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The 'What I Did Today' Archive - 2007


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  • Great excitement today, one of my parsnip seeds is sprouting!

    Am really pleased because we finally got our greenhouse fully functional today, and I put my leek seedlings in, which really helps with space at home.
    Will spend this afternoon putting parsnip seeds into toilet roll holders and filling up the back bedroom again. Cats may be without a litter tray for a while! It means I can start tomatoes, peppers, and courgettes now.


    • Sowed Calabrese and lots of flowers into paper pots stacked inside recycled mushroom trays, the blue thingies. mini greenhouse full, big gh almost full, don't got no windowsills but they'd be full too
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • I collected 160' of 2" blue water pipe for my next homemade polytunnel and dropped it of onto the lottie ready for construction next week. Also dropped off were several trays of leek seedlings and cabbage plants into the plot greenhouses to carry on growing for a while before planting out.

        In the greenhouse at home its more potting on of tomatoes, chillies and peppers and sowing of salads, flowers and other odds and ends. My broad beans (Witkem Vroma) are just showing through having been sown into pots a couple of weeks ago, some digging required methinks.


        • I'm not very well at the moment had a virus for the last week but still managed to plant 1 variety of first earlies today, the second lot will go in over easter. Digging a trench is quite hard work when you can't breathe properly but I got it done. Potted on some calebrese seedlings as well and generally potted about up the lottie.


          • `planted some summer cabbages ( primo 2 ) that i have grown into 3" pots in to a bed down the lottie and made a netting/wood frame to go over it , put plastic cloche over pot grown swiss chard in another of the beds and got the kids planting veg at home in the back garden where the lawn will be next year.
            turned the compost heap
            ---) CARL (----
            NORTH DEVON

            a seed planted today makes a meal tomorrow!



            now in blog form ! UPDATED 15/4/09


            • CYCLED to the Hill this morning - had to have a sit down to recover when I got there - partner-in-grime Jane planted some asparagus crowns, and sowed a short row of spring onions and of spinach whilst I put in 15 Nadine 2nd early potatoes.

              Hoed the garlic - without beheading any - and pulled some rhubarb.

              Jane off to make rhubarb crumble for her tribe, I'm sowing a tray of leeks and some cauli and cabbage in jiffys.


              • Today we spent 8hrs on the lottie!!!!
                Can hardly move now- but who cares???- Twas wonderful!!!!!
                Got a mild sun glow of the face (NB - not s bold as Mrs D!!!! )
                Had a really fantastic day!!! yey.....!!!!!
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • Ohh...... did someone say twas a fantastic day on the lottie???
                  Must have been me!!!!!
                  "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                  Location....Normandy France


                  • I over did it!
                    Finished all but one of my beds, put straw down for paths and planted 3 1/2 beds of tatties.
                    Started at 1030, met Eternal Sunshine at 1100 for a natter and a look around, then carried on. Dexter came down and joined me for an hour - he even tried biting the rake, hoe and spade then covered up some tatties for me.
                    Hopefully up for it again tomorrow! LOL!
                    Had a super day - very peaceful, everything finally coming together. What a super day!
                    PS will post photos when I can get picassa working on new pc.
                    Bernie aka Dexterdog
                    Bernie aka DDL

                    Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


                    • You have no idea how good it feels to be able to post on this thread.

                      Went to Wilkinsons and bought most of the seed I'll need. Buy one pack get one free then went to my allotment (first time ever)

                      Introduced my self to anybody that stopped to talk. Got offers of help to refelt the shed roof, and turning the whole plot -over. Somebody comes in with their tractor!!! As I've missed the annual muck order - was given the ok to help myself to somebody elses heap

                      Did a quick scout round, found some rhubarb and gooseberry bushes hidden under goose grass. Cleared those and dug round them, so they can see the light of day now.

                      Cleared the rubbish out of the shed.

                      Cleared the rubbish on the allotment to one end - can't move an oil drum full of rubbish so will have to empty it gradually.

                      Can't wait for tomorrow - got to buy some onion sets then get to the allotment and do some proper work
                      Save the earth - it's the only planet with chocolate


                      • Today I moved home!

                        Thats from my old allotment to my new allotment!

                        I was asked by the new tennant who doesn't officially take over until the end of April what I was doing with my hut as he was wanting to store his tools. I told him I would clear out my stuff by the end of today and leave the shed door open for him to put his tools in tomorrow and use his own padlock!

                        Didn't realise how much 'stuff' I had accumulated and it took me about 10 wheelbarrow loads to shift it to my new hut, in a heap in the corner until i sort it out!
                        I spent a lot of time last year building the hut to my own specifications so it was a sad moment when I got the last of my stored onions and potatoes out of it and closed the door!

                        Never mind, out with the old and in with the new! The hut i've inherited on my other plot is in canny nick so I'll soon have it sorted the way I want it!

                        The rest of the day was spent digging weeds out, so I vented my wrath on them by firing up my woodburning stove, getting it nice and hot, opening the fill door and throwing in some couch grass roots!!! Bye, they didn't arf scream!!!
                        My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                        to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                        Diversify & prosper


                        • After 40 hours of digging, manuring, sanding, more diging, weeding, more digging, I actually feel as if I am getting somewhere. The prepared soil is warming under fleece and is even beginning to look ... dare I say ... crumbly.

                          It is beginning to feel more like a friendship than a battle.
                          The law will hang the man or woman
                          Who steals the goose from off the common
                          But lets the greater thief go loose
                          Who steals the common from the goose


                          • Today I planted my arran pilot in polypots. Planted two pots of sugarsnax carrots and four pots of lancer parsnips (hopefully these ones wont get spread all over the greenhouse floor due to high wind moving the integrated staging about).

                            Yesterday I planted some more peas and broad beans


                            • Bunged in (it's a technical term!) another 2 rows of Arran pilot and put my cloches over the ground that the peas will be going into when a few more of them have peeped over the yoghurt pots.
                              Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

                     Updated March 9th - Spring


                              • Hi, Everyone as i have said in other threads i am new to this veg growing and a lotte, but yesterday & today i have planted early spuds ,shallots, parsnip, carrots,got my bean trench ready,and in the cold greenhouse have planted tom, peppers, cucumbers, leeks, and cleaned out the chooks, have i been a busy boy or what time to put my feet up with anice glass of malt.cheers
                                Last edited by Lesley Jay; 25-03-2007, 05:55 PM.
                                Mick aka murfe 18


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