Not nice to have to go into hospital, Burnie, but a nice surprise to come back to. Best wishes.
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Onions from seed.
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I'm now hardening off the Onions and Leeks, increased the ventilation and turned off the electric, lid off tomorrow if it's a nice day then pot on into old yoghurt pots(huge ones for the Onions, smaller for the Leeks)the day after. Still in the double glazed conservatory, the greenhouse is still going below zero at night up here.
Yep done all that and get some really spindly thin non bulbing things, I haven't tried them in the raised beds, but my soil is very thin and sandy. This year I'm growing onions and leeks from seed in the beds, if they work out, I'll maybe try the springs next year.
I know the (accidental) secret to growing spring onions - I have hundreds of little uns!
Last year I collected seeds from a couple of Ishikura bunching onions and put them in a tray in the GH to dry out. However, they got damp and started to sproutThey were stuck together so I filled a seed tray with compost and emptied the damp seeds on top, spreading them out as best I could. They grew like crazy!
I've filled pot after pot with these baby onions - and I usually struggle to grow them.
Maybe, because the seed was so fresh they wanted to grow. I think allium seeds have a short shelf life?
Couldnt agree more AP reguarding the pictures and thanks to both you and potty for ( and all other contributors) to a cracking read. ( just read the lot in one go )
I sowed four trays ( modules) of Ailsa Craig yesterday ( already had the seed so thought why not ) , im assuming that its not to late and theyll turn out fine if treated well.
Those missing pictures would of been a great help but hey ho, thanks again for all advice given here, soo helpfull.Last edited by jackarmy; 25-02-2017, 11:53 AM.
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