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The 'What I Did Today' Archive - 2007


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  • if the boss wont speak to you thats his loss dont loose any sleep over him/her. take the prayers you'll need all the help you can get over the next few weeks. only 2 more sleeps now as my daughter says when shes excited about something as everyone else has said good luck and many congrats on going it alone..... hope everything works out for you
    The love of gardening is a seed once sown never dies ...


    • Every best wish Rat. You'll do it. Hope you're going online so that we can buy.

      From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


      • Very best of luck Rat, it's a big step but I am sure it will work out
        Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


        • Had a lovely couple of days on the lottie. Had a burn up on Monday, got rid of a fairly large pile of brambles. Went down this morning, too damp to burn stuf so got the bed where my fruit bushes are going to go. Have 2 blackcurrants and a gooseberry that I inherited with the lottie, so left them in place and put a thick mulch all around and over the rest of the bed. Bed is nice and large so I have room to add to it when I can.
          Was pleasantly surprised that the ground is workable and not as heavy as I was fearing. Next job is to mark out where the spuds are going to go and get that dug over.
          Happy to see that the young plants tucked up in my mini greenhouse were not too bothered by the frost we had last night.
          Got home at lunchtime to find tat my GYO had arrived in time for me read it with a nice cuppa tea.
          Working for the next few days so won't get out to play again till Sunday
          Glad to hear you and Mr D are feeling better now Mrs D.
          Last edited by kirsty b; 31-01-2007, 09:53 PM.
          Kirsty b xx


          • Just before Chrissie had a newly sited greenhouse set up ready to grow but in NY it was stoned which broke about 10 panes which was bad enough but allowed wind to blow out a few more later that week. Just patched it up in anticipation of the big storm a few weeks ago so at present it remains well ventilated minus 10 more panes.
            Any tips for these sorts of allotment perils?


            • Don't erect a greenhouse in New York, the street gangs will get it !
              Sorry, just thought I'd get there before ntg for once....
              There's no point reading history if you don't use the lessons it teaches.

              Head-hunted member of the Nutter's Club - can I get my cranium back please ?


              • Went to wilkinsons this morning.Managed to get 5lt bag of vermiculite for �1.29,big pk growmore for �1,various bits and pieces,and their plastic tubs are buy one get one free .Then on way home paid visit to small family run nursery and got 2 9.something lts of chicken poo for �9 and best of all 3 seed tatos of Rocket,another 3 of Nadine, an another 3 of Cara all for princely sum of �1.03, Just hope they all do ok in my buckets. A down hill after that as daughter ill,grandaughter ill,and I had to take grandson to dr's as he was having trouble with his waterworks!!!Showed protein in his sample so have to phone tomorrow for test results from hospital If its not one thing its another


                • Originally posted by sewer rat View Post
                  Not quite today but handed my notice in at work on Monday - boss has not spoken to me since then !!! Have had lots of calls and text messages of support from local farmers, and local minister says he will have his congregation say a prayer for my success on Sunday.
                  Only 48 hours from being self employed . At 5 o'clock on Friday, there will be sunshine over Tain, even if it pissing it down everywhere else
                  Good luck on your new venture rat!
                  My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                  to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                  Diversify & prosper


                  • had a mixed day. Visited 3 garden centres in search of lady crystal and swift potato seed, no luck. Tried wilcos and no luck either. Dismayed, went home and looked on web. T&M have in stock but del �4.99 (probably spent that today on diesel so will accept this as a learning experience)

                    Afternoon was better. Started and finished nest boxes for chicken coop and made a new set of roosting bars for my lovely girls. Hard work for someone who is more of a "wreck it yourself" than a "do it yourself" so am feeling very smug with myself.

                    Also managed to plant some parmex carrots in containers in the greenhouse.

                    Have just been down to my girls and lifted my light sussex onto the perch so she does not get c&*%@ed on again I find it so strange that she is bottom of the pecking order when she is the biggest bird there????


                    • Got up for work this morning at 5am ready for the usual commute to Liverpool street ready for work at 6.45am. Inspected my first 2 mini trays of salad leaves made up from a mix of last years magazine free gifts - didn't think they'd sprout but they did ......ahh my babies :roll eyes: I'm so proud!!

                      Left clear instructions for OH to pick up bag of compost now I'm in the mood to set more seeds, needless to say he forgot. Trundled off to work with all the other unhealthy commuters coughing and spluttering all over the place.
                      Outgoing boss being a 'B*!*H' to all at the moment, sent me some nasty prickly e-mails so decided to ignore her and while away lunch break (ha ha do me a favour) by logging on here and putting my two pnneth in - most satisfying . Boring meetings all afternoon, followed by long slog home again only to be told by no 3 daughter that "some trays of dirt in the conservatory have started to sprout weeds in them and isn't it about time I cleared them out?' Patiently explained that these are our salad crop (of which I am very proud) not WEEDS and they better still be sprouting when I come back off hols!
                      Started packing for 1 week in the sun ,flying off tomorrow night, and logged on here for a bit of a chat and a larf - left OH making more newspaper pots as pennance for forgetting the compost - that'll teach him

                      Bit worried about sorting out my compost dalek as I think we've got mice or something since the foxes went on strike now they're getting full on all the scraps people are afraid to put in their wheelie bins.


                      • Originally posted by Jan View Post
                        Started packing for 1 week in the sun ,flying off tomorrow night, and logged on here for a bit of a chat and a larf - left OH making more newspaper pots as pennance for forgetting the compost - that'll teach him
                        Have a lovely holiday Jan, and post some photos of sun, sea, sand etc when you get back

                        I've had a strange day. Car was in local weekly today and I've been on tenterhooks, but not had any calls yet. Maybe people want to buy cars at the weekend? Stupid morons in the local rag missed it off last week, so have had to wait a whole week already.
                        Can only think of Lady Macbeth: "If twere done, twere well done quickly" (not an exact quote, but I prefer my version so there )
                        Really don't like all this hanging about. Once I've decided to do something I usually want it over fast, that way there is no room for doubt or back tracking. Oh well. Will get on with chivvying Bubblewrap about the greenhouse in the next few days.


                        • I have decided after two evenings of pricking out onion, shallot and tomato seedlings that I need an apprentice pricker outer.


                          • Can I apply for the job Piglet???


                            • Today I was planning where to plant my fruit trees as espaliers. That's as gardening as it got

                              Oh.... and totally lost my rag in work at someone I used to work with over the phone. They were stressed, not listening to me properly and then told me that in future I shouldn't do any investigations myself and I should leave it to them so that I don't confuse matters. When I 'carefully' replied with "well next time I won't bother trying to help" with a bright red face, everyone on my team turned round in shock wondering what had happened. Can you tell I don't lose my rag very often?

                              Sorry, had to get that off my chest. The guy did then make the journey up to my floor for some pathetic excuse to help me out on something as he realised he'd been waaaaay out of line

                              "There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter


                              • Bloody butcher and ferline tomato seed ordered from Nickys seeds, Aromel perpetual strawberry plants ordered from Moles Seeds and Heinz tomato seed and some salad mixture ordered from Baumix.

                                More banana shallots pricked out along with red baron and rjinsberger onion seedlings. Some new Dahlia tubers were potted up so that I can take cuttings from the new shoots when they appear.

                                Finally sat back to read this months mag and spotted a picture of myself (in human form) amongst the pages, next to Graham Strong's.

                                Ongoing interviews for the post of pricker outer but suspect they were all Lj in disguise.
                                Last edited by pigletwillie; 02-02-2007, 05:12 PM.


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