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The 'What I Did Today' Archive - 2007


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  • Whacked in some more seeds today. They just shoot out of the compost at this time of year. I sowed (yet) another lot of spring onions, variety toga - reddish - in modules. Starting to fill up the cold frame again. I also sowed 6 pots of lettuces. I like to grow several in a little pot, pot them on and use them for individual leaves instead of letting them heart up.
    Despairing of my chillies coming (or being any use) I bought a packet of mixed chillies and banged half a dozen in. Either I'll be harvesting very late, overwintering them indoors, or I'll be up to me neck in the hot stuff!
    Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


    • I did more weeding- begining to win I think !
      Built another pallet compost bin, put the full one to bed for 6 /9 months, added the last of the nettle brew to activate it and covered with spare black weed membrane in the hope that it will get good and hot.
      Strimmed the path looking lots better now.
      3 hours gone wow time flies ..............
      planned to go back after a re-charge for me and strimmer battery, but the skies opended and we had a very loud thunder storm.

      So instead I sorted out seeds I have left and any I need to sow still have an order waiting to go on T & M for �30 - look out seeds aholics 1/2 price seeds!
      Denise xox

      Learn from the mistakes of others because you'll never live long enough to make them all yourself.
      -- Alfred E. Neumann


      • Weeded and put up anti-pigeon paraphanalia


        • My bulb fennel is now pricked out into 2" pots and will be planted out in about a fortnight. Calevo nero kale and some cauliflower seed was sown in pots and will be pricked out into modules in about three weeks. Finally some more succession crops were module sown, lettuce, leaves, scallions, beetroot and basil.


          • Erected 150 cane wigwams for my runner beans to be planted out next week, took delivery of my manure (2003 vintage - an excellent year going by it's texture) booked rotavator for the weekend to prepare my tunnel, got more seeds delivered for sowing next week - Florence Fennel (Ruby) Calabrese (Marathon), Chard (Bright Lights) and Swede (Brora)
            Hoed my broad beans ( as mentioned before I detest OSR - more each day that passes), repaired my pea netting where the pigeons got trapped in it ,
            and showed my OH who joined my for lunch, just exactly what her husband has been doing for the last three months !!

            British by birth
            Scottish by the Grace of God



            • Called in on allotment briefly and pulled two of my garlic. They were planted last december and now the leaves have yellowed. They have split into nice plump cloves. Am really pleased and looking forward to fresh garlic for my dinner tomorrow.


              • Busy day!

                Ripped up some more ivy from around the apple tree and planted the lily, echinacea and bedding plants (coleus and marigold). Hosed the woolly aphids off the tree.

                Removed the useless-ugly-hydrangea-never-flowers from the side of the house. Noticed that the ground was very wet under it, but thought nothing of it (yet). Lifted a couple of uneven paving slabs and chiselled out the roots pushing them up. Then my OH pulled the bathplug... and I realised where all the water had come from leaking through the brickwork just below soil level. "DrainMan" reckoned there's at least �1400 work of work in lining the pipe if we're lucky and a lot more cash worth of moving the gas, moving the tank, digging the waste pipe up to fix it if we're not lucky. The bath, sink and bog all end up there and we're a one-bathroom household sorry - nowt to do wi' gardening... Maybe that's why the useless-ugly-hydrangea-never-flowers was so luxuriantly bushy? All that fertiliser?

                Did some general cutting and tidying then planted a couple of morning glory and many gladioli in the front garden and sowed night-scented stock in a couple of gaps.

                Hosed the tree again since a few of the aphids survived and were getting woolly again.
                Last edited by heebiejeebie; 02-06-2007, 09:07 AM. Reason: spelling!
                You are a child of the universe,
                no less than the trees and the stars;
                you have a right to be here.

                Max Ehrmann, Desiderata

                blog: and my (basic!) page:


                • After doing a couple of jobs for people it was back to the ranch to start making my clay pizza oven. The first layer is 2/3rds complete and will be fiished in the morning.

                  The only problem is drying it out slowly over the next couple of weeks before giving it a gentle firing. The weather seems to be either very wet or very hot and sunny.


                  • Lab work, stats and potted-up my lemons.


                    • Originally posted by pigletwillie View Post
                      After doing a couple of jobs for people it was back to the ranch to start making my clay pizza oven. The first layer is 2/3rds complete and will be fiished in the morning.

                      The only problem is drying it out slowly over the next couple of weeks before giving it a gentle firing. The weather seems to be either very wet or very hot and sunny.
                      If you want a guinea pig to try them I'll offer my services Piglet - just as long as they are low fat pizza's got to watch the figure you know

                      Today I rearranged the small greenhouse ready for it's make over .... just as soon as I can empty it !!!
                      Never be afraid to try something new.
                      Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
                      A large group of professionals built the Titanic


                      • Planted new lettuces, tied in loose rasps after rain, looked at weeds, put 4 week old quails in back garden for afternoon (first time out), modified home incubator to include very expensive and sophisticated themostat (�80 list - �3 on ebay).. and looked carefully at grass.. yes I can leave it:-)


                        • planted pumpkins and courgets on lottie yesterday.sowed 3 rows of purple carrots for children and covered with fleece.picked my first harvest of broadbeans which made a great starter for dinner last night.picked more mixed leave lettuce and coriander.g


                          • 1st of June Yesterday and Summer is here at last.

                            Spent all of yesterday off work inside so I could hear the door bell for the BT Engineer who totally failied to show up at all. <mad>

                            After a row on the phone to BT this morning I went out in the sun today and painted the side gate, And quite a bit of me as well.

                            Might go to Barnsdale tomorrow to have a stamp around there and get it out of my system.
                            Blogging at.....


                            • More stats............ AAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!


                              • See you there Seasprout as we are going as well.

                                Today I finished the initial shape of my wood fired bread (pizza) oven and am just waiting for it to dry out so that the sand mould can be removed.

                                On the plots I planted out lots of Kenya type fine beans, some Yugoslavian beans from a plot neighbour and more salad leaves for succession.

                                Back at the ranch, lots of scallions were sown in modules to be planted out in about 4 weeks.


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