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The 'What I Did Today' Archive - 2007


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  • I was at work all day but I did manage a quick trip to the lottie to make sure all the peppers and chillis, toms and courgettes I moved to the tent cloche were all still there and happy. I had a quick scout round to make sure everything was ok, could have stayed for hours though.

    Also picked a few radishes for our salad tonight.


    • JG what I did today was go down the allotment to water my seedlings. Then lots of retail therapy. Tomorrow lots of digging and planting.


      • Was cheeky to a man with a trailer and ended up with the biggest pile of horse poo you have ever seen
        Save the earth - it's the only planet with chocolate


        • Also back to work today () but got an hour or so in the garden once home. Planted out a dozen broad bean plants and a couple of lupins. Watered everything and squealed when I discovered my first tomatoes of the year have germinated - I now have 9 (very) baby tom plants!


          • Well done Waffler! I squealed this morning - first aubergine through. I only sowed them on Thursday last week.
            Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

   Updated March 9th - Spring


            • So far today I have sown beetroot, carrots, spring onions, cauliflower and some broad beans. The kids planted up their seed potatoes (they have one each - friend gave them one so they could try) in orange b&q buckets. Planted more peas and Mangetout.Turned the compost a bit in the bins. Just nipped in for a cuppa 'cause it's pretty cold out there today folks. Sun is shining but blinkin cold wind. I'm going to spend the afternoon putting up more vine wire and planting out honeysuckles and jasmines. I got them at B&Q at the weekend they have a whole range of 'value' plants at �2.98 each. Hope that they end up being good 'value'. They look healthy, and are a really good size.
              Jules AKA Inca'smum


              • Well, thought I'd join in on this thread after a while lurking

                Today I did some work on my plastic greenhouse, pinning down the sides to try and minimise wind getting in there. Unfortunatly had to take boiling water and some ant powder to an ant's nest I found *right* underneath it.

                Next I had some fun fighting with pea/bean netting.. horrible tangly stuff.. erecting a support for my climbing beans. I'm turning my small bed into a 'square foot gardening' system of 8 squares + a middle path, which I'm hoping on top of my container grown stuff will give me some nice veggies So far on the bed I've erected a support for tomatoes (2 sq foot), a support for beans (1 sq foot), a cane for a cucumber plant (1 sq foot), and planted a load of spinach and lettuce/rocket.

                Then I ate my first radish

                Finally spent a good hour on hands and knees pulling out lumps of rock-solid baked clay, and newly emerging weeds.

                Didn't manage to plant my lavender plants out, or my raspberries, or my herbs. Next day off!


                • Feel like I'm skivving off at the moment, as between working full time, travelling almost an hour each way to work, running the house and looking after an invalided Mr D (who came back from hospital late on Sunday) I am soo pooped at the end of the day that I dont feel as if I have time for doing too much in the way of gardening!

                  But, I have watered everything in the plastic greenhouse (the single cherry tom we have thats started growing is now about 1/2" in diameter, and the herbs we sowed into the hanging baskets with the tumbling toms are starting to come up! The strawbs in the hanging baskets and containers are looking really good too!) and I am definitely going to do some more seed sowing tonight, then at a meeting tomorrow, so possibly I'll get home earlyish and be able to nip down the plot, then day off on Thursday, so after doing the washing, shopping and tidying I am deffo going to go down to the plot and make sure everything is ok and perhaps do some more planting!
                  Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

                  'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

                  The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
                  Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
                  Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
                  On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


                  • Today was spent mostly picking asparagus, a good bunch of spears for tea.
                    Attached Files


                    • spent an hour and half digging and weeding, watered seedlings then came home feeling really fed up, to many bramble roots and couch grass to dig up, the plot is never going to be finished this year.


                      • Weekend just gone dug some more of the allotment, I reckon I have about another 10feet long to dig so a good days worth to remove couch and nettles properly. That is digging done then so not bad for the first year, missed alot of couch but to be expected, can sort the rest as I go.

                        Annoyingly the lottie next to mine has not been cultivated at all and will soon be high in nettles and the council do not mow it often at all.

                        Didn't plant a single thing which was annoying but dug some trenches for my main crop spuds, got Cara's mainly and another than I cant remember.

