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The 'What I Did Today' Archive - 2007


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  • Finished work at 3.00pm so toddled off to my two new lotties with pen and notepaper plus a large tape measure. Luckily tape had feet and inches and metric markings on it! I would usually measure in metres but I intend using 4'0" wide beds so decided to measure it in imperial. Took a bit of getting used to after using metric for so long!
    Jobs a good'un now and will make an 'as is' scaled drawing and an 'as will be' drawing as existing paths and buildings may need moving!
    Hopefully going to base it around a 'Potager' garden so will be ornate as well as functional.
    Couldn't do my usual two rows of digging that I do each evening as the ground was frosted and the spade just bounced off!
    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

    Diversify & prosper


    • Posted applications to Scottish Water and Scottish Hydro about water and electricity respectively for my 5 acres. Ordered my polytunnel and got a quote for my store /shed/ workshop.

      British by birth
      Scottish by the Grace of God


      • sorry to hear about your loss peter,i know how you feel as i lost my brother seven years ago to the day last monday and we had to sort his affairs out ,as like many 39 year olds it was all topsy turvy.


        • Not good with these things, hope you both find a way through it. Best wishes, Manda.

          Anyway I've stoked up the open fire and watched the flames dance and thought of my mum who died nearly 13 years ago. Take care guys.
          To see a world in a grain of sand
          And a heaven in a wild flower


          • Thinking of you both, Peter and LJ. Last year was our annus horribilus - we lost 4 family members. My step father in March and DH's mother in May, both to cancer, and then the week before xmas we lost my grandad and DH's granny within 24 hours of each other.

            Here's to a fresh, bright, new Spring for every one.

            I checked over stored potatoes and squash, ordered a few more seeds using the �5 voucher T&M very kindly sent me and filled a few more module trays to sow shallots and onions in tomorrow.

            I child-proofed my house, but they still manage to get in.

            Muddy Musings - a blog


            • Sowed some red cabbage, some cauliflower and leeks for use as baby veg (my main crop leeks get sown in March), pricked out some pointy sweet peppers in the heated greenhouse and took delivery of my "Aromel" everbearer strawberry plants from Moles seeds, fifty in total.


              • Solar Propagator

                Hi Ken, I haven't checked if they do a propagator, but they do lots of other solar/wind up type thingies....Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) in Wales. Brilliant for gadgets.
                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                • Peter, and Lesley, really sorry to hear you have both lost someone so very very dear to you both. Its such an awful time. My thoughts are with you both.
                  Going through a bit of a bad patch myself with my mother the paast couple of weeks, she will be 89 in April. Back and forward to the hospital and health going down.
                  Its a trying time.

                  And when your back stops aching,
                  And your hands begin to harden.
                  You will find yourself a partner,
                  In the glory of the garden.

                  Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                  • Had a long chat with HM Revenue and Customs (hate that name - I used to be a "Cuzzie" and could not stand doing joint cases with Inalnd Revenue) about new business, finally tracked down a supplier for 25kg of onion sets (too late to sow seed this year) then chatted with an ex work colleague - he's handing in his notice on Monday - not a good time for my ex boss - two down in two weeks !!!
                    Washed all my seed trays, propogator lids and pots, cleared my greenhouse in preparation for PW's shallot seeds - weather not too warm at the moment - away to Edinburgh for the rugby this weekend - will plant them next week if the weather picks up a bit

                    British by birth
                    Scottish by the Grace of God



                    • Today I put all the seed potatoes that I bought yesterday in trays to chit. The varietes are Armandine, early, Monalisa also early, Charlotte second early and Pompador which they (they French) describe as semi late. Still need to get some more shallotts but they wont be in until next week. The ones I planted in the autumn are looking good. I just want to compare the yeild between the two sowings.

                      I'm thinking of re-sowing some of my own garlic as I only seem to be able to get it in 500g bags and again I just want a comparison.
                      Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


                      • Today I really thought it was going to snow and snow and snow. OK I'm just a kid at heart! In the end all we got was a lot of wet snow and sleet that didn't settle. Worked all day, fed up, and really waiting for spring to kick in.


                        • As it was so cold and the tits were gnawing their claws off with hunger, Piglette and I made a bird table for the courtyard area of our garden and a hanger with three hooks for nets of nuts and coconut shells filled with seed and lard.

                          We also made some bird flapjack to go on the table and filled the afore mentioned coconut shells up.


                          • Hows it going with your birds pw?

                            I see Jenny started the 'what wildlife ya got?' (in chit chat) thread again and posted last years link where you were saying your boxes couldn't get tenants?
                            To see a world in a grain of sand
                            And a heaven in a wild flower


                            • Tis freezin here, garden is soaked or frozen. So went shopping instead


                              • Your right SBP, we have 7 boxes in the garden and only one was the subject of any interest last year, however one was given a bit of a once over this afternoon by a blue tit after filling his face on mealworms. Strangely both boxes on the plots had occupants, twice.

                                After dark I escaped to the greenhouse and pricked out another load of peppers, chillies and aubergines.
                                Last edited by pigletwillie; 10-02-2007, 11:16 PM.


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