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The 'What I Did Today' Archive - 2007


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  • Got a bed dug for my Jerusalem fartichokes and have got them in the ground. They had started sprouting in the bucket of compost I had put them in till I was ready, so I have just earthed the green shoots up in case we have more frost on the way.
    Sowed some herb seeds, Sweet Basil (lots), Thyme (lots) Sweet Marjoram (not quite so much) and Dill (a few).
    Our baby chestnut mushrooms are about 1cm across now.
    Yesterday sowed some Boltardy beetroot into modules so they can be planted out when ground a bit warmer.
    Some of the tomato seedings I pricked out the other day have keeled over, thankfully they are a variety for which I have plenty more seeds. When i re-sow, I will do 2 seeds to a 2" pot and then thin the weaker one, to save on unecessary disturbance.
    Started rough digging where my spuds are to go.
    I have also noticed a flower on one of my overwintering peas.
    Last edited by kirsty b; 22-03-2007, 12:46 PM.
    Kirsty b xx


    • minus 2 last night, brrr. Now lovely and sunny, so I've sown some hardy annuals in paper pots, and carrots in pp too (I usually sow direct but last year had only about 2% germination)
      Oh, and got my Gardener's World free seeds, and their new issue of the mag too. So no essay writing today, huh
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • Good thinking 2sheds. Got some pot marigolds to sow. I know they are usually just sown direct but you have more control if you sow indoors.
        I think I'll put half in the ground and half in a seed tray in the greenhouse. Ta for the reminder!
        Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


        • If I'd known I could've sent you some Flummery...I have about a million self-sown calendula seedlings coming up right now! and half a million nasturtiums, but at least I can eat them.
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • Today I planted my elephant garlic (Eyup, Dumbo!) which I've never grown before. I also got my pot marigold in a seed tray and along a bed border. My peas (markana) have started to appear! Just bought nasturtium seeds too, 2sheds! We're going to have some eye-wateringly bright salads aren't we?
            Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

   Updated March 9th - Spring


            • Today Im off work resting up, with stress related stuff. Stress caused by not knowing if I will have a job in September and not knowing what I want to do if I haven't! Will know more on 16th April ! Couldn't sit still all day so I have put up a temp. shelf in the kitchen and on it I have put a plastic box which holds 24 B. beans in news paper pots - I have been doing those over the last 3 days (slow or what!). I have put a growbag which I sown with 12 more B. beans 'The Sutton', 'Lemon Zest' pot marigolds and 'poached egg' seeds. Also on the shelf i have 24 Frech marigolds in invidual cells.
              If need be I can plant the B.beans in a block and I think the Poached Egg plants will split without to much damage or set back, the French marigolds too. Will see how it goes - may work well and then I will repeat in the future.
              Last edited by denise; 22-03-2007, 04:08 PM.
              Denise xox

              Learn from the mistakes of others because you'll never live long enough to make them all yourself.
              -- Alfred E. Neumann


              • Weather here is still v cold and overcast.

                But, wrapped up very warm again and managed to get tome ferns and hellibores planted in the woods (cos it's a bit more sheltered there) and also managed to build another couple of fruit boxes for the new fruit bushes I'm buying next week. Lots of tidying and even managed to plant a female kiwi in one of the boxes next to ther male. And it looks as though my grapes are sprouting well despite the weather.

                Happy happy days!
                TonyF, Dordogne 24220


                • Our fruit trees are all in bud and found a plum thats just starting to come into blossom so put it into the polytunnel (its waiting to be planted out properly) away from the frosts.

                  Like Tony our grape vines are all in bud and are just starting to shoot. A bit of time was spent in the greenhouse sowing salad leaves and potting on peppers and chillies.


                  • Finished off one bed and dug over my last two with the fork. Going to finish them tomorrow. Very proud of OH who sorted out the border for my last beds yesterday. Unfortunately can't post any photos coz not sure if piccasa works on this version of windows! Bernie aka Dexterdog
                    Bernie aka DDL

                    Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


                    • I spent my lunch hour sowing some tumbler toms (thanks LJ!) and a couple of courgette seeds - thought the courgette plants would be better here in a tub than down at the Hill - easier for picking.


