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The 'What I Did Today' Archive - 2007


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  • #61
    Well I blew the cobwebs off the maslin pan and have 15lb of thin and thick cut seville marmalade done, much of which is earmarked for Christmas hampers and will do about 6lb of lemon marmalade as a trial.

    The greenhouse is also now warming up as the tomatoes will be sown tonight along with the chillies and some sweet peppers. Its luxury having a warm, well lit greenhouse with a music centre tucked in the corner to work in.


    • #62
      Today I have been mostly collecting manure from the stables - free to a good home. Just the thing for a Tyke.

      Going back after lunch to get more.

      "If you think you can, or think you can't, you're right" Henry Ford.


      • #63
        Wot? No Aubergines Piglet?


        • #64
          Today, I sowed some seeds - aubergine, sweet peas and penstemon (can't remember which one but arrived this morning from Thompsons and Morgan). All warming in a propagator in the posh shed as I haven't got electricity in the greenhouse yet. I'm sowing more than I need as I have said I will hold a plant sale to raise funds for my eldest son's school.

          Also, put the cheapo asparagus plants from woolies in water to soak overnight. Haven't yet decided where to put them so I'mm put them in a pot of compost tomorrow. Ifthe gales don't blow everything away, I'll be planting more seeds tomorrow as I have a few more left which say they can be planted in January.


          • #65
            I would love to say I did loads of gardening today, but it didn't. The weather has been awful, wet and windy. It doesn't look that hopeful for tomorrow either, weatherman said expect a storm and winds of 60mph. I think I might stay in and do as WiZer has done.

            Your future lays before you,
            Like a sheet of driven snow.
            Be careful how you tread it,
            As every step will show


            • #66
              Aubergine seeds are on their way Wellie, my little bit of pork crackling. Will sow them next week.


              • #67
                I spent ten minutes typing what I'd done today, and yesterday, given that my ruddy truck decided it didn't fancy being associated with a certain 'coupling' on it's prop-shaft, only to be disconnected from AOL THREE TIMES, and logged out from The Grapevine every time.
                Do you ever get that feeling that you should never have got out of bed this morning?
                I rest my case, although I'm a persistant little wotsit, so I might try and sneak up on t'internet later when it's not listening to let you all know what's been a'happening. See what happens, shall we?!


                • #68
                  I tried on my new Wellies and very comfortable they are.
                  Always thank people who have helped you immediately, as they may not be around to thank later.
                  Visit my blog at - Updated 18th October 2009
                  I support


                  • #69
                    Not pink and lace up are they Peter?


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by pigletwillie View Post
                      Not pink and lace up are they Peter?
                      Checking on relatives piglet?

                      It's OK, they are green rubber Dunlops, not pigskin.
                      Always thank people who have helped you immediately, as they may not be around to thank later.
                      Visit my blog at - Updated 18th October 2009
                      I support


                      • #71
                        Ooh, that's 'spesh' Peter. Will they go nicely with the ribbons I've bought you?!
                        Mine are cream and lace-up, as Piglet well knows, straight from the box on Christmas morning (!)
                        Comfiness is completely vital.
                        Send us a piccy Peter, and then I will.....


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by wellie View Post
                          Ooh, that's 'spesh' Peter. Will they go nicely with the ribbons I've bought you?!
                          Mine are cream and lace-up, as Piglet well knows, straight from the box on Christmas morning (!)
                          Comfiness is completely vital.
                          Send us a piccy Peter, and then I will.....
                          Wait till I've got the Borat thong.
                          Always thank people who have helped you immediately, as they may not be around to thank later.
                          Visit my blog at - Updated 18th October 2009
                          I support


                          • #73
                            Borat is SO yesterday Peter. Move with it mate....
                            Piglet's sense of fashion is NOT, completely NOT to be copied.
                            Paulie is, as we speak, under threat of eviction if a Borat ever crosses his lips, as it were..... Mmmmm!


                            • #74
                              Today, I are mostly in a better mood, as I got my truck back from 'the menders', and it works pretty well without that coupling thingy. Evidently a new one would have cost �900, so my mechanic quite rightly thought that we'd "not do that then", and allegedly, it makes no odds to the perfermance or safety of the vehicle. He said that the only difference may be some body vibration..... so I reassured him that "that could be quite exciting maybe", and we left it at that. Thank GOD I was born with a sense of humour !

                              Anyway, today, I've sown some of Piglet's Red Hot Cherry chilli-type-peppers, and some of his other long red chillies, which I've named "Chilli Willies", along with a Pineapple Tomato, a Black Russian Tomato, some San Marzanos, some Romanas, Caro Rich, Sungella (bigger but non-F1 Sungolds), Ferline and some Sweet Pepper I can't remember the name of...!
                              and posted up another Celeriac recipe because everyone loved the last one I did and it made me feel good.
                              So, tomorrow's another day, and I shall be sowing my Aubergines.
                              Thank you for listening,


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by wellie View Post
                                Borat is SO yesterday Peter. Move with it mate....
                                Piglet's sense of fashion is NOT, completely NOT to be copied.
                                Paulie is, as we speak, under threat of eviction if a Borat ever crosses his lips, as it were..... Mmmmm!
                                I don't know, you are the one who insisted on posting it to me Second Class.
                                How can I be blamed for being behind the times when you don't get it too me promptly?
                                So what are you sending me next?

                                But, please no more of Mrs Biggerdykes ribbons, at least not until the ponytail has grown back.
                                Always thank people who have helped you immediately, as they may not be around to thank later.
                                Visit my blog at - Updated 18th October 2009
                                I support


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