Finished work at 3.00pm so toddled off to my two new lotties with pen and notepaper plus a large tape measure. Luckily tape had feet and inches and metric markings on it! I would usually measure in metres but I intend using 4'0" wide beds so decided to measure it in imperial. Took a bit of getting used to after using metric for so long!
Jobs a good'un now and will make an 'as is' scaled drawing and an 'as will be' drawing as existing paths and buildings may need moving!
Hopefully going to base it around a 'Potager' garden so will be ornate as well as functional.
Couldn't do my usual two rows of digging that I do each evening as the ground was frosted and the spade just bounced off!

Jobs a good'un now and will make an 'as is' scaled drawing and an 'as will be' drawing as existing paths and buildings may need moving!
Hopefully going to base it around a 'Potager' garden so will be ornate as well as functional.

Couldn't do my usual two rows of digging that I do each evening as the ground was frosted and the spade just bounced off!
