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The 'What I Did Today' Archive - 2007


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  • Was full of good intentions to sow my toms and peppers in my newly tidied greenhouse, but then my mother and brother turned upand we all went to the pub for lunch instead. And then it rained so I couldn't really go out into the garden after that.

    Tomorrow I will sow them. Honest.

    I child-proofed my house, but they still manage to get in.

    Muddy Musings - a blog


    • geordievik, I have cima di rapa seeds too, mine advise to sow july/august


      • Serenity

        I saw that they are 40 day croppers, and decided to take a punt - you get loads in the pack, so I though 'what the hell'!

        Have just checked Realseeds again, and it says 'Sow in March under cover, or mid to late summer for harvest 40 days later. '

        I'm going to put these early ones into pots on the patio, so I can frost protect with fleece if necessary, then put some in at the lottie later.

        Go on Serenity.... you know you want to!!!!!

        By the way, have you (or has anybody else) tried them before? - I just bought them 'cos they looked nice, and quick to grow.

        Last edited by GeordieVik; 04-03-2007, 06:26 PM.
        Si hoc legere scis, nimis eruditionis habes


        • Spent all day creating my blog never done one before and with the weather being so awful there was nothing I could do outside.


          • My 28 day notification to the council expired today, so I got me a mini gigger and dug out foundations for my shed / storeroom and levelled my polytunnel site.
            It's finally happening

            British by birth
            Scottish by the Grace of God



            • That's great Rat!


              • Hope you're taking lots of photos Rat...
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • Go for it Rat! I spent the morning wondering whether to put my horse out with the forecast being bad weather. Glad I didn't as I have just come home from taking OH to the airport and it is well yuk, blowing and raining again.

                  Maybe one day I will report that I did some gardening
                  Happy Gardening,


                  • Started dismantling my greenhouse today. According to Liz (who's giving it to me) her dad put it up in 1984 so considering its age its in excellent nick. A few broken panes, but they're easily replaced.
                    Got half of it done, as I was by myself, as hubby works nights I let him go to bed instead of badgering him to help only for him to phone at 12 to see how I was doing cos he couldn't sleep!
                    He's going to help me finish it off tomorrow morning and just sleep later in the day. It'll be quicker if we work together.
                    Also got staging that goes in it, an electric propagator and lots of pots.
                    Even though its coming free, going to get Liz a bottle of something nice as a thank you.

                    Kirsty b xx


                    • This morning I took a trailerload of Humberstone shallots, leek, red onion, cabbage and cauliflower seedlings to the allotment greenhouses to free up space in the home greenhouse and to keep them out of this incessant rain rain we seem to be having.

                      Tonight, I am in serious "potting on" mode with lots of the tomatoes sown in January now in 4" pots. Oh is painting a watercolour so I am arming myself with a large coffee and going back into the greenhouse for an hour as there are dahlias, agapanthus and achilea to prick out as well as a few more tomatoes to deal with.

                      Those people who pm'd for seedlings, they will be posted out tommorow and Wednesday.


                      • I got a bit silly in the sunshine today, and planted some Arran Pilot first early potatoes. Probably will regret it.
                        Also put in some Peas, for the pigeons I reckon.
                        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                        • First post on the 'what I did' thread for me but I am getting into serious 'lottie addiction' territory. This is going to be my first year of tackling the challenge that is vegetable growing but I can't wait. The last couple of weeks whenever the weather is clear I have made my way to the plot to keep on with the preparation of the beds. Today was no exception. I have got 5 beds ready - 4' x 12' and they look the picture of perfection (even if I say so myself) they will just need a covering of mulch when the planting happens. Every time I go down a new idea ferments in my head about how /where something is going to fit in and I start the work to get these areas ready. With this wet weather the dandelions and docks have not put up any fight at all when it comes to fishing them out. One bed that has not been worked for a while is full of couch but the soil needs to be a little bit drier to get this out without removing too much earth with it. At home I have got some seedlings getting along just nicely - leeks, cabbage, brussels, peas, beetroot, lettuce, onions (sets and seeds), various flowers and shrub cuttings. I might be early with some seeds but I reckon if I keep them outside and if this wet weather keeps everything delayed, then I might actually be right on the timings. I am really pleased with the start of my growing year so far. I'm hooked!!


                          • Worked 24 hours in the past 48, plus 3 1/2 hours travelling, so no gardening, but Mr D was off yesterday and managed to get 3 of the 11 beds on plot No2 raked off, in advance of turning them over ready for planting! Unfortunately he didnt get any digging doen as it was far too wet, but hopefully tomorrow (both off) we should be able to get a good start on preping the beds on plot No2 ready for tatties n stuff in about a months time! Mr D had a good chat with a fellow plotholder (been there years) who has already planted his early spuds, I know the guy is experienced, but it still seems very early to me!

                            Weather looks good for tomorrow, so hoping for a full day and lots done, will let you know how we get on tomorrow!
                            Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

                            'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

                            The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
                            Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
                            Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
                            On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


                            • Today I planted 300 bluebells and 100 snowdrops in my orchard when I finished work as it was such a glorious afternoon


                              • My lovely man and I finished dismantling the greenhouse today. Got it all home and stacked in the garage, ready for me taking it down the lottie over the weekend. Got to stay in tomorrow for we have a workman coming to look at the holes in the roof, going to make a start on cleaning the g/h glass so the day isn't wasted. Working Thu and Fri so roll on Sat morning when I plan to be up early and getting the g/h sited and the base and frame set up.
                                Got plenty of seedlings happily growing away in pots, waiting until they are big enough to go in the ground.

                                Its all starting to come together, and the lottie is starting to look like one instead of waste ground.

                                Hazel, i had given up hope of a g/h, but was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time.
                                Kirsty b xx


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