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The 'What I Did Today' Archive - 2007


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  • Originally posted by pigletwillie View Post
    It was supposed to rain today but thankfully it didn't.

    Two raised beds of sturon onion sets were planted out, something that wouldnt be possible direct into the ground as its just too wet. My homemade wooden plant labels are also now being put to use labeling all of the beds as they fill up.

    Some cabbage and leeks were harvested, bangers, mash, leeks and cabbage for dinner and a big pan of potato and leek soup for in the week.
    Your lucky piglet it p**sed it down here!!

    This afternoon I gave up on the lottie after the third cuppa and so retireed to the warmth of my greenhouse where I sowed some leeks, 2 trays of bedding plants, 16 Crimson flowered Broad beans & 8 "The Prince" Dwarf French beans destined for the greenhouse in pots for some early jobbies.

    Finished the last of the new tatties I planted just after Chrimbo & planted my Swift ready for the next lot - yum yum.
    Last edited by nick the grief; 25-02-2007, 07:09 PM.
    Never be afraid to try something new.
    Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
    A large group of professionals built the Titanic


    • Finally seem to be getting somewhere with my newly aquired allotments!

      Rough dug the herb wheel area yesterday which was supposed to be 6'0" diameter but finished up 12'0" diameter! It's in the centre of the plot so I had to dig out the old path. Three foot wide and one foot six thick of hardcore seemed to be a little over the top by the previous occupants!!!! Anyway it's out now and the herb bed is roughed out! Because of it's eventual size I am going to increase the amount of spokes from eight to twelve.

      Today, because I was knackered, I decided I would tidy the greenhouse, build some staging and sow a few seeds. It started to rain, both outside and inside, so I spent some time with a tube of silicon sealant sealing off the leaks as they appeared!
      Built my staging, and I am pleased with it. Forgot to take camera with me or I would have taken a photo!
      Put my little poly four tiered mini greenhouse inside the main greenhouse and installing my paraffin fueled cold frame heater in the bottom of it!

      Sowed cauli, brussels, red brussels, red cabbage,celariac, giant cape gooseberry,carnations,sweet peas(don't laugh) and also moved ham onions, red ham onions,kelsae onions and Hungarian onions into there new home in the greenhouse within a greenhouse.
      Brought the Cape gooseberries,celariac and carnation pots home with me to put in my electric propagator as they need a higher temperature.

      Sorted my seed potatoes out into trays. I have Desiree, International Kidney, Duke of York, Pink Fir Apple, Picasso and Majestic all chitting away nicely!

      All in all not a bad weekends work and for once I came away chuffed with what I had achieved!
      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

      Diversify & prosper


      • Managed to get to the seed swap with Miss EB but spent most of the time chatting to the active arts guys who have taken a plot on our site and making musical instruments . Mr EB has finally put up the shelves I have been asking for since we moved in (about 5 years give or take) and the kitchen is consequently tidier and the energy of that part of the house feels better already.

        Ahh tidy bliss.
        Bright Blessings

        If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.


        • Just got back from the lottie & finally managed some digging, ground is still quite sticky & heavy going but the peas & broad beans are up in the greenhouse so I will need an area to plant them in a few weeks, not forgetting a potato bed too.
          Lets teach kids to cook.


          • Off work at the moment with RSI, 2 weeks off which I would normally love but it means that I can't put too much pressure on my right hand (typing this with left hand, slow going). This means that digging is out of the question unfortunately also anything too manual but saying that I drove to the local wyevale today (half price T&M veg seed sale still on by the way). I bought a Rhubarb Crown - Timperley Early, and some flower bulbs for a small border I'm having at the front of lottie. I got some Tigridia Pavoinia, Anemone St Bridgid, Freesia and Polianthus Tuberosa. Planted all these and now my hand is killing. Ho Hum!!!


            • Today we are having our first BBQ of the year
              Last edited by Earthbabe; 26-02-2007, 05:20 PM.
              Bright Blessings

              If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.


              • I was in Homebase this morning to get some compost as I used all mine at the weekend. Picked up some seed potatoes, onion sets and a couple of packets of seeds that I had not seen elsewhere.

