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The 'What I Did Today' Archive - 2007


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  • Planted 2 rows of Charlotte potatoes, and some onions. Weeded the strawberry bed, put some more bark on the paths.
    Put parsnip seed on wet kitchen roll to germinate, moved cauliflowers to larger pots,
    and... cooked some of my rhubarb in a crumble. yum!
    smiling is infectious.... updated 28th May 2008


    • I planted out 24 toilet rolls of germinated Parsnip seedlings 'The Student', at six inch spacing all around, and had one of those unexplainable horticultural 'panic attacks'.... "Why am I only planting 24? Surely I should be planting 124! Should I germinate some more?" (!)
      Then I graciously accepted some Greyhound Cabbage seedlings off Elderly-Next-Door. Must remember to pass back the tray of 3.5 million seedlings that I didn't want from the tray over the fence tomorrow.
      Then I pinched out the Sweet Pea 'tendrils' because they were starting to annoy me. I know that sounds 'odd', but I've only got about nine pots with three seedlings in each pot, and seeing as I 'started out well' by sowing them in the Autumn, like a true Proffesshnial, I thought I might try and grow them to the best of my ability this summer.
      Then I nitrogen-fed all my 'girls' in pots in the greenhouses, as they are at every watering with a quarter-strength solution.
      Didn't manage to do any sowing today.
      Save that for Tuesday afternoon, which is designated this week as 'Quality Wellie Time'.
      Thank you for listening.


      • OH NO! I forgot! I found some Asparagus Spears growing! Two slugs and a number of 'keel slugs' were attacking them, so I started 'evasive action', then covered them with a tent cloche till I can earth them up proper during the week.
        Finished now...


        • Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
          I took 3 full bags of ginny poo to the lottie, and 2 bags of wine bottles for my bottle bed (all on the bike). I spent too much time relocating ladybirds ... why do they fly to the plants without aphids anyway? What's the point of that? I gathered them up and put on my broad beans (which have been 'notched' by bean weevil, but that's ok, they don't affect the beans).
          Two Sheds, glad the evil (or just hungry?) weevil does not affect the beans, because I noticed notching on mine today and was wondering what to do about it.
          Today I have finally got enough ground dug over (hurrah!) to put in a row of Pentland Javelin spuds. Digging is slow going due to pulling out weed roots as I go. Getting there though.
          Sowed Chantenay carrots in a deepish trough, with the intention of harvesting them as baby carrots, sowed some more salad leaves, some caulis, some runner beans (scarlet emperor) and climbing/french beans (blue lake), white lisbon spring onions.
          Watched OH with his shirt off making the chooks run (got to be done! ) and then watched the girls having a good scratch around and catch worms. Got 2 lovely eggs from them today.
          Thats about it. Go down for more digging tomorow.
          Kirsty b xx


          • Managed to finish repairs to my (donated )greenhouse on Saturday.
            Temp inside today 3pm 36centigrade no heater Also been busy last day or so planted out 80+ potatoes sown sprouts,beetroot spinach(beet), peas, cabbage & in greenhouse runner beens & brockerly.+others cann't remember
            Last edited by bubblewrap; 26-03-2007, 10:00 PM.
            The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
            Brian Clough


            • Got the pea stick ready.

              Walked round the site in the evening sunshine, with my site agent hat on, then rang a few people to check if they were continueing with their newly aquired plots. Two definately. One been away for eight weeks(!) and is not sure. Last is not in and is of course the one I need to check the dividing line where the 5 rod is turning into a 3 and a 2.

              Boy are those seedling weeds doing well.

              Swapped hats and noted that on my plots the recently applied weedkiller seems to be working now the sun is out.
              Always thank people who have helped you immediately, as they may not be around to thank later.
              Visit my blog at - Updated 18th October 2009
              I support


              • Spent most of the day in the garden. Weather was beautiful. Weeded my flower border and trimmed back the hedge. potted on some toms and peppers. Sowed some more peas and sweet peas. Sowed dahlia seed, calundula and pansies. Got so much done just because it was such a fine day and so much more daylight hours.

