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The 'What I Did Today' Archive - 2007


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  • Well today I dug out the ground for two of my linkabord raised beds (mighty hard work as I have heavy clay soil) under the supervision of my 5 cats, put down my cardboard and filled them with compost and pellet plant food as the compost is from last year. I am currently growing cocktail sticks in a bid to keep my darling cats off them.

    I still have three beds to go but they can wait for another day.


    • today i did 3 hours of was so warm in the sun and shielded from the wind i could work in just a t-shirt.roll on march.


      • I rooted out my meter-lengths of guttering today, washed & dried them, putting clean weather-proof sticky tape at each end, and after filling them with a mixture of old compost, new Levingtons and John Innes No.3, sowed 32 Mangetout 'Delicata' seeds to each of five lengths. They're in the Little Girls Greenhouse now (10c) to germinate.
        We're still munching our way through last year's harvest from No.1 Freezer...!

        I also freed up a little space by transferring brassica seedlings, flowering strawberry plants, 4" broad bean seedlings in rootrainers etc. into the unheated (Grown-Up Girls Greenhouse) along with some lettuce and rocket seedlings to grow on 'cool' to be planted out under cloches in a week or two.

        Thank you for listening....


        • Working again today, but Mr D was off, so went down the plot and double dug half of the last of our beds, picking out all the roots and nasties, so our first plot is almost completely double dug on the veg beds now! Only the fruit beds at the top to dig the nasties out of and then mulch over and we'll be all ready for spring! I cant wait to get planting!

          Our 2nd plot (the half one) has been virtually dug over for us, so looks like all we need to do over on that one is mark out the beds and put in the paths before we can start planting! Cant wait!!
          Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

          'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

          The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
          Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
          Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
          On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


          • A reasonably fine day today, for a change. Managed to get loads done including, digging and removing weeds, marking out proposed beds and trampling pathways, putting manure on beds and finally planting up five Jersey Royal seed potatoes in a barrel.

            Surprised to find that the two overgrown allotments that I intend to cultivate as one, have two very different types of soil.
            One is sticky, stony and there aren't too many weeds, the other is weed infested (some real nasties. i.e couch,thistles and nettles) but once these are removed has a nice friable stoneless loam.

            Measured the centre of both plots and started to lay in the position of my central herb bed.

            With the nights slowly getting lighter I should be able to progress in leaps and bounds!!! Now where did I put that ralgex?
            My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
            to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

            Diversify & prosper


            • Ground is too soggy to work with any conviction so took compost scraps up and some driftwood gathered from riverside.

              Dug a hole to plant almond tree arriving later in week and planning how to divide the plot into rotation sections.

              Just starting to realise quite how much work there is to do!


              • Ground is far too soggy here to do any digging. Repotted some cauliflower seedlings and took them to lottie and put in my new coldframe along with a tray of onion seedlings and some leeks.

                Weeded onions and garlic and checked the cloche to make sure it is still secure. Met the chairman of the site today for the first time, lovely man, seemed really helpful. He said there is nothing that he could think of that wouldn't grow in our soil but we will see.


                • Not a lot gardening wise but made Mrs D's Stiffado for some French friends. Went down a bomb
                  Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


                  • Poked my nose out of the door when absolutely necessary (dog needing a pee and an onion required for dinner). Horrendous weather (gale force wind, minus god knows what temperature wise, sleet, snow, hail, and everything in between). Certainly not a day for any type of gardening.
                    Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
                    ~ Mary Kay Ash


                    • Cleaned the greenhouse glass, inside and out with the help of Mr OWG - was totally surprised that I can see out of it!!

                      Planted 12 strawberry runners into old plastic stacking boxes with holes in, and put them in the greenhouse.

                      Soaked the roots of my sisters 2 minarette apple trees and then put them back inside the garage

                      "Planted" a mushroon kit from B&Q

                      Shifted loads of mud/dirt from where the wind and rain has heaped it next to my tractor mower


                      • today...

                        im going to make the most of the sun because it practically rained all day yesterday so i'll get out there to sort out my beds and plan everything out, but first i have to vacuum the house
                        stay safe, be happy, have fun


                        • Back onto the plot today, It was pleasant in the morning yeaterday. I managed to erect four sections of harris fencing at the back of plot one to plant up as a wind break, put a thick mulch on the asparagus bed, plant some shallots in the raised beds and put more bark chips between the beds.


                          • This morning I sowed 250 chile pepper seeds and 6 seed trays of the PW strain of banana shallots. Got letter from council and if they cannot find any reasons to bounce my application, I can start to put up my polytunnels and sheds etc on 6th March.
                            Still to wet to spray off weeds and start ploughing though. Gonna strip old fence and tidy up driveway verge tomorrow if it stays dryish.
                            Gave my list of veg and varieties to Kev in my local GC yesterday and he's gonna put his order for young veg plants in writing to me by Friday.
                            Went to local Gardening Club last night (I'm secretary so had no option!) and have got a lot of orders for veg plants and quite a few promises to join veg box scheme - it seems that my nearest and largest organic rival is putting up prices whilst letting his quality drop quite severely - all in all, not a bad 24 hours

                            British by birth
                            Scottish by the Grace of God



                            • I sowed some Parsnips in paper-pots (thanks WiZeR); potted up some water-rooted fuchsias; had a coffee outside in the sun for 20 mins and saw the first hoverfly and iris reticulata. Everything in the garden feels like its just about to 'pop'
                              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                              • today i managed...

                                ...about 4 and a bit hours straight of digging/weeding/picking out stones/breaking up super big lumps of clay from the raised bed along the patio it looks so nice and bare, almost 'clean', i'll get photos soon, possibly later on today before i pub it, or maybe tomorrow.

                                i just need to do the same with the border along the length of the garden then sort out the pots and tubs (hopefully tomorrow) then get planting... i love the feeling of starting all over again

                                might need to do something with my nails before i go out though
                                stay safe, be happy, have fun


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