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The 'What I Did Today' Archive - 2007


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  • Spent an hour on the plot before the match - OH wanted to get home in time to swear at the tv (so me and the toddler went for a looong walk!!).

    While there, weeded the carrots and french beans (carrots may give something, french beans are too tiny I reckon, but might overwinter them). Pulled the second last bunch of spring onions - most are quite large now, proper salad onions like the french supermarkets sell. Also gathered 2 tiny mangetout and no peas (thought I'd get more than that, but alas). Fixed the net over the late sowing of peas (flowering nicely and a couple of small pods visible). Then toddler and I ambled out to the gate, picking and eating (me picking, her eating!) blackberries off the ditch, while OH sprayed more roundup on the few weeds that dared return and cabbage patch (putting onion sets and garlic there in next couple of weeks when it is dry - ground was too wet to do it this week).

    Salvaged 3 more small trusses of tomatoes, starting to ripen, from back garden. Digger dug more than anticipated, so 4 plants which had looked promising went into the skip when we weren't there on Thursday.

    Let OH borrow my GYO mag - and answered all his smart questions about planting onions,. garlic and getting seed catalogues in the affirmative (that they are all planned and organised - and he doesn't even know yet about the lettuces, peas and beans I've ordered too....)


    • Yesterday I cut the large marrow I've been nurturing (that's technical speak for ignoring!) since returning from my hols a month ago. I've got a couple of nearly ripe Baby Bear pumpkins a couple of Carnival squashes and one Sweet Dumpling - pathetic but considering the season I'm happy with them. I cut some broccoli for tea and pulled a few of the last remaining kohl rabi - they've done really well. I shall grow more of them and not bother with turnips next year. Still pulling spring onions too.
      I brought a couple of the chilli plants indoors - one Cheyenne and one Scotch Bonnet, to ripen up on the kitchen windowsill. Still got them coming in the greenhouse, together with the sweet peppers. I think the aubergines are on their last legs though. Good season. Must sown more hardy lettuce to grow on in the greenhouse later. Lovely day today but I've got wine to bottle and a gallon of damson to get bubbling.
      Have a nice day, all.
      Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


      • went down allotment early fixed that dripping tap at end of my plot put in some posts to support the raspberries (when they grow)started to dig over where cauli's were ready for the winter onions must get mower down there as grass that i sowed is sarting to look a bit long now


        • I dug out 3/4 of a large blackberry bush complete with rotten framework ready to burn tommorow. More strawberries were picked as were the first of our very late corn, pumpkins, courgettes, beans and spagna bianco.


          • Started a new bed today after finishing the shed and fruit bed this one will be 8m by 1.2m and house the brassicas next year.
            Attached Files
            ---) CARL (----
            NORTH DEVON

            a seed planted today makes a meal tomorrow!



            now in blog form ! UPDATED 15/4/09


            • Yet again I made myself NOT water the Grown-Up-Girls' Greenhouse border soil, on account of the fact that I want the ripening tomatoes to be their fullest of flavour, and the red peppers, because today, whilst I was painting someone's Larder (as you do...) I was turning cartwheels in my mind, salivating at the thought of oodles more jars of Wellie Tomato & Red Pepper Relish for our BBQs in our new abode in France next Summer.
              Especially, as I brought home two huge carrier-bags full of empty jars with me toady!!
              Quality Shot Girlie....


              • I did my first ever job on my allotment yesterday....

                I took delivery of a trailer of manure, and started to shovel it!
                ooo I ache today though.
                Hard work, but strangely satisfying


                • Built my new composter (25 €, Lidl) down by the mower dump ramp, did some weeding on plot one and started laying cardboard to suppress the grass where plot six will be built. Not much, really.



                  • Went out with the Brownies in the village to plant wild flower plugs alongside one of the verges and in the churchyard. Should be brill in the spring.
                    Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

           Updated March 9th - Spring


                    • Finished work at 3.00pm...........went to lottie and wrestled with a 1000 ltr water container!
                      Managed to position it all by my lonesome. Took my coat off first because I was sweating, then my jumper later on, followed soon after by my shirt! Drew the line at taking my tee shirt off as I didn't want to frighten any kids who were around!
                      Just finished hooking it up to the downcomer from my greenhouse, after a struggle, when the heavens opened!
                      Probably go back tomorrow and it will be full of water.

                      It had vinegar in it originally so I'm hoping that a very,very,very dilute vinegar feed won't harm the plants. You never know I might have invented a new pesticide!
                      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                      Diversify & prosper


                      • I spent all day on the plot today, the morning was spent finishing the removal of a large blackberry bush (s) and framework and the removal of said roots. One brand new burgon and ball spade shaft later and they were out, finished off with a �9 tesco special spade. The afternoon was spent in a commitee meeting where 1 member was evicted for theft of anothers crops and several others given notice to quit due to uncultivated plots. All in all an unpleasant but necessary meeting.


                        • A quick trip to the Hill tonight to find two small courgettes for tea, saw Novice-neighbour-Jody and asked him to submit my Prize Winning Pumpkin at the weekend, then to partner-in-grime Jane's to ask her to module sow the Jap onions bought at the Malvern Show.


                          • I took two garden refuse bags full of couch and bindweed roots to the local tip as we aren't supposed to burn things and then rotovatored one of my beds before filling it with 300 Japanese onions.
                            Live each day as if it was your last because one day it will be


                            • I got my Radar Onions off eBay, and put half in (the other half in a couple of weeks); pulled up all my tomato plants (all fruits are various shades of green, so it's Chutney Weekend); pulled up dwarf French Beans plants to dry in shed; sowed green manures (rye and alfalfa); dug over weedy corner for Bored Beans next month.
                              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                              • I potted on some globe artichoke plants as I still have not got the ground ready for them. Also saved some agapanthus, holyhock and helenium seed for next year.


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