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The 'What I Did Today' Archive - 2007


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  • What I Did Today

    Today I spent all day at the allotment.
    I intended to plant beetroot, turnip, peas and broadbeans.
    In the end I spent all day digging a new bed from scratchb which took over an hour.
    Weeded two other beds.
    Broke up some old pallets to make a nice bonfire next time.
    Took up some old tatty black plastic and put down some nice new stuff.
    Filled in a hole that was going to be a pond but never got finished. Wont keep falling in it now!
    Checked the strawberrys that I plante 2 weeks ago just before snow/frost/hail etc. They have survived perfectly ok.
    Looked in vain for the rhubarb (see other post)
    Also saw a small flock of gold finches, a fox catching mice and some swans flying over head. Must be spring at last!



    • Blimey, everyone seems so busy compared to me

      Anyway, today I planted 6 crowns of asparagus, elder son seived some soil and compost together and we younger son and I planted a pot of rainbow carrot seed kindly sent to us by Pigletwillie. Can't wait to see how they do. I planted boltardy beetroot according to PW's instructions, 2 pots of Winston potatoes and we painted some fence and started on the painting of the garden seat with a roof (don't know the posh name for it). I thought we had achieved a lot as I am totally pooped but it must be the ME winning the battle again. I also discovered that my rhubarb isn't dead so I weeded around the new shoots in the buckets. Rasps are starting to leaf up nicely now and I tied those in to the fence again - yummy thoughts of fresh rhubarb and raspberries.
      Happy Gardening,


      • Gorgeous day today, so Mr D was down the plot early, he's managed to dig over another 2 of the 15' by 5' beds on plot no2, then when I finished work and met him at about 5pm we planted out 12 parsnips and 17 onions that were planted in toilet rolls a while back and which have been hardening off in the unheated greenhouse! The family in the next plot to us were bowled over with the idea of using loo rolls for planting in, they're from Yugoslavia orginially and all four of them were mucking in, in one day they've almost completely dug over 3/4 of their plot AND dug out their old pond and are now putting in their new pond!

        The whole site was busy, must have been almost half of the plot holders on there today! Cant wait for my day off on Tuesday, gonna be down there all day, hopefully get another 3 or 4 of the remaining 7 beds on plot no2 dug over, then do some planting!
        Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

        'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

        The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
        Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
        Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
        On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


        • Today I have been drift mining!! Or thats what it looks like! Some kind previous occupant of my rundown allotment decided to put a ridge across the centre of allotment. I have dug through the ridge to find a two foot wide and 15" deep band of gravel and rocks right across the allotment. There was enough hardcore in this band to do most of my paths, so I have spent all day digging out and wheelbarrowing the material and spreading on my paths. I am left with a two foot wide trench across my allotment. Next time I go to lottie, I can start filling in the trench and restoring the levels!
          Phew! I'm ready with my panacea for all evils, a hot bath and a bottle of red!

          PS One good thing has come out of all this graft, I've actually lost a couple of pounds in weight!
          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

          Diversify & prosper


          • Lovely day, if a tad chilly. Spent some time checking greenhouse and polytunnel after terrible storm while I've been away - 100 mph winds +, worst storm in seven years apparently. All seems intact, even the plastic on the polytunnel (my repairs are holding well!)
            Watered everything well in the greenhouse and then potted on 98 tagetes into modules! Bless them they all came up! (I think I'll have to open a little shop by the roadside)
            Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
            ~ Mary Kay Ash


            • Today I found some signs of life in a trough which has some ancient strawbs in so I replanted them (saw next doors cat having in widdle in there the other day, so a treat for the strawbs with new compo!) and gave them a straw blanket - thought of Supersprout.


              • planted some onion seedlings into a bed and seived some more soil in another , then down to the stream for watering the crops already in.
                ---) CARL (----
                NORTH DEVON

                a seed planted today makes a meal tomorrow!



                now in blog form ! UPDATED 15/4/09


                • Spent 5 glorious hours on the lottie V.cold first off but warmed up around lunchtime. Planted early spuds (foremost) two rows of red barron sets, 1 row of Amasterdam forcing carrots and 1 row of Chantennay royalm 1/2 row of spring onions and 1/2 a row of beetroot!! what a productive day!!
                  Never be afraid to try something new.
                  Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
                  A large group of professionals built the Titanic


                  • spent 6 glorious hours at the lottie, as Mrs D said think all the lottie holders were there at one time or another, anway got another section of the fruit area dug and cleared, met some new lottie neighbours, gave them some old carpet which when he moved it disturbed a family of mice glad i'd been so generous cleared strawb bed and started clearing area for poly tunnel, feeling rather pleased with life
                    The love of gardening is a seed once sown never dies ...


                    • Put in my Annabelle early pots, Forum onions and garlic, uncovered broads which are growing nicely.

                      At home and under plastic, Broccoli growing nicely, Caulis showing, sprouts showing and some ornamentals starting to come through, now I've ran out of room and need to talk the wife into getting another

                      An onion can make people cry but there's never been a vegetable that can make people laugh.

                      Will Rogers


                      • I took 3 full bags of ginny poo to the lottie, and 2 bags of wine bottles for my bottle bed (all on the bike). I spent too much time relocating ladybirds ... why do they fly to the plants without aphids anyway? What's the point of that? I gathered them up and put on my broad beans (which have been 'notched' by bean weevil, but that's ok, they don't affect the beans).
                        Stopped 3 times on bike to sweep broken glass off the bike lanes (is it a new national sport, or what?)
                        Sunny day, but not warm. Cold north wind. Came back with purple sprouting, leafbeet and cabbage for dinner.
                        Attached Files
                        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                        • Made a proper conmpost heap out of pallets. Took delivery of another heap of horse manure completely unexpectedly and totally free. Dug 2 small beds for herb garden. Took kid & friend swimming. Wrote poetry while they swam. Watched millions of very fat people swimming and then going into the cafe for sausage & chips. Updated blog. Ate a very hot chickpean and green lentil curry. Did 3 lots of washing up. Picked up tons of cat s**t, and assembeld a lawn mower before I mowed the lawn at 7pm. Need to do some school work and pretend to be the tooth fairy for a 10 year old who stopped believing in theat sort of thing years ago (now he believes in the profit motive).
                          The law will hang the man or woman
                          Who steals the goose from off the common
                          But lets the greater thief go loose
                          Who steals the common from the goose


                          • Painted part of shed i share with other 2 people.sowed 2 rows of carrot(early nantes)on PW instructions although spacing was irregular as kids decided to help(managed not to scream but i suppose its part of the fun)sowed two rows of mixed lettuce from seeds of italy,one row of spinach medina &one row of white icicle radish.covered the lot with fleece on top of the blue hoops you get from lottie shop,it was a nightmare keeping it in place as it was very windy in manchester.g


                            • forgot to mention the most important bit!picked few rhubarb sticks and baked them in oven with some sugar and a tiny bit of grated ginger,we had it for puds with some custard.i tell you what ,i never botherd with rhubarb from shops but this was divine,even my 5 year old loved it.


                              • Finished preparing my last raised bed. Planted carrots, lettuce, broad beans, beetroot, radish and turnip. Sowed tomatoes into pots 3 types and courgettes these went into mini greenhouse. Took she who must be obeyed and daughter out for a bite to eat at a lovely place called Deckers at Sale Water Park. Very nice day in all.

                                If there is no football and gardening in heaven - I'm not going.


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