What I Did Today
There's always been 'some debate' on removing the leaves below the first truss of fruits on a tomato plant, but that's one of the things that I did do today. The benefits in my particular instance here, are that there will now be more air circulation, it enables the first truss more chance of ripening, gives the Aubergine, Pepper and Chilli plants more even light, allows more accurate feeding/watering, and allows me to weed the beds more effectively.
I can hear all the plants heaving huge sighs of relief as I type.
I popped into The Forest of Dean Forestry HQ today to source more bark chips for my potager paths. I learned, rather surprisingly, that they were not able to supply them to me, and even if they were, they couldn't sell them to me, because they are non-profit-making. Indeed, if they themselves need bark chips for any of their 'play areas', they have to buy them in. See Wellie choke on her Cadbury Flake in complete disbelief at what nice lady said....
No, it's true. Whatever shreddies they have, they have to leave them on the forest floor. Which is, actually, hugely sensible with wildlife in mind....
However, I came away with loads of names and numbers to source the bark, because I just refuse to pay �3.99 a bag, and the nice lady was of the same opinion as me, and I'm really grateful to her for her help.
And whilst I was there, I bought us an Annual Permit to pick up and carry out of the woods as much kindling as Trousers, Me and The Cat can manage, providing it's 3" diam or less. Bargain price of �5. Without it, it's called 'Stealing' or something...?
(I also renewed 'Elderly Next Doors' permit, and he's exempt because he's so incredibly old, but now has a current permit to prove it).
I've just had a 'LightBulb Moment'. Pick up as much kindling as can carry. Borrow Garden Shredder. Shred Kindling. Homer Simpson Moment: DOH!
Now, who do I know with a Shredder?.....
Thank you for listening,
There's always been 'some debate' on removing the leaves below the first truss of fruits on a tomato plant, but that's one of the things that I did do today. The benefits in my particular instance here, are that there will now be more air circulation, it enables the first truss more chance of ripening, gives the Aubergine, Pepper and Chilli plants more even light, allows more accurate feeding/watering, and allows me to weed the beds more effectively.
I can hear all the plants heaving huge sighs of relief as I type.
I popped into The Forest of Dean Forestry HQ today to source more bark chips for my potager paths. I learned, rather surprisingly, that they were not able to supply them to me, and even if they were, they couldn't sell them to me, because they are non-profit-making. Indeed, if they themselves need bark chips for any of their 'play areas', they have to buy them in. See Wellie choke on her Cadbury Flake in complete disbelief at what nice lady said....
No, it's true. Whatever shreddies they have, they have to leave them on the forest floor. Which is, actually, hugely sensible with wildlife in mind....
However, I came away with loads of names and numbers to source the bark, because I just refuse to pay �3.99 a bag, and the nice lady was of the same opinion as me, and I'm really grateful to her for her help.
And whilst I was there, I bought us an Annual Permit to pick up and carry out of the woods as much kindling as Trousers, Me and The Cat can manage, providing it's 3" diam or less. Bargain price of �5. Without it, it's called 'Stealing' or something...?
(I also renewed 'Elderly Next Doors' permit, and he's exempt because he's so incredibly old, but now has a current permit to prove it).
I've just had a 'LightBulb Moment'. Pick up as much kindling as can carry. Borrow Garden Shredder. Shred Kindling. Homer Simpson Moment: DOH!
Now, who do I know with a Shredder?.....
Thank you for listening,