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The 'What I Did Today' Archive - 2007


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  • Wyevale had got some quite big herb plants for �1.50, I bought lavendar, sage and mint. The local garden centre had also got borage and marjoram. So I have now officially got a herb bed. The mint is in a pot in the middle. I've also sowed some herb seeds in small pots.

    The peas I sowed a couple of weeks ago straight into the ground are starting to peep through. I also put a row of carrots and beetroot in along with various lettuces.

    I also bought some plug calebrese 12 plugs for �2.00. Planted these, surrounded in slug pellets and put a net over them.

    Erected a bean frame and planted sweetpeas along one side and beans will go the other. Busy day in all.


    • what i did today

      Lovely day in the garden, a bit windy but generally good gardening weather.
      Today i built a wigwam for my peas to climb up out of the prunings from a mallow that i had saved after it got crushed by the neighbours wall. Some of the pieces were not long enough but i just tied them together with string. Quite a cool rustic effect, will try to post piccie soon.
      Found another water storage tank on the street this week so have added this to my container collection. Gave it a good scrub and drilled some holes in the bottom for drainage.
      I planted my mangetout out in the garden today which have been growing in a cardboard tube cut in half lengthways. Quite effective alternative to plastic drain pipes. I have put lots of slug protection in the form of crushed egg shells and spikey bush cuttings so we will see if they are all still there in the morning!?
      I also planted out my parsnip seedlings which have been growing in loo roll inners... neighbours must now think i am completely mad!
      Everything starting to grow and take shape. Very exciting that it is finally April and i can start thinking aobut planting my courgettes and squash.


      • Had a great day down the plot, got on at about 1030am, and didnt leave until 530pm, weather was v.sunny, but a cold wind that meant it wasnt sunbathing weather!

        We planted 3 beds of tatties today, 1 bed of Pentland Javelin, 1 bed of Maris Piper, 1/2 a bed of Charlottes, 1/2 a bed of Desiree, allearthed up so the bed looks just like a bed of graves!

        Also planted out another 8 broad beans on plot 1, and 8 royal red beans (under cloches) and 8 mini dor beans (under cloches) on plot 2.

        Took our hosepipe down to the plot, watered all the onions, carrots and parsnips, then filled up the pond a bit, as it needed a top up! There's still about a gadzillion tadpoles in there, its teeming with them!

        We're going to do some more planting tonight, as the toms we moved into the plastic greenhouse in the back yard seem fine, so now we've a bit of room free for some more seedlings!
        Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

        'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

        The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
        Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
        Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
        On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


        • Had a very successful day at the lottie. Planted onion sets and strawberries, sowed carrots, beetroot and parsnips, eldest daughter (aged 7) sowed turnips and mange tout. I also retrieved my plot from the jaws of the corrupt council who'd allocated it to someone else without telling me! Long story, but it just goes to show that if you're willing to stand up for yourself, things can work out ok in the end.

          Dug over the rest of the potato patch too, so will get the Majestic ad the King Edwards in there. Saxon and Foremost going into home garden plot tomorrow, along with more peas and some 4" high broad bean plants kindly donated by a friend.

          I child-proofed my house, but they still manage to get in.

          Muddy Musings - a blog


          • Today I ridged up those areas of the field that required it, prepared and planted about 1250 garlic cloves, then Iona and I planted 25kg Lady Christl and finished sowing my order for young plants. Also made kite for Iona
            Tomorrow is Charlotte tattie planting and making a start to my 25kg Jagro onion sets.

            British by birth
            Scottish by the Grace of God



            • Yesterday, my husband and I went down to our allotment.

              My husband spent the time digging the trench needed to put our final fence up, so he can dig the chicken wire into the ground.

              I, meanwhile, planted up a bed of Charlotte potatoes, Pink Fur Apples, Jerusalem Artichokes and onions.

              It felt good to be actually planting something there, fingers crossed the rabbits haven't eaten the onions by the time my husband goes tonight to finish the fence!


              • Yesterday, sowed some carrots and spinach and replanted the onions that the blackbirds had uprooted. Decided to cover them as this is the second time I've found more than a few dug up.

                Garlic growing nicely as are the BBeans, sowed a few more.

                An onion can make people cry but there's never been a vegetable that can make people laugh.

                Will Rogers


                • On Friday, I emailed the allotments officer, being a bit cheeky & pointing out that rent was due on April 1st and there seemed to be an unused plot next door but one to my half plot, which wasn't down on the 'frre plots' map & if it wasn't renewed, could I have it?

                  As of today, I am the proud renter of no. 99

                  I've got thurs & fri off to start renovating it, so all I have to do now is break the news to my best beloved that he'll see even less of his wife in the light evenings!


                  • I sowed 2 seedtrays of mixed salad leaves and 2 large pots of carrots - all to bring on in the greenhouse for some early stuff.
                    Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

           Updated March 9th - Spring


                    • Today I sowed some radishes, beetroot, mixed salad leaves, little gems (in a seed tape-cheating I know) and rocket. Dug up yet more weeds. Checked my garlic but still nothing happening.



                      • It's been raining here in Spain for 2 days! (yipeeeeee) so all I've done the last few days is pot on 30 tomato plants! Got to plant out 60 tomato plants 16 auberine and 40 pepper plants over the next few days when the ground can be tilled!!!!


                        • OH mowed the lawn in part of the lottie. Cannot do everything yet - will have to wait for the daffodils to stop flowering first.

                          I did not plan to do much, but peeped into the mini greenhouses and yeah!
                          • The sunflowers have shot up overnight (or so it feels).
                          • THe yellow and white beetroots have pushed their little leaves through the vermiculite
                          • The alpine strawberry seedlings are coming through
                          • The first of the asters have germinated as well. OH would be pleased about that.

                          Looking forward to this weekend to really get stuck into the lottie, now that the Open University stuff is done.


                          • Sowed the parsnips and carrots and covered the frame over the carrots with netting to keep the carrot fly out. Sowed 2 rows of leeks and one of spring onions. Beautiful day so I gave the Tomato, Pepper and Chilli plants an airing in the very small plastic greenhouse thingy. Released the head of forced Rhubarb from under the dustbin and covered it with straw to aclimatise it to the light and the big wide world.

                            Finally continued with the weeding marathon and dead headed the daffodils.
                            Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


                            • Today, after 2 years, I finally got round to linking my water butts together with when I empty one, it gets topped up by the others.
                              also, sowed radish and beetroot under cloches. Hardening off peas and sweet peas
                              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                              • Oh yea, forgot...cut off the flower stalk from my rhubarb that has bolted (my neighbour's has too)
                                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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