Too wet to get any planting done. Went on a murderous rampage last night and again this morning - many many snails are HISTORY!!!!
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The 'What I Did Today' Archive - 2007
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You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
Max Ehrmann, Desiderata
blog: and my (basic!) page:
Had a great gardening weekend. Saturday I put my climbing beans, corn and some cucurbits in the garden and took 3 toms and some french beans and a cucumber to the in-laws garden. They are both 83 and although active, their mobility is not great so they can look after the things once in.
Sunday I put more toms into the greenhouse border, sowed a row of spinach and potted on some peppers and aubergines. Then it started to rain hard and it still is. The water butt is full. Must get another!Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring
Today I re-potted the last of my tomatoes. They seem to have gone on forever. I was afraid at first that none of them would grow, but we have been giving them away all over the place. Repaying freecyclers with a gift of three or more tomatoes seems like a good thing to do, and all our neighbours have at least one plant!
Ive still got more than i can reasonably keep, so the local Community Assn can have some to sell next weekend.
I've put three courgettes in the plot, and have several others up at home, waiting until the end of the month. Having said that, the ones in the ground seem fine, one is sitting on top of a bucketful of osspoo and is loving it. I'll do that for the others I plant.
Pippin, I love the potting table, and have asked BW to build me one similar. I have great faith in him.
No Phots... And it's raining again!
Honestly, cross my heart - it just wasn't possible to take phots yesterday at Malvern.... Why won't peeps believe us Haze?! Completely knee-deep in droplets of the rain variety, and hugely brave to return to camp to report back on the event in the first place at all if you don't mind!!! Phots next time. (Wellie, liar liar pants on fire....). So:
Today, I hadn't planned on turning up after The Wedding, but they needed me, and who am I to refuse. Lots of tidying up to be done, and the rain finally held off about lunchtime to attempt that.
When I finally got back home, I got Trousers to work in the garden, weeding the Wellie's Workshop Strawberry Planter (which he cannot quite believe how the fruits are swelling now with all this rain), and pinching the tendril-squirly bits off the Sweet Peas, which have just started flowering, and Trousers took some lovely 'extra' phots for yet another update, because the sun was shining and it made him feel good.... (see cat and me smiling), and then I got TOLD OFF !! because I never told you what's in the trug that he picked for our dinner. Bad Wellie. Go to bed with no pocketmoney? Ooh, I'm scared...
Weather here is really awful, warm but peeing on and off most of the day, major weather disruption forecast in some parts of the paysage, 110 kmph winds etc.
Managed to get up to chums this pm, got the watering system installed between showers, planted a few bits and bobs and then quick walk aroun d to see what fruit trees they have.
This evening managed to get the first lot of clafoutis baked ........ and my chums have two cherry trees already groaning with fruit.TonyF, Dordogne 24220
Yesterday after getting home from work I thinned out my trough of snowball turnips and used the thinnings to fill two more square planters (some plastic boxes I got free from work). Went round all my pots with vaseline (to try and keep the slugs off).
Today couldnt wait to get home from work because my two rootrainers had arrived in the post and guess what I finally got some parsnips to germinate using the paper towel (in airing cupboard) method which are now planted in said rootrainers (64 altogether) in a bid to give them a good start. I have started off some more seeds in the airing cupboard with a view to planting them straight out into pots to see which method gives me a better crop.
Ordered turf for the front garden yesterday - delivery tomorrow so I pulled up some ivy, raked and stomped and raked some more then rollered it as flat as I could. Seem to be beating the horsetail at last! Tidied up the flower bed, noticed that the remaining dahlias I bought last year are sprouting again. Went round the side of the house and stared in horror at the state of the back garden paths and rockery. Creeping buttercup, dandelions, brambles, dock... I feel a project coming on for when the front is done! Upset a couple of red ant nests. I'll spend the summer chasing them around the "lawn" (it's green but there ain't much grass).
