Today I was rudely awoken at 155am by Mr D handing me the phone, one of the routers at work had gone offline, so the alarm company rang me, just in case it was someone cutting the phone line (happened a year or two ago and they got �17K worth of stock before the keyholder got there!) I said I'd attend, before realising that I didnt have any keys, my new Deputy Manager started yesterday and as we only have 3 sets of keys (but 4 keyholders) and I was off today I gave him mine, so then I had to ring him at 2am and ask him to attend! Gods did I feel like a heel waking him up in the middle of the night on his first day in the branch!
Got back to bed for a few hours, then got up with Mr D at 5am, he went off to work, and I spent a couple of hours resizing all the plot piccies and posting them onto our blog, so for once its up to date with the piccies!
After that I went down to the plot, arriving at 10am, to start weeding! Weeded the whole of the carrot / onion bed, and the parsnip / onion / carrot bed, a total of 8' width by 40' in length! Head now feels dizzy from all the bending over, and back is twinging! Mr D arrived at about 3pm, and did some clearing on the asparagus bed thats full of thistles. I have a feeling we are going to have to double dig it to get rid of all the weeds in there!
Harvested a single clove of the thermidore overwintering garlic, to find it still very green under the outer leaves, but otherwise absolutely perfect, nice cloves, not massive but reasonably sized and well split! Think I may leave the other 30 in the bed until next week, to see whether the foliage falls over, as its already gone yellow on the outside, so not sure if I should harvest or not! Anyone any ideas which is the better idea?
Also pulled one of the overwintering onions, to see whether they are fully ready, the foliage has fallen over, but still very green, so I'm going to leave them for another few days!
Harvested another meals worth of new tatties for tea, along with enough mange tout and broad beans to go with them, then pulled a few carrots and 2 parsnips, which are already at a very decent size, about 6" long, nicely tapered and about 2" in diameter! Not sure if we should be harvesting them this early, but I thought we'd take a look and have some with tea!

Got back to bed for a few hours, then got up with Mr D at 5am, he went off to work, and I spent a couple of hours resizing all the plot piccies and posting them onto our blog, so for once its up to date with the piccies!

After that I went down to the plot, arriving at 10am, to start weeding! Weeded the whole of the carrot / onion bed, and the parsnip / onion / carrot bed, a total of 8' width by 40' in length! Head now feels dizzy from all the bending over, and back is twinging! Mr D arrived at about 3pm, and did some clearing on the asparagus bed thats full of thistles. I have a feeling we are going to have to double dig it to get rid of all the weeds in there!
Harvested a single clove of the thermidore overwintering garlic, to find it still very green under the outer leaves, but otherwise absolutely perfect, nice cloves, not massive but reasonably sized and well split! Think I may leave the other 30 in the bed until next week, to see whether the foliage falls over, as its already gone yellow on the outside, so not sure if I should harvest or not! Anyone any ideas which is the better idea?
Also pulled one of the overwintering onions, to see whether they are fully ready, the foliage has fallen over, but still very green, so I'm going to leave them for another few days!
Harvested another meals worth of new tatties for tea, along with enough mange tout and broad beans to go with them, then pulled a few carrots and 2 parsnips, which are already at a very decent size, about 6" long, nicely tapered and about 2" in diameter! Not sure if we should be harvesting them this early, but I thought we'd take a look and have some with tea!