Oh dear Mazel-bee, that is sad. I love toads. However, as I don't have any (a few frogs but no toads) I've installed a trio of chickens in my garden to make a dent in the slug population. They're great and less than a week in I'm getting 2 or 3 eggs a day already.
Went to Aldi and picked up two packs of fruit bushes, so I've two redcurrants, two gooseberries, a black currrant and a blackberry to plant. Didn't see the big box of fruit trees until I was on my way out though.
Never mind, I've got enough trees in pots for now.
And managed to clear out my greenhouse - spotted a couple of missing panes that I'd not noticed before, but they're easily fixed, and in the meanwhile, they let the chickens get in to have a go at the bugs.
Have to scrub some pots and clear off the potting table, but we're getting there. The potting shed, however, is currently beyond hope - I opened the door and inventoried a bike, a generator, an electric strimmer, two sets of shelves with the remains of last years garlic, shallots and onions on them, an easel, a large child's ride-on car, some pieces of Land Rover, my missing fork (no longer missing), a large stack of plastic storage boxes... at that point I gave up and shut the door. We did win a nice 6 bird chicken house on eBay last night though, so my girls will have deluxe accomodation from Tuesday.
Oh - and the tray of banana shallot seed that the builders knocked all over the floor and haphazardly scooped back into the modules actually has a couple of tiny shoots showing! Maybe they like being treated roughly...
Went to Aldi and picked up two packs of fruit bushes, so I've two redcurrants, two gooseberries, a black currrant and a blackberry to plant. Didn't see the big box of fruit trees until I was on my way out though.

And managed to clear out my greenhouse - spotted a couple of missing panes that I'd not noticed before, but they're easily fixed, and in the meanwhile, they let the chickens get in to have a go at the bugs.

Oh - and the tray of banana shallot seed that the builders knocked all over the floor and haphazardly scooped back into the modules actually has a couple of tiny shoots showing! Maybe they like being treated roughly...