Recycled some pallets into compost bins - not quite finished though, will have to roll over till the next wet day.
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The 'What I Did Today' Archive - 2007
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Dug over the plot where the Arran Pilot and Anya tatties were. Mostly to turn over the weeds (Black Medick, White Clover and Speedwell) but also to remove any missed tubers. Got quite a haul since my allotment-mate lets her kids dig up the tatties! We are now officially out of earlies. I'll plant out the leeks in the space in a couple of weeks.
Noticed that my tomatoes (Gardeners' Delight) are flowering in their temporary pots and seem quite happy so they can stay where they are.You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
Max Ehrmann, Desiderata
blog: and my (basic!) page:
First dry day today for about a week.Picked raps - 2kg/20kg to date.
Put newest lot of quails outside at 5 weeks - were in brooder in garage.
Tied up some new rasp stems .. badger has been visiting and trampled some down.
Slug pelleted goji bushes.. some moth eaten.
Stopped wallflower.
Back to carpentry: making a turkey house from pallets. Have 2 5 day old Amercian wild turkey chicks in brooder in garage. (noisy but sweet!) . .Xmas lunch is planned early.
Trimmed the hedge in the front garden. It was mostly soft stuff that came off (leylandiibut too much effort to remove and replace) so I chucked it over the lawn and mowed it up. Added a fine mix of hedge trimmings and grass clippings to the compost heap.
Started building a pergola (joint effort with the mr) but stopped after the mallet bounced from the timber I whacked and landed on my left index finger. Will do a bit more tomorrow!
Updated the blog with lots of new pictures.You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
Max Ehrmann, Desiderata
blog: and my (basic!) page:
Weeded, chopped off courgette foliage and staked cukes.
Staked the toms, and chopped off the foliage as much as can be done.
Staked the peppers, and a tomatillo.
planted celery, and uprooted some clumped onions and spread them around the plot a bit.
attempted to pollenate a sweetcorn, they are all coming at different rates, this is the first and i don't want any half full cobs.
started taking the rest of the apple tree debris to the truck for a trip to the tip tomorrow.
used carrots and chives in food tonight as last batch of onions completely used up and this years are taking ages to get to a decent size.
dug up onions and put in plastic planthouse to dry
weeded more
put some BFB where the onions were, forked it in a bit, trampled the surface and planted 9 caulis (snowball) 9 PSB and 9 Kale (Black Tuscany) instead.
Gave similar treatment to the space vacated by the Anya spuds and planted about 55 leeks.
Ripped up great big satisfying handfuls of weeds - mostly black medick and bindweed. Shame bindweed is such a thug since it's so pretty.
Found blight on my mystery spudsso removed the haulms. The desiree in the next bed seem to be unaffected but I will check on them daily from now on.
updated blogLast edited by heebiejeebie; 29-07-2007, 04:01 PM.You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
Max Ehrmann, Desiderata
blog: and my (basic!) page:
planted out some squash seedlings into the ground, the slugs/snails seem to be leaving them alone for the time being, hopefully my ring of washing up liquid will deter them lol.
harvested a few strawberries
harvested 2 big basins of spuds (new potato size)
re-planted my lettuce and spinach seedlings into window boxes
re-potted a few courgette plants (they now all have baby courgettes growing, yay!)
sowed 3 small pots of tomato seeds
sowed a tray of turnip seeds
planted out some flowers into the ground (gladioli, cosmos, geranium and another thing with purple flowers that I don't know the name of!)
and spent ages tidying up the garden and boiler house, still not finished lol, but I don't mind at all since it's lovely and sunny outside for a change!
A busy day for us, more late crop peas were sown in vacated onion beds, swedes were planted, carrots sown along with radish, beetroot and spring onions.
A big harvest was done, the best of which were baby leeks, originally planted 2" apart, they are perfect now, so much so that the last tray have been planted the same.Last edited by pigletwillie; 29-07-2007, 05:29 PM.
went to the plot and had a quick look what i could put in the show on saturday and not much bye the look of it been a bit wet this year turnips look ok carrots won't no untill friday rhubarb looking ok marrows ok beetroot ? oh well never mind
nipped out and planted garlic in the half row left over when I ran out of leeksYou are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
Max Ehrmann, Desiderata
blog: and my (basic!) page:
Planted out last of the celery and some courgettes, lets hope these ones actually produce something good.
Ripped out a weird cuke/courgette mutant, to make way for yellow courgette which should start producing now it has some light
Staked loads of stuff.
harvested carrots and small calabrese heads and weeded around both.
cleared loads more ex-apple tree and took some to the tip.
noticed new seeds sown last weekend are coming up now, and the cherokee and italian beans are an inch tall, so will plant on next week.
sat on the decking next to the canal twice this weekend [with a jumper on as it is still very cold in the wind], and read my book. This is why we came here, at last a little sun is out, even if it is only such a little bit.
Harvested some but not many runners, lots of calabrese, carrots, Cara potatoes, and unbelievable sprouts. No idea why they are ready, but some are - strange year.
Cleared one of my onion bed of weeds and set some more carrots in it. Cleared the other which will be used for some Spring Cabbage which I set at home in modules.
Set some Bright Yellow Chard, at home to start with else the slugs just murder them before they can establish.
Swede's really struggling with slug attacks and also weeds, should have weeded properly before I set them.
Kale growing really well but also getting slug damage, seem to be coping though.
Did a little digging where couch was starting to get too well set and spent the rest of the time weeding the rest.
At home have loads of chili's on my two plants now, going to get a massive crop from them. Will dry most of them and freeze the rest. Tomato plants are full of green tomatoes, but none that have ripened - hoping the nice weather we are due this week will help.
An onion can make people cry but there's never been a vegetable that can make people laugh.
Will Rogers
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