I've been very busy with my other hobby (marathon on Sat, marathon on Sun, sleeping and eating on Mon) but I did get round to picking lots of broad beans for tonight's dinner. mmmmmmm.
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The 'What I Did Today' Archive - 2007
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You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
Max Ehrmann, Desiderata
blog: http://allyheebiejeebie.blogspot.com/ and my (basic!) page: http://www.allythegardener.co.uk/
Today I picked my First sweet pea flower of the year.Blogging at..... www.thecynicalgardener.wordpress.com
Oh the joy of being home and planting out.
Celeriac plants, various salads, a new vine and outdoor tomatoes have all gone in and with piglette weeding out the new tunnel and tieing in all the tomatoes things are getting back on track.
A few sessions with the hoe are still required and some bean frames need erecting soon, but things are coming together.
Potted up the last of the toms - those that will stay in a pot. Potted on the aubergines into middle sized pots. The potting bench in the greenhouse is full again! Weeded, watered, talked to everyone (the plants that is!). Dug over 'my' two road signs for the village in bloom competition. I'm planting them with summer flowering perennials. It's only our first year of entry so I reckon I can get a decent display like this and supplement with bulbs/bedding as required.
Planted (sorry, sowed!) some Thai basil for daughter who loves it but claims brown fingers.Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.
www.vegheaven.blogspot.com Updated March 9th - Spring
Originally posted by poozie View Postjust sowed rainbow chard, purple sprouting broccoli, pumpkin becky, courgette one ball, coriander, and planted up my window boxes with purple and dark pink petunias. phew!
I've moved everything (tomatoes, cucumber, aubergine, courgette) to the tent cloche on the lottie, the flaps are continually open so hopefully this will harden them off enought to plant out at the weekend. I'm thinking of leaving the aubergine in the cloche and grow in either a big pot or grow bag - good idea?Bex
Today I planted three of my tomatoes(two san marzano and one auriga - starting to flower) into their final pots and into one of the big greenhouses, hopefully the vaseline around the pots will help to keep off the slugs.
Sowed some more pak choi (to replace the ones eaten by the slugs). Transplanted my igloo caulis from a seed tray into troughs till they are big enough to go into their final bed. Sowed some more leeks (mini veg). Planted into containers some parsnips germinated by the paper towel method in the airing cupboard (going to see how these planted straight out do against the ones I have in root trainers (all germinated the same way).
Hope to get some more carrots in tomorrow and thin out my beetroot and snowball turnips.
Sweetcorn is doing well and should be in place in about three weeks. Cucumbers are coming along slowly and the courgettes, runner beans and french beans are doing well.
Well I'm in for the day so it's easy to report...I weeded...the dreaded job but I do it every day while I inspect the garden for critter damage, I checked all the plants that I added yesterday and I picked radishes and a huge tub of spinach...one of my favorite veggies so it is nice that it is doing so good...I dug some bare spots and planted some grass seed...Molly our world's smartest dog loves to romp and dirties the porch so I am trying to fill bare spots with grass...I chopped all the trimmings and gathered the compost bin from the kitchen and put it all in the composter...love all that good compost...I have washed everything an put it away...now I gotta go wash me...Have a good gardening day all.
I planted out the celery - first time I've ever grown it so a bit of an adventure. And Hip, hip, horray! the first asparagus spike has finally appeared in the new asparagus bed! Now I just need the other nine plants to decide to grow!The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!
Tan out of rootrainers and flowerpots so had to improvise with paper, string and cellotape. Hopefully they will last until my runnerbeans have sprouted. I refuse to buy any more pots so am chopping up milk cartons etc. At least i'm recycling.Last edited by poozie; 23-05-2007, 06:41 PM.
Extremely hot today, up well into the 30s.
Started this morning by giving the new fruit bush boxes a new coat of preservative. Then moved another load of castine, finished the path round the house, reorganised the pots, dismantled the work benck pending building of a new one.
After lunch, back out tying in cucs and toms, bit of a tidy round the spud tubs. Also managed to position the boxes, planted blueberry bushes and put the boxes/guards round the dessert grapes so I can't clip them with the strimmer. Then after tea managed to get the first coat of paint on the grey block wall which shows out onto the garden it's the front wall of the cave/cabin in which I keep my wine stocks, going to cover that with climbers once the second coat is on and dried. Then watered all round, took ages.
Off at chumlette 2 tomorrow morning then taking chumlette to docs in afternoon so no gardening after lunch I think - but if it's as hot tomorrow as it was today, may not want to do any!TonyF, Dordogne 24220
Day off yesterday, but had to take Mr D to the docs to pick up a sick note, then to his work to drop it off and do a bit of shopping, then home, lunch and got down to the plot for 3pm!
The recent rain has caused a lot of weed seeds to germinate, not too much of a problem on most of the beds, as they've been regularly hoed, but the brassica bed under netting hadnt been hoed for about 9 days, and it was green with weeds!
Removed the netting, hand dug out the thistles that are very deep rooted, then hoed it all off before planting out another 30 brassica seedlings and replacing the netting! Also planted out more sweetcorn, broad beans, lettuce and turnip seedlings, then watered everything, and after a total of 6 1/2 hours we left at 940pm, totally worn out! I need a holiday, trying to work full time, look after poorly Mr D, do the plot for him and run the house is wearing me out!
Ah well, at least I've got a long weekend coming up with the BH!Blessings
Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)
'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!
The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences
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Reply to Winter projectsby Vince GSo a couple of weeks later than intended, work has commenced on my anti-ratty tunnel today.
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