                        Carrots are showing, as is my spinach, new pots and beetroot. Could not water as some lady was filling 4 water butts with a hose and our site is shorts of stand-pipes. Asked her if I could fill my watering can a few times and she actually said no. I was too tired to bother with her but I wont let this happen again. Nothing got watered so went monday night and did it.

                        At home, brassicas are ready to put out, prepared bed with lime a few weeks ago so I'm going to plant them out this coming weekend.

                        Got pond in and filled, now I need somewhere to get frogspawn from, not sure where yet....

                        An onion can make people cry but there's never been a vegetable that can make people laugh.

                        Will Rogers


                        • Just been watering seedlings and pulling out the odd weed here and there. Onions are up as are JAs. In the plastic planthouse the beans, toms, chinese lanterns and morning glory are germinating.
                          You are a child of the universe,
                          no less than the trees and the stars;
                          you have a right to be here.

                          Max Ehrmann, Desiderata

                          blog: and my (basic!) page:


                          • Had another excellent day ........ benefits of early retirement really kicking in now.

                            First thing got into the fruit cage and started weeding but a nightmare so only did one side of it, rest slated for tomorrow am but did managed to get two new red gooseberry plants in. Then sorted out the gutters making sure that the metal netting covering it is in place, made sure the land drain at the back of the house was clear, both annual jobs and as they were vaguely terrace related jobs, also managed to re-arrange and tie-in the very old vione for better cover. Managed to get the two new passion flowers I bought yesterday planted to surround the fencing surrounding the gas tank.

                            After lunch - 25 on the terrace at lunch time - straight into the potager to move some of the lavender down into the lavender bank and managed to weed and rake over 4 beds. Lots of tiny jobs as well, you know the sort of thing that you do in passing. And by 4.20 it was 28 degrees.

                            Knocked off at 6, my garden chums turned up to pick up the olive trees and the 20 wiggly tomato trainers that I bought for them, so a couple of glasses of wine and some nibbles on the terrace, talking gardening, compost bins, food and wine and then the bombshell - will I work for them redesigning their whole place (which is enormous), sorting the walnut trees, they have 130 walnut trees! -and would I help with the cooking for the summer.

                            Bugger it, too young to retire anyway!
                            Last edited by TonyF; 18-04-2007, 08:13 PM.
                            TonyF, Dordogne 24220


                            • Today saw me fervently pulling rhubarb as it's going a bit barmy and I need to get underneath it to... feed it! (which I haven't done yet this year).

                              I gave away four bunches to neighbours and friends, and received in return a rather nice cauliflower, and a piano; the latter of which, this afternoon, we had moved to an old folks home...

                              The two, new, apple cordons I planted earlier this year - the ones I nipped all the flowers from, are now covered in blossom again. I really don't think I can bring myself to nip out more blossoms now.

                              Next week I'm on watering duty as two lots of neighbours are away. I get to poke in their greenhouses. tee hee!

                              Mind you, I 'm off on a birding expedition to the tropics for three weeks soon, so they can get their own back hereabouts. In addition to those two checkling out the garden I have also drafted in a friend from an allotment over the garden wall, someone from up the road, and a lady who is staying here with Mrs SB. If our plants get dried out after that lot keeping an eye on things I'll really get my come-uppance for travelling at such a daft time!

                              I intend to plant out virtually everything by the first week of May. Most of it's out already as the weather has been so fine.

                              The strawberries in the raised bed have begun flowering. This year I have been hand pollinating them, just like I did the ones inside. The fruits are beginning to come on very nicely. That reminds me, I must remember to put some fleece over them, to keep the birds off (and visiting fingers)! They will just have to water THROUGH it, won't they!!!

                              Best wishes,

                              Keith - (in editing mode, as you can see)
                              Last edited by Seabreeze; 19-04-2007, 07:13 AM. Reason: because I write rather late!


                              • spent the day trying to keep the temperature in the greenhouse below 40 degrees, haven't got round to putting the shade netting back up yet and it gets so hot in there in the full sun. I was damping down every hour or so!!
                                May all our seeds germinate and grow



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