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
Max Ehrmann, Desiderata
blog: and my (basic!) page:
Put my brandywine toms into their final buckets. Potted up some courgettes and Pigletwillies carnival squash plants. Sowed brussel sprouts, red cabbage, gardener's delight toms and some all year round caulis. probably a bit late for some of those but there we are - first chance I have had to do them. Greenhouse is full to bursting and I think I might have to try for a 10 x 6 lean-to which has been offered on the local free cycle - are lean-to's any good?Happy Gardening,
what i did today
After having to spend an unscheduled 4 and a half weeks in hospital, today i managed to catch up on my sowing. I sowed eight ball courgette, melons, sweetcorn, basil, broccoli and lettuce. I'm just hoping they will grow in time. I'm a bit behind. Luckily my hubbie kept on top on allotment and following my orders managed to plant 5 rows of spuds and dig out remaing weeds. Hurrah!
No gardening yesterday or today. Was out running errands yesterday and buying castine, which is that white gravel stuff used in SW France. Castine just been delivered so I'll be moving some of that today - if the weather holds, it's still peeing down intermittantly which is making everything too wet to work.TonyF, Dordogne 24220
After work yesterday I planted out my baby iceberg lettuce - into the front garden with the flowers since the plot in the back is full of seedlings now - and thinned my spinach babies. Then retreated indoors away from the torrential rain. Fingers crossed its dry tonight so I can plant out my baby onions and sow some more lettuce, though it's not looking hopeful.Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance
Laid the front lawn - turf looks pretty good!
Planted 33 swede in the allotment. "Oh we've loads of netting" turned out to mean we had not enough, so I hope the pigeons didn't notice.
Did some weeding in the back garden because it's a mess of creeping buttercup and dandelions. Still removing snails.You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
Max Ehrmann, Desiderata
blog: and my (basic!) page:
At every angle, and at every spare minute that I am 'relaxing' in my garden, I am either getting a message from my BRAIN, or TROUSERS, and it's saying 'Slug Alert!!!!' So.... my brain is taken up in a number of ways during my day.... Whilst I am asleep, it's Mika's new album. Whilst I'm awake, it's Lily Allen's new album. Completely in-betweeny, it's searching, hunting and killing slugs'n'snails...... Simply no peace for the wicked!
And then I planted out some Bulls Blood Beetroot, and 'The Golden One' this afternoon next to my 'second lot' of sweetcorn 'Incredible, whilst sowing Purple Basil, Sweet Basil and Lettuce-leaved Basil.
The Swedes, and second lot of Mini-Caulis and Calabrese are all germinating, and I'm not experienced enough to know now 'diddly ****' about where I want them to go now to fit in with everything before? Believe me, I have SUCH a lot to learn! Isn't it fun?! Probably after my Bored Beans would make sense. And on top of all of that I've had a huge success. Don Vincenzo sent me some viable Cucutzi seed, and 'Hang Out The Flags' because it did germinate! Wellie dead smug. And why not?
Weather still awful down here - when it's good it's very good but when it's bad, bit like LJ really.
Managed to get the first lot of castine down yesterday to finish off the path round the house, didn't take too long either. Decided to dig up the part of the garden in front of the house also - but didn't start on that, too late in the day - and will plan out how and what I'm going to do there, it's a grass and weed area about 60 sq meters which I've wanted to castine since I got here, would make it more of a social area.
Today off to chum 2's garden to try to get some of the veggies in but if it rains again will be far too wet to work.TonyF, Dordogne 24220
Took some stuff to my 'second garden' today. My Ma and sister live a couple of hundred yards away and I dig over their small back plot each year for veg. They take my 'overflow' plants. Yesterday they had sweetcorn and a zuchini. Today they will have a couple of toms and a 'baby bear' pumpkin. At home I finished putting toms in the greenhouse border and tied them to their stakes. The warm rain conitued to drip steadily - liquid sunshine!
What larks eh?
FlumLast edited by Flummery; 17-05-2007, 08:39 AM.Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring
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