                And when your back stops aching,
                And your hands begin to harden.
                You will find yourself a partner,
                In the glory of the garden.

                Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                • One ton of vintage manure is now in the polytunnel and the canes are all in and tied ready for the tomato plants to be planted in a couple of weeks.


                  • Checked the paper pots in the mini-greenhouse
                    • Iceberg Lettuce has germinated after 16 days. Still not sign of Salad Bowl Lettuce though.
                    • First beetroot (Cheltenham Green Top) has germinated after 1 month. Can go to the 'lottie soon.
                    • Looks like the Mignonette strawberries have finally come through as well. Sowed way back in January.
                    • Sweet peas (Cupani) sowed in toilet rolls have germinated after 14 days.

                    Moved some chilli and pepper sowings inside to a windowsill. Hopefully it will be a bit warmer there.


                    • spent the day wishing i was at the lottie not stuck in an office
                      The love of gardening is a seed once sown never dies ...


                      • Originally posted by Hans Mum View Post
                        spent the day wishing i was at the lottie not stuck in an office
                        Me too

                        7.30am this morning:
                        Took fleece off seedlings in greenhouse (frost in night)
                        Noted that cucumber has sprouted and pricked out tomatoes have 2nd flush of leaves coming
                        Checked greenhouse-peas (don't ask ) and watered them
                        Noticed little buds on the grapevines - yay!

                        Tonight -
                        Will water the seedlings and plant some more tomatoes
                        Go to dog training and bribe trainers with promise of pepper plants and fresh tomatoes


                        • Spent the whole day putting seeds into trays and pots for the new garden that my chum and chumlette want me to look after for them.

                          Beautiful topsoil - imported from the coast years back - but not worked for the last 5 years at least so loads of manure ordered.

                          Three beds, two 56 feet x 4 feet and one 50 feet by 6 feet - and they want me to look after that plus all their fruit trees - what do you do with 60 walnut trees in an orchard - rhetorical question, have things lined up already!
                          TonyF, Dordogne 24220


                          • Sowed some more radish under cloches (last week's have germinated); sowed some leafbeet and Boltardy under cloches; said well done to my peas that have germinated (again, under bottle cloches). Still no frogs porn, boo. Oh, and I sat in my hammock for half an hour in the sun, lovely jubbly
                            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                            • Whoo hoo, me peas are through! Better sort out some piggy twee sticks!
                              Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

                     Updated March 9th - Spring


                              • Today has been glorious sunshine, and we've both had the day off work, so it was up early and down to the GC to pick up some Wolf Tools (special offer, with a free handle if you bought 2 heads, which we did, the small push/pull hoe and the rotovator head, which is brill! Piccy below), then back home for a quick bite to eat before getting down the plot for the whole of the rest of the day!

                                We were down there for just after lunch, and left at 7pm, were working in t-shirts and I almost came home for my shorts it was that warm!

                                Managed to get the rest of the beds on plot 2 hoed off and rotovated, and then we dug over 2 of them for the tatties, and dug out the trenches for the tatties ready for planting at Easter! Only one more bed to sort on plot 2 for the tatties and we are ready for planting!

                                Also hoed inbetween the onions and garlic on plot1, then hoed off the greenhouse and did a bit of weeding round the strawbs! The radishes sown between the parsnips 2 weeks ago have started germinating, and the ones in the greenhouse are looking great! Parsnips and carrots that we planted out on Sunday are also doing well, as are the broad beans planted out 2 weeks ago!

                                Managed to get some piccies of the plots in the sunshine, which are attached below! Looks a bit different from when we took it over 7 months ago!

                                Oh, and we have about a gadzillion tadpoles swimming round in our pond!!!
                                Attached Files
                                Last edited by Mrs Dobby; 27-03-2007, 08:36 PM. Reason: adding a bit more!
                                Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

                                'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

                                The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
                                Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
                                Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
                                On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


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