Last night I planted some more tomatoes into greenhouse borders (Big Boy, Gardeners Delight, Incas F1, Sungold and San Marzano) - they're not flowering yet, but need to come out of pots.
Planted out 2 cucumbers into borders as well. Have 2 more little seedlings in case the first don't work.
Re-potted sweetcorn, courgettes, broccoli and peppers
Removed caterpillars from greenhouse peas
Thought about chopping grapevine back as it's triffid-like creeping is getting out of hand.
Planted out 2 cucumbers into borders as well. Have 2 more little seedlings in case the first don't work.
Re-potted sweetcorn, courgettes, broccoli and peppers
Removed caterpillars from greenhouse peas
Thought about chopping grapevine back as it's triffid-like creeping is getting out of hand.