                While passing through I noticed a rather nice range of "contractor" tools under the "Roughneck" brand name.
                Longhandled, point tip shovel, aka an american spade, under �20.
                Longhandled english digging spade, under �15.
                Both with fibreglass shaft and plastic D handles.
                Anyone tried them, or in need of a spade?
                Last edited by Peter; 26-02-2007, 11:21 PM.
                Always thank people who have helped you immediately, as they may not be around to thank later.
                Visit my blog at - Updated 18th October 2009
                I support


                • Yesterday, I thought I'd set us up a Blog, but once set up, it wouldn't let me back in to edit it, so I have 'deleted' that one and started again.
                  Wellie's completely over the moon with it. Dead 'cited! That'll be Kisses & Cuddles for ME then !!!!!!


                  • Well done trousers, I started one on Sunday and by Monday realised that I really cant be bothered, I would sooner read other peoples.

                    Back in the greenhouse, beetroot sown into modules, my Blaby tomatoes are now pricked out as are tigerella and a raft of roma.

                    I had a good seed sort out and have sown perenial sweet peas, dahlia, achillea, cape gooseberry, helenium and allium.


                    • Today I was painting bedroom walls, two wardrobes, chest of drawers, two bedside cabinets and fireplace.
                      Took two lots of photos for OH's magazine,
                      Collected Iona from School
                      Did OH'S banking for her
                      Tomorrow I might to do some of my own work !!
                      (Actually, I did prick out PW's Humberstone Shallots - 106 of them. Still have more to sow but will wait til next week when my PT goes up.)

                      British by birth
                      Scottish by the Grace of God



                      • Today I had a weeny-bit of a lie-in as I had the day off. After a 'sit-down breakfast', which is extremely rare (beans on toast), I drove a couple of miles into the countryside to start decorating my Client's Wedding Cake. Four tiers had been marzipaned by lunchtime, and 'Colly-Wobbles' now put to one side for the Icing in a week or two.
                        Hospital appointment this afternoon, which has led to confirmation of mega follow-ups and investigative surgery, bugger.....but Trousers is holding my hand....and there's certainly 'nothing to worry about'.
                        When we got back, there was a parcel waiting for me with some hand-made Plant Labels in for my Veggie Beds, which completely 'blew me away, and made my day'...
                        And Trousers did us a Garden Blog, so what more could I ask for?!
                        Brilliant Day.
                        Thank you for listening,


                        • I spent the whole day weeding my sister's garden. Full of couch and buttercup, and broken clothes pegs. Blowing a gale all day, and now I have a migraine. Deciding whether to go out in the gale to get some Migraleve. Probly should
                          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                          • Today started off beautiful and as it was my day off from the cooking I made the most of it. This morning I gathered 3 barrow loads of leaf mould for the carrots and to mix more compost. After lunch, which was even better 'cos I didn't cook it, I started to level the tattie patch and then rain stopped play. So - I put the dahlia tubers into boxes of compost to start them off, sorted out the gladoli corms and found some of them were producing roots so they will have to be planted soon. Checked over the shallots and took out any that were rotten (not many) and now I am going to enjoy a film with a glass in hand. Good day all round
                            Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


                            • I finally got Piglet's banana shallots planted! I know they are late but I only just got myself together enough to actually remember where my seed trays were and where the seeds were and the rest of it. Brain and body have not been connecting this week. They are now housed in the small 3-tier 'greenhouse' just at the back of the house, keeping elder son's Kiwi tree company. Now I am trying to relax and store up some extra energy for the 4 hour round-trip to collect OH from the airport - he was due at 9.35 but just phoned to say he is delayed till 10.45 - just what I need - a late night!!
                              Happy Gardening,


                              • Today, I forked through a couple of beds at the lottie, as it seems I didn't manage to get all the couch grass out first time round

                                Planted a few seeds down there, and then spent half an hour chatting to another lady down there, who I hadn't spoken to before - learnt lots of things, as she's been on the site for about 10 years


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