over the winter! I think everytime I was out I must have bought more, and I reckon I must have spent something like 80 pounds!
                          I'm now looking forward to a very productive year with all these seeds


                          • #14
                            Hi Mandy, did you ever hear back from them about the extra zero?


                            • #15

                              No it was �200! Said that because the land had been ploughed etc and water use would be high that this would be the cost.

                              Off out to build a raised bed today, if I can lift the sleepers! ANything for a bit more space.

                              How are you getting on?



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