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The 'What I Did Today' Archive - 2007


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  • #31
    Sounds like my type of afternnon PW, just a shame we live a nit too far away to come and get some of the tatty barrels!

    Today I have been mostly playing with the VGA programme! Managed to make some plot plans, and to add most of the veg that we are planning on growing into our planting list, but unfortunately then hit a glitch, no waiting for the software folks to get back to me!
    Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

    'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

    The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
    Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
    Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
    On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


    • #32
      Today I think I've done the same as most people and bought a load of necessaries for the new season. Then I went to see a friend who has a plot on the same allotment as me and his son had been in my shed since 5am with an air rifle. Tonight I'm having Rabbit Stew, tomorrow Rabbit Pie, Saturday Rabbit Curry, Sunday Rabbit.........

      If it ain't broke, don't fix it and if you ain't going to eat it, don't kill it


      • #33
        The "Range" had seed potatoes when I went there today. they have first earlies and main crop. Price �2.99 for 5lb bag.


        • #34
          Piglet Willie is the champ

          We had the most lovely day today as PW mentioned. We were granted a guided tour of both PW's allotments, including self-build polytunnel with real lettuce, peppers and radishes still growing in it! His garden is fabulous, what with pond, build in barbie, workshop and store rooms, not to meniton the greenhouse. It was a dream.
          The man is truly amazing, and I'm sure Piglette knows how lucky she is .

          Came away loaded with gifts of his jam, plants, barrels - felt like it was my birthday. Can't thank him enough or sing his praises highly enough - notwithstanding rhubarb schnapps and damson gin!
          Just concerned now about how to repay such hospitality.


          • #35
            MB - it does sound like you have had a super day! How nice that you are able to share all your knowledge and goodies together! Dexterdog
            Bernie aka DDL

            Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


            • #36
              i watched the rain and the wind and hoped that nothing was being torn to shreds on my allotment


              • #37
                Welcome there sunnyday!

                "There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter


                • #38
                  Never mind Mrs D, I would have done lunch for you too..


                  • #39
                    I started my day by phoning 'Elderly Next Door' to see if he wanted anything from our local yokal garden centre. And he did.
                    A small bag of Green Windsor Bored Beans and 3kg of Arran Pilot later, I'd made the old boy smile.
                    My very GOING to the very tiny garden centre in our local town just right royal made the Owner's day. Full Stop.

                    Despite the squally weather here in the South West(ish) I managed to make two old men smile, AND got a load of stuff done in my kitchen garden and 'Little-Girls-Greenhouse'.

                    Still absolutely nothing achieved yet in the 'Grown-up-Girls-Greenhouse' ....
                    Need divine inspiration, large glass of Pinot Grigio and a Farmer willing to deliver a tonne of very well rotted before I can sensibly consider that one !

                    Thank you for listening,


                    • #40
                      Spent yesterday running round the garden trying to rescue things which were blowing away in the gale! My grow bag greenhouse which was over my slightly tender plants took off across the garden so I had to put it back together & tie it to the fence & then the cover over my veg. bed ripped up & started to fly off. Caught it & pinned it down with extra stones & pegs!
                      Into every life a little rain must fall.


                      • #41
                        Took the dogs for a walk this morning when one of them set off at a pace and didn't come back. The first time he's done such a thing and no he is not interested in the girls. Waited with the pup for over 1 hour just to be there when he returned (and working out a story for when I dared return home). No sign of him so made my way back to call the Police, British Transport Police (railway line close by but he never goes anywhere near it usually), RSPCA, Dog warden. etc. etc.

                        Went out again to look for him leaving OH to man the phones. 2 hours later got a call from RSPCA. The dog is waiting for me in a pub 1 mile from where I last saw him, apparently he was waiting at the door to be let in and went to sit on the back of the settee like he does at home. Never been into the pub with him but he looks as though he was enjoying himself while we were running about like the proverbial headless....

                        Still can'd be cross because we got him back, could have been a lot worse. Going for a lie down now I'm exhausted.

                        "If you think you can, or think you can't, you're right" Henry Ford.


                        • #42
                          Took a peek at the onion seeds (sweet spanish yellow, needed to use them up) I scattered on some compost and put in propogator, first ickle seedlings poking their way through , hurrah! Weekend plans are to complete my cold frame (it has what you might call rustic charm !) but howling weather outside might be a problem... oh, and nail some fence posts around the chicken coop, which moved about 2' in the wind but fortunately was stopped by the fence.

                          Dwell simply ~ love richly


                          • #43
                            Finally got out to lottie for first time in nearly a fornight! Managed to get another cold, then a wicked ear infection, so playing out was the last thing I wanted to do!

                            I have managed to clear the front of my allotment so that it looks like this (left) instead of this (right).

                            Not quite finished, I now want to move the well rotted muck from under the ex-weeds froward to bit I've built to take it, so that when the next delivery comes later this month I have somewhere to put it.

                            Doing a nightshift tomorrow, so I've most of the day and all Sunday to spend out there, building compost boxes and I'm off to get some slabs from freecycle in the morning so I can put a path in that area cos its gets a bit swampy when wet.

                            Its all starting to take shape! I never thought I'd get this far!

                            Got a bargain the otherday, 100 onion sets for a pound plus 3 bulbs of seed garlic for 50p. Garden centre selling off old stock on the cheap, and at that price i'm not risking too much if they don;t grow all that well.
                            Off to watch GYO with Carol now.

                            Attached Files
                            Kirsty b xx


                            • #44
                              Retrieved two empty compost bins that had migrated the full length of the allotment site due to the gales.

                              "If you think you can, or think you can't, you're right" Henry Ford.


                              • #45
                                Yesterday, planted 12 strawberry plants for my son. Today I dropped oldest son at his street dancing class and then went to wilkinsons, bought various seeds and netting and various other gardening things, spent nearly 10 whole pounds. The purchases included a blackberry cane/plant, went to lottie after soaking the roots and planted this and gave strawberries some potash. Picked son up from street dancing, came home and promply fell asleep.


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