TPeers - I too am braving celery as a fledgling plotholder and I will be interested to hear how you get on with yours. My seedlings are coming into the 6 leaf stage and looking more 'wholesome' now as they do appear very, very fragile when they first come through and I have left them well alone. I will pot them on in a few days time to grow on as I would hate for the slugs/snails to polish them off if I planted too soon. I am planting everything else strictly by the moon calendar method and it is really frustrating to read how people are getting this and that into the ground when I am waiting for the 'right days' to plant out. I have started this method now and so I am going to follow it through for this season whilst keeping an eye on neigbouring plots to see if their produce does any better - or worse? than mine! I am just amazed every time I go to my plot to see how everything is growing and producing stuf for me to eat. I have been divvying up my glut of French Breakfast radishes for the last few days to people, as I would hate to see any of what I am growing go to waste because I couldn't use it. I have been picking baby beetroot and spinach leaves for my salad as I was a bit keen with the sowing of these!
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The 'What I Did Today' Archive - 2007
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Spent the last three days weeding after not beeing able to get on lottie for nearly a week due to last weeks rain I have just about caught up..Last edited by bubblewrap; 23-05-2007, 09:37 PM.The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
Brian Clough
Didn't really do much today lol. watered the plants and seedlings.
first courgette, runner beans, and french bean seedlings have appeared.
little tiny potato leaves are also starting to appear.
planted a few pots of mixed flowers which I've grown all of them from seed, so hopefully when they start flowering there will be a nice mixture of gladiolis, forget-me-nots, violas, lupins, hollyhocks and marigolds in each pot!
radish seedlings are also growing like mad. dwarf carnations have lovely flowers on them, and I think my geranium that I thought was dead is coming back to life because there are a few new leaves on it lol.
also did a bit of weeding.
Also declared war on the weeds today! Generally untangling bindweed from poor defenceless plants and pulling out couch grass. I decided to give 'Path clear' a go, and 10 sachets later have only done half the drive!! I may need to rethink this as a pack of 18 costs �20!! I still have the patio to do and the path around the pond.
I also planted out some marigolds, geraniums and cineraria, so 2 V. small beds look quite respectable!
And it goes without saying that I also watered!
I finally managed to get hold of some growbags today, they have been unavailable in my part of the world for the last three weeks! So, I happily potted on the last of my peppers and my cayenne peppers which are going to stay in the greenhouse. I spent about an hour watering everything, then sat down in my little plot that I am developing with a glass of wine and a good chunck of cheese and felt fairly content with life. All plants are growing well and the birds were singing.
well didnt do much today,
water all my babies at home, quite a few of them still I might add given away loads of lettice and carnations but still have loads left. tee hee. some of my brasicas arrived today they are plug plants so planted them up in cell trays til I get to allotment.
Did go down to water all my little plants there too today and wow how they have come on. I cant wait to start to haverst!
I'm a first timer in this confessional thread....
In the last couple of days i have been planting out loads of stuff after the great collapsing greenhouse shelving fiasco. a couple of trays of leeks. second batch of all the year round caulis (first lot have little caulis inside..really plsead with them). I am potting on all the pumpkins. I planted the last four giant sunflowers.
harvesting. First outdoor strawberries Asparagus though i am going to finish at the beginning of june as it has been so early. Broadbeans and lettuce.
recent activities:
watered the new turf
weeded part of the lottie - the bindweed is coming through from the bits of root I missed but it is pulling up quite easily.
checked the asparagus - now 4 out of the 6 crowns I planted have shoots.
made a "to do" list for the next few days:
water the turf
weedYou are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
Max Ehrmann, Desiderata
blog: and my (basic!) page:
Today I potted on my last five courgette plants then put vaseline round all my pots containing courgettes and the three toms I have planted on. Hope to get to a garden centre over the weekend and get some organic slug pellets for the raised beds.
Gave the onions, leeks and dwarf french beans in pots a feed with their water.
Took some more growing tips off the broad beans (blackfly) and noticed I had a couple of small pods forming (yipee).
Got to chumlette 2's this morning and started planting up - it was so hot tho so only stayed there a couple of hours.
Did other things this afternoon, went to local wine dealer etc and the temperature outside was 38 - thirty eight!!!!!!!!!!
No gardening this evening, tho it's wonderfully mild, it's still too hot to work so did the watering and called it a day!
About 10 oclock the thunder and lightning started over the hills about 6 km away, sat and watched it from the terrace, really spectacular. Then it moved over to me - absolutely dropped down for a couple of hours, so wont have to water today!TonyF, Dordogne 24220
never got chance to get out in the garden today, very unlike me! out there every evening normally! son is poorly, so after work today i have been looking after him! he loves the garden tho and really misses our chats outside about all the plants etc! we normally have a chat every morning while i sit in the garden with my cup of tea, he takes such an interest, I think kids should be encouraged more to get out into the garden, doesn't matter how dirty they get, they enjoy it and it washes off in the bath!
Hi everyone
Trying to get bits done slowly in the garden and lottie. Lottie hasn't been touched for 3 weeks or so since the potatoes went inbut hope to get down there this weekend to do some watering and if I can persuade him to, get OH to dig me a bed and I'll plant out my tomatos while we're there.
This would be the tomatoes I never planted but magically appared out of my home made compost that I used for my new "fruit bushes in pots". I have about 30 of the b*ggers with super thick stems and fully hardened so why wait?
...unless I get rained off the lottie as I usually do when I plan to go down there
Been taking things very slowly recently as I'm really not feeling great with this pregnancy, but hope to also get out the back garen this weekend for some light weeding here and thereShortie
"There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter
Picked large punnet of outdoor grown straws! in May. I planted out my purple sprouting ,and a few lettuces, squished a load of asparagus beetles and lots of hoeing and weeding; Plus I cut the privet hedge and a few other bits at home-mowed the cuttings into compost material.
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