As an experiment based on something I did last year, I have today potted up 8 well chitted Home Guard spuds, (strong green and purple sprouts,) into 5" flower pots.
They are in the cold greenhouse and I am hoping that by the time they are through I will have prepared with fleece the framework I grew them under last year.
Last year this was covered with thinnish polythene, this year is my new 30g fleece which says frost proof down to -6 degrees.
As soon as they poke their greenery through the compost in the greenhouse I shall pop a bit of fleece over and round them.
When I am ready to put them in their prepared spot I shall (hopefully and carefully
) transfer them to their inside out black bags and bung those under the heavy fleece cover. I have enough room there for possibly 8 sacks with one spud in each. Won't be a massive return but it's giving me something to do.
If you don't experiment - you don't learn eh!!
We shall see. Worth a try anyway for a few early spuds.
They are in the cold greenhouse and I am hoping that by the time they are through I will have prepared with fleece the framework I grew them under last year.
Last year this was covered with thinnish polythene, this year is my new 30g fleece which says frost proof down to -6 degrees.
As soon as they poke their greenery through the compost in the greenhouse I shall pop a bit of fleece over and round them.
When I am ready to put them in their prepared spot I shall (hopefully and carefully

If you don't experiment - you don't learn eh!!

We shall see. Worth a try anyway for a few early spuds.