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The 'What I Did Today' Archive - 2007


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  • Mmmmmm ate a meal with all our own veg
    Pattas a la pobre (spuds onion garlic and peppers fried in olive oil) with runnerbeans amd purple brussel sprouts!!!


    • Spent some time this morning tying up worse-for-wear broadies that had been rain battered and tying in toms in the greenhouse that are growing away a treat. Got lots set, from petit pois to marrowfat size - there's light at the end of the tunnel! Picked a handful of tayberries to go with the straws I can see nestling under the leaves. I lerve summer!
      Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


      • Originally posted by Cutecumber View Post
        The object of "the game" is to get the squirrel out of the greenhouse without being bitten or damaging the cucumbers.
        you could try squirrel-fishing...not so hi-adrenaline tho. Tie a long string to a ginger nut. Throw to squirl. Squirl will not let go of a ginger nut, and you can reel him in. apparently.
        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


        • Originally posted by Cutecumber View Post
          The object of "the game" is to get the squirrel out of the greenhouse without being bitten or damaging the cucumbers. The game is void if either party suffers injury. The game can last quite some time, depending on the amount of equipment in the greenhouse.
          Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
          you could try squirrel-fishing...not so hi-adrenaline tho. Tie a long string to a ginger nut. Throw to squirl. Squirl will not let go of a ginger nut, and you can reel him in. apparently.
          have seen squirrel fishing on the telly, you can even lift them off the ground they hang on so much. laughed so much I cried
          Kernow rag nevra

          Some people feel the rain, others just get wet.
          Bob Dylan


          • Dug up some potatoes for dinner then planted broad beans in the space left behind. About time too - the BBs were about a foot high and looked a bit out of place in their modules! Weeded the strawberry bed.
            You are a child of the universe,
            no less than the trees and the stars;
            you have a right to be here.

            Max Ehrmann, Desiderata

            blog: and my (basic!) page:


            • Squirl fishing sounds fun. I've only tried crab fishing with the grandchildren, but that was fun too. Not done much today, re-arranged the greenhouse AGAIN. Too many plants - never mind, quite a few can go outside now. And as soon as it stops raining I can plant some more seedlings onto the lottie.


              • Got my 4 F1 greenhouse cucumbers into their final pots with strings going up to the greenhouse roof in the hope that I can keep them tidy. Too many plants in there just now. Might try moving the staging outdoors tomorrow (if it is nice like today) so that I can move the tomatoes to the other side of the house and get better organised. Put some growmore round dwarf beans and some other things that looked a bit yellow - not sure if that was right but decided they would die if I didn't do anything so I may as well try.

                Also celebrated finally having a Big Jim chilli growing!
                Happy Gardening,


                • Managed to avoid the rain today (mostly!) at the Hill and I:
                  • dibbed 2 rows of 20 leeks in to the space left by the first row of early spuds
                  • hoed and hoed and hoed and hoed
                  • sowed a row of mixed carrot seed
                  • gave the left over leek seedlings to another plotholder in return for 3 globe artichoke - recipe needed, folks! - and some spinach
                  • picked about a carrier bag full of broad beans - er, how do I blanche and freeze these....?
                  • picked the first of the peas, and ate them!
                  • picked radish and turnip
                  • Dug up the weedier looking garlic which were falling over (about 20 bulbs) - pleasantly surprised on size, actually.

                  Came home and put garlic out to dry on bench - HA HA HA! and this afternoon took mum to the Hill and gave her lettuce, radish, potatoes, sp onion and carrots - I will now inherit the entire estate


                  • Both had to work today, but Mr D finished early, so down to the plot he went, I got a phone call an hour later, 'Weeds!!! Lots of em!' Lol!

                    He started weeding, then when I finished work I went down to give him a lift until my tummy started rumbling!

                    Well, lots of things are growing away nicely, tho they do seem to have slowed down a bit with the cold, wet and windy weather! Mr D had to tie up the climbing peas as they'd been knocked flat, but thankfully no damage and they are starting to flower! Yeah!

                    Courgettes are now also flowering, pumpkins and squashes are getting very big too, and corn is now at 8" tall, seems to be growing about 1/2" a day atm!

