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Onions from seed.


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  • Today is the day

    Who else is sowing there onions today?
    Visit my blog at:


    • I do usually, but have been too busy, so in a couple of days will have to do


      • Am doing mine on New Year's Day - leaf mould in the house to warm up and the propagator is back in it's standard position. - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


        • Mine are done!

          The prop is on and the first set of lights dusted down in the loft

          I am hoping this year I will be left alone to pursue my gardening interests

          We'll see!

          So far I am off to good start!
          "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


          • Mr Snoop has just given me permission to bring them in at night. So I'll start mine at the weekend. I know this is an onion thread, but do you start leeks at the same time?


            • I haven�t started my onions yet,I�ll start everything on the same day in January,then it�s easier to remember what day I sowed. I don't start my leeks yet but someone might do?
              Location : Essex


              • I have sown both leeks and onions at the same time last year, this worked out just fine but due to the awful cold weather they were sitting in trays in my greenhouse for longer than normal. Not a problem though, we still had so many leek seedlings that I gave half to other plot holders.

                I have a tray of red Amposta that I started growing a few weeks ago to as an experiment, they are all little green elbows right now.


                • Teds Mum,

                  you just reminded me I haven't sown my red onions. Thank you


                  • Morada de Amposta (local name), one of my very favouritest onions. Sweet and oniony but not too pungent. Gorgeous. Grow these every year. If you like them, you might like Figueres (also spelled Figueras). I grow them both in rather large quantities (eat the Figueres first and when they're gone start on the Moradas, which sees me through to when the overwintering onions are just reaching about usable size).

                    Hope they do well for you.

                    Edited to add: Should have said they're not what I'd call red, more purplish or pinkish.
                    Last edited by Snoop Puss; 29-12-2018, 12:46 PM.


                    • I have Red Amposta seed to sow for the first time and also Red Baron. Really glad Teds Mum mentioned them.


                      • That's a pic of them. I hope mine get that colour


                        • ^Interesting picture. I've never had skins as red as that and the rings are not often that bright either. But, the flavour is excellent and they do store extremely well without being hard. For cooking, they're fantastic. I often find winter storage onion varieties a bit hard and dry, but these are great.

                          Very good price, by the way. Much cheaper than here!


                          • Thought it was only Chilli peeps that got all excited at this time year. No onions for me yet. Still to do the buying of the seed.


                            • ..............and the early tomato growers.


                              • Originally posted by 4Shoes View Post
                                Thought it was only Chilli peeps that got all excited at this time year. No onions for me yet. Still to do the buying of the seed.
                                Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                                ..............and the early tomato growers.
                                Oi, gerroff the onion thread


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