                      • Glorious day today - what difference sunshine makes to the world. Got my cover on my tunnel ( ) - will finish tidying it up tomorrow, get staging sorted and start sowing in earnest on Saturday.
                        Sorted problem about running my electric propagator too - my mate will keep it in his tunnel (which has electricity already) and in return I have to donate some young veg plants and 10 empty hanging baskets frames to the Fearn Abbey Fundraising Fayre in late May or June.
                        Spent this evening painting and then compiling my young plant orders, ready to start on Saturday - God but my green fingers are getting itchy !

                        British by birth
                        Scottish by the Grace of God



                        • great day, nearly finished digging bed 5 out of 6, broad beans and peas are settling in well after being transplanted out couple of weeks ago. seed bed is doing well, cabbages , broccoli and brussels have germinated and survived the slugs so far. Beat bit of the day is I have bought a honder mini tiller out of the local paper, its virtually brand new and comes with all the attachments for the lawn etc. Paid a third of the retail price and it still has 3 years left on the warranty. Fingers crossed it starts tomorrow and that I actually find it useful!! I have always wanted one so nows my chance, couldn't pass up on a bargain...could I?
                          May all our seeds germinate and grow



                          • I rescued a Dunnock from the cat first thing this morning before going out, and when I came back, the postman had brought all manner of lovelies: My seeds from Sarah Raven, the gardening magazine that Trousers' Mum subscribes us to every Christmas as a present, and my cat got her very own package from Hazel, with some Catnip Chocky Treats in, beautifully wrapped with a Catmint leaf in every fold.... so basically, if I hadn't of spent MOST of the afternoon playing 'pass the parcel' with my cat, Hazel, my contributing post to this thread might have been a tad longer and more productive! and just how enjoyable is quality time spent with someone that you love? I had a real giggle with her, thank you so much.....

                            BUT, I potted on the flat-leaf parsley, sweet marjoram and annual climbers (Lablabs, Cobaea) and the Cerinths and Borage for the flower borders. And I sowed a whole trough of Amsterdam 2 Sweetheart finger carrots. Another one to do tomorrow, then that makes six. Oh, and Trousers took a photo of my early flowering Tulips on the kitchen windowsill, because he can't get over how much they match the curtains!....
                            Thank you for listening.


                            • Wow am so far behind considering i live in the warm southwest. So far have dug and in some cases sifted 6 of the 12 beds on my plot. Hopefully get a couple more this weekend. Have first earlies in 2 weeks ago (premiere) 4 types of garlic in for a couple of months now and sowed parsnips today. Broad beans, cabbages, sprouts and greenhouse/patio veg is propagating nicely and bean trench is dug. ready for transplant. Bit of rain last few weeks followed by 2 warm days has reminded me how quiclky weeds grow. Looks like the rest of weekend will be spent planting second earlies (Nadine) filling my new compost bin.pit and maybe sowing a few carrots and chard if isnt windy.

                              this is 3rd year have had an allotment but first in my name and have the whole 200sq yds to myself - working 125 miles away doesnt heklp but enjoying it. Am turning into a recycling fanatic as well. Have some good stuff like old tin bath full of herbs, but not sure what I am going to do with the odd bits of string and scaffolding tubes i seem to acquire on a daily basis


                              • OH came home with our girls this morning. Daughter nearly late for school as result of waiting for Daddy, but as he didn't get back, she had to wait till after school to see them.
                                Went down lottie to get the ark in place, and OH managed to nearly kill me. I was trying to take a step up and move backwards while carrying my end of it. This did not go well, I ended up going arse over end and landing in the mud with the ark on top of me. Which hurt. All praise to himself though, he managed to hold the whole thing up in the air by himself while I wriggled out from underneath.
                                Girls settled in well, when I went to check on them and let the kids see them, they had already laid 2 eggs. Was really ridiculously excited about this. When OH went down to put them inside for the night, we had another one.
                                Ordered my canes for peas and beans, jiffy 7's and some pots through Garden warehouse and got some herb seeds when we went to Scotsdales this morning.

                                Kirsty b xx


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