                    2 of the cucumbers on the cuke inside the greenhouse have turned yellow and died back, so we've removed them, and looks like some more are already beginning to form! Lots of baby toms inside the greenhouse too, and chillies and a few peppers, the second lot of Big Jim that we left on the Big Jim chilli inside the greenhouse are now as big as the first 3 that we lost to whatever it was that turned their ends brown, but these still look ok, and have to be 15cm long now! Aubergines are all flowering too!

                    Fartichokes look a little battered, so Mr D is going to put up some cane supports and ring them with string tomorrow, to offer a bit of support for them! First batch of onions is now definitely laying flat, so we will probably pull them on Tuesday, and the overwintering garlic is almost all yellow leafed ow, so I think they may well be coming up too!

                    All in all its going well, tho the weeds are going to take a few days to sort on our hols next week, and we may well be sorting out a shed too!
                    Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

                    'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

                    The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
                    Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
                    Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
                    On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


                    • Tied up and pinched out all my toms which are all growing well and all varieties now have either flowers or baby toms showing.
                      Hand weeded another two drills of onions
                      Went to see puppy that we are getting next month ( it's for Iona's birthday)
                      Came back home early - bought last 5 growbags from GC, cut each in half, and planted up 10 Kimberley tomatoes in the greenhouse. Also planted 10 Alaskan Fancy tomatoes in raised beds - will fashion some sort of protection for them tomorrow.
                      Fell asleep on sofa.

                      British by birth
                      Scottish by the Grace of God



                      • Took spare tomato, artichoke and pumpkin plants to daughter's school fiesta. Beamed a proud dad smile at her playing in the steel band & singing with gospel choir.
                        Visited lotty in afternoon, picked strawberries, redcurrants, peas and a few heavily blackfly infested broad beans.
                        Lifted a couple of garlic bulbs to see how they're doing - leaves looked a bit rusty and have died back - good enough to frighten a vampire.
                        Broke off a few onion tops to stop them running to seed and to chop up in salads.
                        Rescued some leaves from spinach plants which have all bolted, despite frequent watering.
                        Home for Dr Who.


                        • Well what a busy day we have had. As a treat we took a round robin trip to 5 garden centres / nurseries and came back with a jasmine for a client, lots of free 144 module plug trays, a pot and a mock orange to go in it, a new hosta to sit under my now rather large gunnera and as always a few packets of seeds.

                          Back home at the ranch a parcel awaited. Well all I can say Flummery is a big hug and a kiss from me for a wonderful patchwork shopping bag. Anna Hindmarch eat your heart out.

                          After that "warm fuzzy" it was out into the garden. Piglette planted said mock orange in the new pot, dead headed our roses and planted up some pots with annuals.

                          I potted on 6 box balls in the making, 15 verbena boneriensis, a fig cutting, an agave. Another sowing of bulb fennel was sown and any odd pots of "misfires" were emptied and put away.

                          The poor car is holding about 60 runner beans, 30 blue lake french beans, 80 sweetcorn plants, the box balls, the verbena, a tray of agapanthus seedlings
                          and a tray of pumpkins and courgettes.

                          Here's hoping the weather is as promised tommorow as other than the flowers the rest is being planted out in the morning on the plots.


                          • Had granddaughter to stay last night, so just a quick visit to the lottie today. Picked more strawberries (mental note, I don't need as many plants next year, and I must put straw under them in case it rains as much as it has this year). Picked my first broad beans (late sown Sutton). Sweetcorn (the few that germinated) are growing well. The french beans are climbing, and I've a few flowers on the runner beans that were looking really poorly a few weeks ago. Looking much better now. Flowers on the mangetout peas.


                            • Planted sweetcorn, runner beans, courgettes, melons and some dahlias.

                              Piglette weeded out a tunnel border and the red cabbage bed, both of which were overdue some tlc. The trugs are getting fuller than a fat birds shoe, todays had new potatoes, raspers, strawbs, beetroot, salad leaves, tomatoes and garlic.


                              • Dug a bit more of the new plot (I though couch grass was a b***er, but ground elder worse); weeded; harvested potatoes, lettuce, radishes, carrot thinnings, two raspberries, mangetout; planted two squash, a courgette plant (Jemmer), celeriac (Giant Prague - not very giant at the moment), red kale (red ursa) and corona d'oro beans.


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