Watched an episode of the Big Dig on 'Satalight channel' then planted tomato Orange Banana, Cedrico, sante, gardeners delight, and some weird one from a seed from a distant releative from Poland into Grow Bags in my NEW greenhouse, also sweet pepper World Beater and Pepper 'Oro' and pepper orange Banana into growbags into the NEW green house as well.
And an Obergine. Never grown these before.
Watched an episode of the Big Dig on 'Satalight channel' then planted tomato Orange Banana, Cedrico, sante, gardeners delight, and some weird one from a seed from a distant releative from Poland into Grow Bags in my NEW greenhouse, also sweet pepper World Beater and Pepper 'Oro' and pepper orange Banana into growbags into the NEW green house as well.
And an Obergine. Never grown these before.
