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The 'What I Did Today' Archive - 2007


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  • Got to the plot for 11am ish, to find weather was reasonable, cloudy, breezy, but dry at that point, and almost everyone was down there or arrived within an hour or so!

    I did a load more weeding, whilst Mr D did some gentle hoeing, then we planted out the second batch of outdoor toms (another 20 plants of dif varieties), and planted into the greenhouse 12 celery seedlings, there's another load to plant outside, but as the weather was getting iffy (we were planting between the rain and hail showers) we decided to call it a day (everyone else had gone an hour before us when it started to rain and get windy!)

    Harvested the first 4 Naga Jolokia chillies, going to make a curry for tea with them in it!
    Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

    'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

    The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
    Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
    Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
    On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


    • At last, the rains stopped. I have sown in modules some more sweetcorn, climbing french beans, Kenya beans, basil and some swede all in modules.


      • Very little, still confined to the house by intermittent/torrential rain, been like this since Friday lunch time, everything is so wet, warm but wet AND it's blowing a gale at the same time for 50%of the time.

        Still, catching up with my other work instead of gardening!
        Last edited by TonyF; 28-05-2007, 06:00 PM. Reason: Content
        TonyF, Dordogne 24220


        • We had a lazy lie-in bed reading GYO as it will soon be time to buy the next issue! It was really lovely that today it didn't rain, and so Trousers and I built ourselves a Brassica Cage, to keep the pesky cabbage white butterflies at bay. It's big enough for me to sculk around weeding etc. in there, which is great.....

          We also very gingerly moved the bucket of comfrey tea from one side of the potager to the other, as the smell was just awful. It now has a new home inside a tightly-lidded water butt. Phew!

          Then I planted the Cape Gooseberry plants into a big tub in the GUG greenhouse, updated the 'you know what', and whilst Trousers is cooking the contents of 'The Smug Trug' to go with a small steak, I am finally picking Mr. & Mrs. Flobalob's christian names from all your fantastic suggestions. So, after dinner, 'watch that space', because the results won't be on the 'you know what' until tomorrow evening.....

          Thank you for listening,
          Last edited by Lesley Jay; 28-05-2007, 08:42 PM.


          • Had a quiet morning as it was blustery here with threatening rain. This afternoon Madmax made a brassica cage (also big enough for me to get into for weeding). However, it is not covered yet as I am waiting for advice re enviromesh. I have one bit of pond netting with 1cm squares which is covering part of the structure at the moment - but I am not sure if this mesh is small enough. It will get covered once I know what is best to purchase for the job. Planted out some of my sweetcorn (the blue stuff) which is supposed to be a 2 or three sisters jobbie with purple-podded mangetout. Didn't plant out the mangetout as they are taller than the corn so i thought they best stay where they are for a while to see if the corn takes off after planting out!
            Happy Gardening,


            • Filled my IBC tanks from the quarry, planted out some savoy cabbage, then weeded seven drills of Spring onions - took three quarters of an hour for each drill !!
              My back aches

              British by birth
              Scottish by the Grace of God



              • Today I decided to try and move my shed, single handed. Wouldn't move, so started to smash it to pieces to re-build it.

                Stood on a protruding nail! Took my shoe off, ahhh!! blood! and said "Tell with it, I'm gong home" Wasn't arf painful driving home though!

                Foot has now swollen and is painful! Hope to heck I can get to the lottie tomorrow as without water, my greenhouse veg will die!

                Consoling myself with a glass of chillie Vodka...lifes ups and down I suppose!
                My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                Diversify & prosper


                • I have been setting beer traps, harvesting my pak soi, making some news papers pots for rainbow chard, sowing watercress, pulling out my mangetout ( it has reach it's end of productions after being harvested for more than 4 times, grow to 70 cm high ) and re sowing some more mangetout and french beans, have been checking the size of my garlic ( hm... it was 5 cm across ), plus have thin out my tomatoes flower ( pink brandy wine tometoes ).
                  I grow, I pick, I eat ...


                  • Yesterday I watered in the greenhouse (Nature did the rest of the garden!) and put 10 leftover plants of kenya fine beans into a small window box to take to daughter and family. They are on their very moist holidays this week in Teesdale, poor kids! Staked up the broadies which had been knocked about a bit in the winds.
                    Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

           Updated March 9th - Spring


                    • Today in the lottie I harvested a dinnersworth of broad beans and removed the finished plants. Had to bin rather than compost them because of the rust I did some weeding too.

                      In the garden I ripped up a load of ivy from around the apple tree. Now what can I plant instead? We have a lovely peony and (now) lots of space around the tree trunk.
                      You are a child of the universe,
                      no less than the trees and the stars;
                      you have a right to be here.

                      Max Ehrmann, Desiderata

                      blog: and my (basic!) page:


                      • did some weeding
                        resumed digging a flowerbed that is overgrown with weeds and making the soil weed-free and spreading it out so it is nice and fine.
                        planted some seeds (pepper and apple seeds)
                        put some more earth on top of my potato seedlings
                        watered everything
                        put the beans, radishes and courgettes outside under plastic. their first night outside


                        • After six solid hours of weeding yesterday, (for other peeps), and knowing that I'm Dog/House-Sitting at the weekend, and that I had today 'to myself', I decided to just 'stretch and yawn' every time I woke up this morning. By the time I'd finished that, I suddenly realised that it was actually Ten O'Clock, and THAT was completely disgraceful. So, reluctantly, I got up. At which point, Trousers came home, because he got 'rained off' ???

                          So, given that he'd invited some work colleagues round for coffee (if they fancied it) we then had to COMPLETELY clean the cottage. Which, to be fair, it did need......
                          So. Today, I cleaned the cottage (whether I liked it or not).

                          But my plan was to plant everything in the garden that was still yet in a pot.
                          And now that isn't done.....

                          Still, we had a lovely unexpected day together, and I, note I, got a tremendous amount done! Trousers spent most of the afternoon on The Grapevine!.....
                          Thank you for listening,


                          • I was weeding too this morning, especially in the fruit cage. Once up close and personal with the fruit bushes it became apparent that its going to be a bumper crop of black, red and white currants and a bumper bumper crop of blueberries.

                            Back at home I unloaded 6 bags of clay and stacked them up ready for the weekend when they will become (hopefuly) a rather useful wood fired bread oven.


                            • Yesterday I had to be out of the house for the afternoon so I went on a tour of the local garden centres. Got an echinacea for the back and some lillies for the front garden. Also got a few bedding plants - wouldn't normally bother but they'll fill a couple of gaps whilst waiting for the perennials to take over. I wanted comfrey but wasn't impressed by the state of the plants on display.

                              First thing this morning I resumed the search-and-destroy anti-snail campaign. Seems to be having an effect as I'm typically finding tens rather than hundreds.
                              You are a child of the universe,
                              no less than the trees and the stars;
                              you have a right to be here.

                              Max Ehrmann, Desiderata

                              blog: and my (basic!) page:


                              • Looked in my mini greenhouse this morning and noticed my Calabrese have been decapiated by snails. But they didn't actually munch them, just broke them in half and slimed them. Got to start again. I had them standing on a moat but it had dried out.

                                On closer inspection I still have two untouched calabrese seedlings so I sowed some more, and some beetroot too. I have so much to do at allotment this weekend. I hope it doesn't rain too much..............
                                Last edited by Lesley Jay; 31-05-2007, 05:24 PM.


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