Harvested some more runner beans and carrots. Pulled the onions and hung them to dry in the shed. Poured out the rest of my carrot seeds into the bed where the onions come from as i heard the seeds don't keep very well. Something might happen!...
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The 'What I Did Today' Archive - 2007
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Picked blueberries. Picked pears. Ate both (OH's cooking).
Finished moveable turkey fencing (at last), treated wood and left to dry. turkeys now 5 and a bit weeks old and getting too big for brooder.
Quair eggs due to hatch end this week.
Hoed lawn edges/ veg garden.
brushed down yard.. exhausted.
Damsons turning blue but still hard.
Harvested calabrese, more runners, more sprouts (earlies) and some carrots. Some carrots now very large and have split which is a shame, not surprised though.
Swedes looking good as ar turnips, Kale, beetroot and spinach. Should get a nice lot from these. Last of the onions lifted and drying and the rest are bagged.
Main crop pots not lifted yet, got some at the weekend and although some good size for baking, not enough filled out yet. Will watch for slug damage though.
Chard and spring cabbage to be planted out next few weeks, when more established.
Updated blog.
An onion can make people cry but there's never been a vegetable that can make people laugh.
Will Rogers
Yesterday actually, scrubbed all the plant pots with ***** fluid. Washed the tomato plastic sleeves in the same so that I may use them again. Gennerally cleaned up planting things.
Went to Bernay in the afternoon and saw a potager with healthy Tomatoes, a bit blue, bordeaux mixture, but they had tomatoes on them. Green with envy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks as if I will have to resort to that as well next year if I want any tomatoes. Will give them one more try before giving up.
Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet
Today I was down the lottie with my Dad. Weeded around the carrots while he burnt (hopefully) the least lot of wood rubbish. My lovely neighbour gave me some winter cabbage seedlings and leeks too which got planted.
The rest of the day should see me trying to regain my side of the shed so I can do gardening stuff in it again. Tomorrow I'm planning to get back down the lottie with my 4 y/o to cover the cabbage with fleece and let him pick the few toms and beans that we have.Shortie
"There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter
Planted two pepper plants in the allotment since they were getting a bit big for their pot. Did a little bit of weeding and watered my raised bed. Looks like spring cabbage seeds are germinating
Planted up my new home-made planter and took pics for my blog. I have an improved design in mind for the next one.
Collected the overnight lot of windfallen apples and made apple and blackberry cake. Stewed the remaining apples and bagged them for the freezer. At this rate I'm either going to have to freecycle apple-picking sessions or buy a bigger freezer.You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
Max Ehrmann, Desiderata
blog: http://allyheebiejeebie.blogspot.com/ and my (basic!) page: http://www.allythegardener.co.uk/
Harvested my first tomatillo [ever] - with the hope that it was ripe and yes, it was - so it went into the spag bol just because...
Oh, and picked off a few toms that have blight - only had one tom this year home grown [thank goodness that i bought one tumbling tom earlier in the spring, or i would be tom free].
Put banana skins down yesterday to try and get the few toms that haven't got blight to ripen - fooling myself i know but anyhow.
Weeded, picked off some poppy seed heads and went in as it was far too cold tonight to do much more.
Picked another 40 odd courgettes, watered chillies and cukes in tunnel - chillies beginning to turn their respective red and orange now then spent 6 hours at the hospital in Inverness with OH, then back to field at ten past three to find queue of customers - I had put notice up saying I'd be back at three ! One guy and his wife and sister cleared my peas for me - 30kg they picked!! More box orders forthcoming too.
Tomorrow my market stall should be arriving - just in time to christen it on Saturday !Rat
British by birth
Scottish by the Grace of God
Last night, I plaited up the red onions that were dry, and bunched those whose leaves were too short to plait. So 4 seperate lots hanging in the shed now beside the net bag of "no neck" ones I put in over the weekend. Tonight I have to make some kind of onion mush/marmalade/chutney with the ones which bolted or were not suitable for storage.
Held the toddler up high so she could pick another handful of cherry toms to munch on - that answers the question about a fruit or a veg!
Read the Suttons autumn catalogue, admitted to OH that there was the brassica collection (all 75 plants) on order (he wasn't listening the last time I told him) and answered his question that "I hadn't ordered any garlic but there are onion sets coming around end Sept" - he pointed out the short storage time of these types so I started looking for chutney recipes for next early summer.
Yesterday, has planted the seedlings for autumn harvest ( rapini, mibuna, komatsuna mustard, and some brassicas ) , has plated some 8 PSB seedlings, managed to harvest several patio tomatoes; rumanian hot peppers; several Ishikura bulching onions, several korean squashes and harvested my last fennel ( about to start forming flower bulbs ).
My winter squahes seeds arrive today... hoerahhhh next year plan is on schedule.
Hmmm very please with " Uncle Bob's seed " service.
MomolI grow, I pick, I eat ...
Went to the allotments to put up some fencing on one of our plots and afterwards went to water the tunnels. Disaster, blight cometh. In 48 hours it has touched every tomato plant in both tunnels. I have picked every good looking tom, red, green or in between and will be cooking them down tonight.
Bugger bugger bugger.
Decided that I'd enter a local show this weekend for the category called 'A Display Hamper of Vegetables'. And now that I have determined with one of the organisers that my hamper will NOT be auctioned off at the end of the show at The Cross Pub from 7pm onwards, and that it won't affect my chances of being judged 'fairly' I have decided to 'go ahead' and dive in feet first for my very first Show entry (enthused by my best mate Hazel at the Hill) - actually, I lied through my teeth, and told him that I'd promised it to my 'Broomstick of A Mother', and clearly, he must of believed me....
Thank you for listening,
Sorry to hear about the blight piglet, it has killed our plants and is just affecting the toms. Picked rest of toms today. Watered the turnips, and hung up the onion in a bizarre old show rack styleeVegmonkey and the Mrs. - vegetable gardening in a small space in Cheltenham at www.vegmonkey.co.uk
- Bought more freezer bags
- Harvested a couple of kilos of cobra beans
- 1 kilo of runner beans
- 1 kilo of raspberries
- A bunch of carrots
- Harvested a sweetcorn...hmm, too early or not pollinated properly
- Removed flowers from late spuds
- Grabbed a couple of kilos of windfall apples
- Cut more sweet peas
- Told the frogs in the pond not to worry - it's bound to rain soon
Picked up more windfall apples and made crumble.
Picked, blanched and froze some mystery beans.
Cut grass in allotment.
Generally trimmed and tidied plants that are past their flowering season.
Took a dozen cuttings from one of my favourites.
Watered pots and baskets.
Dead-headed roses, dahlias and penstemons.
Tied up bits of grape vine and convolvulus on the pergola, wove the new clematis shoots into the trellis.
Did some weeding.
Looked at a large courgette and decided that actually I would like a marrow thankyouverymuch.You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
Max Ehrmann, Desiderata
blog: http://allyheebiejeebie.blogspot.com/ and my (basic!) page: http://www.allythegardener.co.uk/
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