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The 'What I Did Today' Archive - 2007


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  • Took photo of 3 maris piper potatoes for the Virtual Show.

    Am too shy to post them up in case they are rubbish.


    • I will if you will Hazel!
      Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


      • Have been weeding the garden, remove some old courgette leaves ( it seems to begin somekind of mildew ),has remove 20% leaves from red kuri squash and hoping that the squash ripen faster ( there are 8 biggie at the moment ), has applied side dress of chicken pellet manure to the veggies and all the squashes, removed the lemon cucumber vine as it look that it has come to it's end, collect some pot marigold seed, harvested 1 marketmore cucumber, harvested some new zealand spinach, harvested some water cress.

        I grow, I pick, I eat ...


        • Dug up all my maincrop potatoes and left them on newspaper to dry. Will put them into potato sacks later. Dug over the potato beds again - just to make sure - and removed a few pieces of bindweed roots and a 2" high bramble with a 12" root. There are a few damaged ones (where something else has been eating them) so I'll make and freeze mash tomorrow.

          Started building a website. What a palaver!
          You are a child of the universe,
          no less than the trees and the stars;
          you have a right to be here.

          Max Ehrmann, Desiderata

          blog: and my (basic!) page:


          • Weeded, weeded and weeded. Harvested: salad leaves, potatoes, first courgette, a couple of carrots, beetroot and an elephant garlic. Roasted the elephant garlic and put some in with the roasting potatoes and fried the courgettes in butter - not v. healthy, but delicious


            • harvested the last of aaron pilot and planted sixty leeks in thier place


              • Today we harvested Broad beans (nearly the last lot), Runner beans, Peas. Thinned out the carrots and picked courgettes. Spent the afternoon blanching the peas and beans for freezing. Off work at the moment with a broken leg, so no strenuous activities for a while!


                • Delivered first shop order and veg boxes today - a proper milestone in my new adventure.
                  Added courgettes and beetroot to list of veg for sale.
                  Just taken a call from a gut who wants to buy a hundredweight of new potatoes and 10 carrots !!! - Thought it was a wind up call but realised it wasn't before I said anything silly. Managed to persuade him that buying a hundredeight of new tatties wasn't a good idea - talked him down to 12 kilos eventually, but he still only wants 10 carrots !!

                  British by birth
                  Scottish by the Grace of God



                  • Weeded [goes without saying i suppose].
                    Cleared a few peans and beans that had given their all.
                    Chopped back courgette foliage and took a couple out that had also given all they were going to.
                    Planted out a few new yellow courgettes, patty pan squashes [in the OH's patch, that'll teach him to go out with the lads].
                    Planted out a few leeks that had been in a bunch in a quiet corner, and planted on some red welsh onions.
                    moved a few Swiss Chards that the OH had planted too close together, and some beetroot that was also too close together [my fault this time].
                    Looked lovingly at my new bean/carrot and onion patch that we sown last week where i took the pots up, beans are a couple of inches tall now, making good progess.
                    Planted out other beans that had been started in pots, in case the ones in the patch didn't show.
                    Stared hard at my tomatillo trying to scare it into growing faster.
                    Smiled at the cukes that are finally starting to show [i have one about 3 inches long, at last].
                    Got sunburn and now look like a tomato myself.
                    Watered and fertilised everything, sat by the canal [probably why i got sunburn] and enjoyed a summer day!


                    • Finished working nights and went straight to the plots, watered both tunnels and greenhouses along with newly sown raised beds. Picked ripe tomatoes, courgettes and peppers to take to France with us, picked blackberries, razzers and plums for the freezer, dieseled up car, packed my case, loaded car, fed cats, had a shower left key with neighbour, set sat nav for St Jean de'savigny and buggered off for a fortnight.


                      • Emptied the yogurt pots that were filled with beer - slugs had a party and needed turfing out into the compost dalek.
                        My Blog -
                        Photo Album -


                        • Sawed up branches from woodpile into manageable chunks.
                          Picked courgettes.
                          Updated blog
                          You are a child of the universe,
                          no less than the trees and the stars;
                          you have a right to be here.

                          Max Ehrmann, Desiderata

                          blog: and my (basic!) page:


                          • Spent nearly 6 hours at the Hill weeding. And if I did the same again, it would really look somethin'!

                            Dug up the onions. These will not win prizes!

                            Kind allotment neighbour Barry gave me some bored bean pods from his plants to dry for seed for next year (So THAT'S why everyone else has left some plants in situ! Pulled all mine up ages ago!)

                            Pulled a few sp onions.

                            Had bath, paracetamol for headache from 6 hours weeding in the sun without a hat - and a zzzzzz

                            Now cooking enough Sarah Raven crushed new potatoes with rosemary and garlic to feed a number of neighbouring towns which I will be freezing.


                            • Apart from making Plum Chutney and preparing plums for jam tomorrow and making lemonade I pulled the Rhubarb for the last time this year and froze 10lbs of it. The crowns will now have a good feed and the straw mulch topped up to prepare them for next year. Jobs for tomorrow before it gets too hot, 30C forcast
                              Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


                              • Beautiful day, summer at last. Pottered around in the garden at home, got to work on the VERY overgrown forsythia bush (tree) behind the workshop - it has to be brought down to size. Consequence, very sore hands from the loppers and secateurs. This afternoon went shopping with middle daughter, bought her a carpet (she will pay me back, she always does, and I'm cheaper than using a credit card). Went to Asda to see if they have any garden stuff reduced. Plenty of chemicals, but no tools (they had loads last week but not reduced - where do they hide them till next year?)


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