TGI Friday. What I did today - went to work, got quite wet on the way in (especially due to a local council van driver who I swear deliberately pulled in towards the pavement in order to soak me thoroughly) If I hadn't been so busy cursing I would have taken his number plate and reported him. Probably should have said that we had steady rain through the latter part of the night, and by the time I left to walk to work this morning it was thundering and lightning, heavy rain but steady, and lots of puddles by the roadside. Got home around 6 pm. Checked greenhouse, outside plants and pots didn't need watering due to amount of rain. Had supper, now got nice glass of red and chilling out.
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The 'What I Did Today' Archive - 2007
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not doing much today because of the heat.
watered all my poor wilting fruit and veggies.
filled up the compost heap with some rotted grass clippings, cardboard, peelings and teabags.
going to start cutting another bit of grass in a few minutes.
I'll probably have to wait until monday or tuesday for my 3 packets of seeds to arrive, and then I have to go to town and get a few bags of compost because I have about a million things that need putting in bigger pots lol, as well as sowing my seeds.
also need to dig over a patch of grass and make it into a patch of bare earth in which to plant my pumpkins and squashes etc out into when they are big enough.Last edited by Salina; 09-06-2007, 01:55 PM.
I've been changing the tired spring bedding in pots and troughs for new summer bedding - red geraniums and mixed training lobelia and petunias. While my nails were a mess I potted up the sweet peppers and some of the bigger aubergines into their final pots.
I put up some more string and canes for the sugar pod peas to climb.
Anyone read any historical novels where the ladies spend the summer days in a 'pleasaunce' - a lovely little bower? Well I've got one or 2 'unpleasaunces' with the fag ends of nettles that I never got completely dug out, and where I stack pots when I can't be bothered to go as far as the shed. One of those was rescued today and tranformed into a little squash bed - with one of my 'sweet dumplings' in it.Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring
Slowly getting there
I think I've overdone it today, oops.
Down the lottie after a busy day at work yesterday (finally got to leave just after 8pm.. I love 11hr days, not)
So got up to get down the lottie for 8am to miss the midday sun but my Dad wandered off out until 10, but had my lottie key on his key fob
So.. Dad, OH, little man and I spent a good 3-4 hours down the lottie this morning. Dad and OH dug over some more ground, which became a bed for the cabbage that one of the lottie ground stewards gave me last week, plus some peppers. We also got up the runner bean frames and planted the seedlings, plus extra seeds out.
Everything had a good watering and started having a clear up around the mosnter gooseberry bush, that was surrounded by couch grass and thistles.
Hey.... we're slowly getting there.
Might even have a little potter in my own garden a bit laterShortie
"There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter
Down the lottie: weeded (never-ending battle against horsetail), weeded some more, pulled up some of the broad beans which had finished (leaving roots in), earthed up the potatos on the new plot which have only been in a month or so. Hubby continued to dig and remove ground elder and couch grass from new plot. Very hot work.
Planted: squashes, tomatoes, outdoor cucumbers, beans of a variety of sorts
Harvested: my first new potatoes, mangetout, broad beans, lettuce, strawberries and some sweet peas which are currently making the lounge smell gorgeous!
Oh, and planted out sweetcorn too.Last edited by Lesley Jay; 09-06-2007, 07:33 PM.
Had to take the MINI in for a check up this morning (faulty exhaust sensor), so we didnt get to the plot until after 2pm, just when the day got to its hotest!
Started by weeding again (why do the weeds grow faster than the crops????), then planted out another 4 outdoor toms, Mr D started to sort out the paths on plot2 again, (they are definitely growing faster than the crops!) and spent a good hour or two hand weeding under the brassica netting!
After that we gave everything a good watering and fed the toms before harvesting about 2lb of strawbs and a few mage tout! Needless to say, by the time we got home there was just enough strawbs lefts for a smoothie each!Blessings
Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)
'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!
The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences
I can see that weeding is the order of the day alround!
We made the mistake of weeding from 11.0 till 1.30 (hot hot!) when a temporary halt was called for a roll and a couple of cold orange juices, then I planted out the sweetcorn and made a wigwam and planted the barlotti beans.
Will go back to do the sowing tomorrow!
Celebrated the germination of my Musselburgh leeks (after getting a huge bunch of weeny leeks from a local nursery for nowt) - hope to have loads of baby leeks for the winter! Weeded out more containers and marvelled at the tiny bunches of grapes on my vine (anyone know how to thin them?). Weeded the horses field of ragwort - very hot day, very exposed field, and now all sunburned!Happy Gardening,
put netting over the strawberries and brassiacs, added supports for the grapes and raspberries, lots of weeding and watering ,stared at the plot where i planted carrots and parsnips and wondered what i had done wrong to get no gemination ............ and then lots more weeding
Hi all...It was a busy day here at the ranch...I had lots of shopping to do today so I was out and about in the garden early...I dug and transplanted 3 trees and put fencing around them so that the deer wouldn't eat them...I prepared some sixpacks for planting and then I planted lots of seeds...rearranged my potting/growing area and then I weeded...and weeded and weeded....I had some purchased plants that I potted and others that I just planted in the cleaned up and then went shopping ..lots of sales this weekend and came home...undressed and dressed in may garden clothes and watered and weeded and in general gave everything the once over ....Have to pick lettuce and radishes tomorrow....everything looks nice and healthy and the tomatoes are coming on strong....It was a full day in the garden and I'm pooped....
Yesterday I dismantled plastic greenhouses no 1 and 2 to make way for proper 6 x 12 greenhouse. I managed to get the end panel and the front panel done, the back panel took 1 /2 hours I just could get the hang of it. Once I had read the instructions for about the tenth time it finally sunk in but the weather was too hot to concentrate. Hopefully I will get the rest of the frame up today (I am going start in about 20 mins after my brain starting coffee) and sort out the glazing during the week after work.
Also want to get the last of the triangle bed dug today and my compost that should have arrived yesterday will be here this morning so I can fill it in and get some planting and potting on done.
Yeaterday I had a lazy day - just a bit of weeding and general stuff. I removed the fleece from the cauli & cabbage bed and weeded. Just clover and a few annuals with about 3 shoots of bindweed. It could have been much worse! Noted greedily that some of the plants are ready for use as greens. Planted a few swede in a space at the end of this bed then watered.
Removed the bean & pea netting as none of my beans and peas are going to need it. Intended to dig over and weed where the last lot of spent BBs were, but decided to use glyphosate on the bindweed first. Went over the whole plot with a sawn-off pop bottle and a spray gun of roundup for some carefully targetted weedkillering.
In the garden, after watering the water-butt was light enough for me to lift so I built it a new base out of old paving slabs. Hope it stays upright this time! If my measurements are correct (ummm - this high measured with hands) then when my garden butt is almost full it should drain into the lottie butt through the hedge. Dead-headed the roses.
Took piccies so will update blog later.You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
Max Ehrmann, Desiderata
blog: and my (basic!) page:
Originally posted by colser View Poststared at the plot where i planted carrots and parsnips and wondered what i had done wrong to get no gemination ..
Let the battle commenceAll gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
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